Anthills of the Savannah

Anthills of the Savannah

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Book Info


Achebe, Chinua

Word Count

54,000 words

based on page count


216 pages

Edition Publisher

Anchor Books

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0385260458

ISBN-13: 9780385260459


In the fictional West African nation Kangan, newly independent of British rule, the hopes and dreams of democracy have been quashed by a fierce military dictatorship. Chris Oriko is a member of the cabinet of the president for life, one of his oldest friends. When the president is charged with censoring the oppositionist editor of the state-run newspaper—another childhood friend—Chris's loyalty and ideology are put to the test. The fate of Kangan hangs in the balance as tensions rise and a devious plot is set in motion to silence the firebrand critic.

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