Run for Your Life (Michael Bennett)

Run for Your Life (Michael Bennett)

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Book Info


Patterson, James

Word Count

92,000 words

based on page count


368 pages

Edition Publisher

Grand Central Publishing

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 1455599816

ISBN-13: 9781455599813


Detective Mike Bennett takes on New York's most terrifying epidemic in James Patterson's gripping blockbuster novel. A calculating killer who calls himself The Teacher is taking on New York City, killing the powerful and the arrogant. His message is clear: remember your manners or suffer the consequences! For some, it seems that the rich are finally getting what they deserve. For New York's elite, it is a call to terror. Only one man can tackle such a high-profile case: Detective Mike Bennett. As time ticks down and his children fall ill, he has only hours to save New York from the greatest disaster in its history. From the world's #1 writer, discover an electrifying story of action, thrills, and heart-stopping suspense.

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