The Girls from Corona del Mar (Vintage Contemporaries)

The Girls from Corona del Mar (Vintage Contemporaries)

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Book Info


Thorpe, Rufi

Word Count

64,000 words

based on page count


256 pages

Edition Publisher


Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 080417007X

ISBN-13: 9780804170079


“Why did Lorrie Ann look graceful in beat-up Keds and shorts a bit too small for her? Why was it charming when she snorted from laughing too hard? Yes, we were jealous of her, and yet we did not hate her. She was never so much as teased by us, we roaming and bratty girls of Corona del Mar, thieves of corn nuts and orange soda, abusers of lip gloss and foul language.” An astonishing debut about friendships made in youth, The Girls from Corona del Maris a fiercely beautiful novel about how these bonds, challenged by loss, illness, parenthood, and distance, either break or endure. Mia and Lorrie Ann are lifelong friends: hard-hearted Mia and untouchably beautiful, kind Lorrie Ann. While Mia struggles with a mother who drinks, a pregnancy at fifteen, and younger brothers she loves but can't quite be good to, Lorrie Ann is luminous, surrounded by her close-knit family, immune to the mistakes that mar her best friend's life. Then a sudden loss catapults Lorrie Ann into tragedy: things fall apart, and then fall further—and there is nothing Mia can do to help. And as good, brave, fair Lorrie Ann stops being so good, Mia begins to question just who this woman is, and what that question means about them both. A staggeringly honest, deeply felt novel of family, motherhood, loyalty, and the myth of the perfect friendship,The Girls from Corona del Mar asks just how well we know those we love, what we owe our children, and who we are without our friends. From the Hardcover edition.

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