A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities

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Book Info


Charles Dickens

Word Count

139,605 words

based on user input


379 pages

Edition Publisher

Signet Classic

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0451524411

ISBN-13: 9780451524416


The storming of the Bastille...the death carts with their doomed human cargo...the swift drop of the guillotine blade - this is the French Revolution that Charles Dickens vividly captures in his famous work, A Tale of Two Cities. With dramatic eloquence, he brings to life a time of terror and treason, a starving people rising in frenzy and hate to overthrow a corrupt and decadent regime. With insight and compassion, he casts his novel of unforgettable scenes with unforgettable characters: the sinister Madame Defarge, knitting her patterns of death; the gentle Lucie Manette, unswerving in her devotion to her broken father ; the heroic Sydney Carton, who gives his life for the love of a girl who would never be his. (back cover)

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