Mass Media Research: An Introduction

Mass Media Research: An Introduction

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Book Info


Wimmer, Roger D.

Word Count

124,000 words

based on page count


496 pages

Edition Publisher

Cengage Learning

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 1133307337

ISBN-13: 9781133307334


Quality media is the result of meticulous research. MASS MEDIA RESEARCH: AN INTRODUCTION, 10e, shows you how it happens—from content analysis to surveys to experimental research—and then equips you with expert tips on analyzing the media you encounter in your daily life. Reflecting the latest developments from the field, this popular book delivers a comprehensive overview of mass communication research and a thorough exploration of each major approach—including qualitative research, content analysis, survey research, longitudinal research, and experimental research. It also fully integrates social media coverage, ethics, and the impact of merging technology.

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