Michael Moorcock
Also known as
Bill BarclayWilliam Ewert BarclayMichael Barrington (joint work with Barrington J. BayleyEdward P. BradburyJames ColvinWarwick Colvin, JrRoger HarrisDesmond Reid (sharedRenegadeHank JansonMoorcock MichaelMICHAEL MOORCOCKMichaël MOORCOCKMichael John Moorcock
Michael John Moorcock is an English writer, primarily of science fiction and fantasy, who has also published literary novels. He is best known for his novels about the character Elric of Melniboné, a seminal influence on the field of fantasy in the 1960s and 1970s. As editor of the controversial British science fiction magazine New Worlds, from May 1964 until March 1971 and then again from 1976 to 1996, Moorcock fostered the development of the science fiction "New Wave" in the UK and indirectly in the United States. He is also a comics writer, musician, and editor. Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Moorcock)
Born 1939-12-18
- WikidataQ316138
- ISNI0000000081753119
- VIAF109785773
- Amazon0856174564
- Amazon0704310856
- Amazon0352306815
- Amazon2266029320
- Amazon2866070461
- Open LibraryOL394285A
Top Subjects
- Fiction (36)
- Fantasy (33)
- Fiction, fantasy, general (25)
- Fiction, science fiction, general (23)
- Fiction - Fantasy (21)
- Science fiction (19)
- Fiction / General (17)
Books by Michael Moorcock
Total count: 587
King of the SwordsPenguin Publishing Group1960-01-01
The sundered worldsa novel which transcends the bounds of time and space.Roberts & VinterLtd1965-01-01
- StormbringerHerbert Jenkins Science Fiction and Fantasy EditionHerbert Jenkins1965-01-01
- The winds of limboMayflower Books1965-01-01
The Jewel in the Skull (Runestaff, Volume 1)Lancer Books1967-01-01
The winds of limbo.Paperback Library1967-01-01
The Final ProgrammeAvon Books1968-01-01
- The Traps of timeRapp & Whiting1968-01-01
Behold the manAvon Books1968-01-01
- The Stealer of SoulsMayflower1968-01-01
The Last Days of Man on Earth/(English Title = the Final Programme)Avon1968-06-01
The time dwellerHart-Davies1969-01-01
The best SF stories from New Worlds no. 2.Berkley1969-01-01
THE WINDS OF LIMBO (aka THE FIRECLOWN)Paperback Library Inc.1969-01-01
Lord of the SpidersKane 2Lancer Books1969-01-01
The final programmeAllison & Busby1969-01-01
- The Sword of the DawnMayflower1969-01-01
The RunestaffMayflower1969-01-01
The history of the RunestaffMayflower1969-01-01
The Stealer of SoulsMayflower Books1969-01-01
The final programme.Illustrated by Malcolm Dean.Allison & Busby1969-01-01
Black CorridorMayflower Books1969-12-01
Phoenix in obsidianbeing the second book of 'The eternal champion'Mayflower1970-01-01
The Chinese agentHutchinson1970-01-01
The Eternal ChampionMayflower1970-01-01
Behold the ManAvon Books1970-01-01
The twilight manBerkley Medallion Book.1970-01-01
- THE SINGING CITADELMaster of Chaos; To Rescue Tanelorn; The Greater Conqueror (by the author of the Elric Saga - Elric of Melnibone)Berkley Books1970-01-01
The Eternal ChampionDell PB #23831970-01-01
Blood Red GameLittle, Brown Book Group Limited1970-01-01
- Best SF Stories from New Worlds 3Berkley Medallion1970-07-17
Phoenix in ObsidianGrafton1970-10-01
The Traps of TimeNew Ed editionPenguin Books Ltd1970-10-29
- The Knight of the SwordsMayflower1971-01-01
- A cure for cancer.[1st ed.]Holt, Rinehart and Winston1971-01-01
The nature of the castropheHutchinson1971-01-01
New worlds quarterlySphere Books [etc.]1971-01-01
- The Vanishing TowerGrafton Books1971-01-01
Warlord of the AirPENGUIN PUTNAM * TRADE1971-01-01
The Queen Of The SwordsMayflower1971-01-01
The Warlord of the Air (Ace SF Special, 87060)Ace Books1971-01-01
The warlord of the airAce Books1971-01-01
- Rituals of infinityor, The new adventures of Doctor Faustus.Arrow Books1971-01-01
Lord of the spidersNew English Library1971-01-01
The Best SF Stories from New Worlds 6Berkley1971-01-01
The warlord of the airAce Books1971-01-01
- The Sleeping SorceressNew English Library1971-01-01
The queen of the swordsBerkley Books1971-01-01
- Best SF Stories from New Worlds 7Panther1971-05-26
- City of the BeastNEL1971-07-07
- Zerschellt in der Zeitutop.-techn. Roman = The rituals of infinity. Aus d. Engl. übertr. von Norb1971-10-28
An Alien HeatHarper & Row1972-01-01
- Elric of MelnibonéHutchinson1972-01-01
- An alien heat.MacGibbon and Kee1972-01-01
- Der schwarze korridorEin mann allein im weltraum auf der flucht von der erde ; Science fiction romanFischer Taschenbuch1972-01-01
The English assassina romance of entropyAllison & Busby1972-01-01
The English assassina romance of entropy.[1st U.S. ed.]Harper & Row1972-01-01
The dancers at the end of time.Harper & Row1972-01-01
- An alien heatHarper & Row1972-01-01
Breakfast in the ruinsa novel of inhumanity.New English Library1972-01-01
New World Quarterly 3Berkley1972-03-01
New Worlds Quarterly #4Berkley1972-06-07
- Warlord of the AirNew English Library Ltd1972-10-05
The oak and the ramvolume the second of the chronicle of Prince Corum and the Silver HandAllison and Busby1973-01-01
The Mad God's AmuletWhite Lion1973-01-01
Count Brass.Mayflower1973-01-01
Cure for CancerPenguin Books, Limited1973-01-01
- The Silver Warriors (Eternal Champion, Bk. 2)Dell Publishing Co1973-01-01
- The jade man's eyes.Unicorn Bookshop1973-01-01
The bull and the spear.Allison and Busby1973-01-01
The Champion of GarathormDell1973-01-01
The chronicles of Castle Brass.Mayflower1973-01-01
The Chronicle of Prince Corum and the silver hand.Allison and Busby1973-01-01
An Alien HeatHarrow Books1973-01-01
- New Worlds 5Sphere1973-01-04
An Alien Heat (His the Dancers at the End of Time, V. 1)Harpercollins1973-02-01
- Breakfast in the RuinsNew English Library (NEL)1973-06-04
- Sword of the DawnWhite Lion Publrs.1973-11-19
The ice schoonerSphere1974-01-01
- The land leviathan.[1st ed.]Doubleday1974-01-01
- The oak and the ram (Chronicle of Prince Corum and the Silver Hand / Michael Moorcock)Quartet Books1974-01-01
The sword and the stallionBerkley Pub. Corp.1974-01-01
The blood red game.Panther1974-01-01
The hollow lands[Book club ed.].Harper & Row1974-01-01
- The silver warriorsDell Pub.1974-01-01
New WorldsHarperCollins Publishers1974-01-01
- Bull And The Spear (Chronicles of Corum, Bk. 4)Berkley1974-02-01
The War Lord Of The AirQuartet Books Ltd.1974-07-26
- City of the BeastNEW ENGLISH LIBRARY1974-08-27
Shores of DeathMayflower1974-09-05
New Worlds fairUnited Artists [UAG 29732.1975-01-01
- Multi-dimensional Moorcock1975 paperback 1st. ed. of texts published 1970 - 1974. editionQuartet Books, London1975-01-01
- The Quest for TanelornMayflower1975-02-20
- The Rituals Of InfinityArrow1975-05-24
- The Ice SchoonerSphere Books1975-08-27
- The Sword and the StallionQuartet Books Limited1975-10-25
- The end of all songs[Book club ed.].Harper & Row Publishers1976-01-01
The end of all songs.Hart-Davis MacGibbon1976-01-01
- The time of the HawklordsWyndham1976-01-01
The Quest For TanelornDell 71931976-01-01
- The lives and times of Jerry CorneliusAllison and Busby1976-01-01
MOORCOCK'S BOOK OF MARTYRS (U.S. title: Dying for Tomorrow:) A Dead Singer; The Great Conqueror; Behold the Man; Good Bye Miranda; Flux; Islands; Waiting for the End of Time (by the author of the Elric Saga - Elric of Melnibone)Orbit Books1976-01-01
The Life And Times OQuartet Books1976-01-01
Land LeviathanPenguin Publishing Group1976-01-01
- The time of the HawklordsWarner Books1976-01-01
The adventures of Una Persson and Catherine Cornelius in the twentieth centurya romanceQuartet Books1976-01-01
- Legends from the end of time1st ed.Harper & Row1976-01-01
Count BrassDell Publishing Co. Inc.1976-01-01
- The Land LeviathanDAW1976-01-02
The Land Leviathan (A Nomad of the Time Streams, Bk. 2)DAW1976-01-20
- A Cure for CancerQuartet Books1976-06-12
- Land Leviathan :Bastable 1PENGUIN PUTNAM * TRADE1976-08-19
- A Sailor on the Seas of FateDAW1976-12-01
- The transformation of Miss Mavis Minga romance of the end of timeW.H. Allen1977-01-01
- Jewel in the SkullDAW1977-01-01
- The Cornelius chroniclesAvon1977-01-01
- The city of the beastNew English Library1977-01-01
The Bane Of The Black SwordDAW Books1977-01-01
- The Cornelius Chronicles (The Chronicles of Jerry Cornelius, Volumes 1 - 4)Avon1977-01-01
Time of HawklordsWarner Books1977-02-01
- Legends from the End of TimeBrand: DAW1977-02-15
The Weird of the White WolfDAW1977-03-01
Weird of the White Wolf (The Elric Saga, Bk. 3)DAW1977-03-01
The Mad God's Amulet (The history of the Runestaff)Reissue editionDAW1977-04-01
The Sword of DawnDAW1977-07-01
The Swords TrilogyBerkley1977-08-01
The Bane of the Black SwordDAW1977-08-01
The chronicles of CorumBerkley ed.Berkley Books1978-01-01
Masters of the PitNEW ENGLISH LIBRARY LTD1978-01-01
Glorianaor, The unfulfill'd queen : being a romanceAllison & Busby1978-01-01
Breakfast In RuinsNew English Library1978-01-01
Het Juweel in de SchedelBorn1978-01-01
Gloriana: Or, The unfulfill'd queenbeing a romanceAllison & Busby1978-01-01
The condition of MuzakGregg Press1978-01-01
- The End of All SongsAvon1978-06-23
Avi-SaʻarʻAm ʻoved1979-01-01
The Lives and Times of Jerry CorneliusDale1979-01-01
- City of the Beast or Warriors of Mars (Michael Kane, Vol. 1)Brand: DAW1979-01-01
- The black corridor ; The adventures of Una Persson and Catherine CorneliusDial Press1979-01-01
City of the beast, or, Warrior of MarsDaw Books1979-01-01
- The Masters of the PitDAW1979-03-06
The Golden BargeSavoy Books1979-12-01
The great rock 'n' roll swindle.Virgin Books1980-01-01
England InvadedStar Book1980-01-01
- Der verzauberte turmvierter band des Elric-Zyklus : fantasy-romanDeutsche erstveroffentlichung.Wilhelm Heyne Verlag1980-01-01
Swords TrilogyPenguin Publishing Group1980-01-01
The Golden StrangersSavoy Books1980-01-01
SojanA K Pr Distribution1980-02-01
Swords of Heaven, the Flowers of HellStar1980-03-21
- My Experiences in the Third World WarSavoy Books1980-09-01
- The War Hound and the World's Pain: A FableTimescape Books1981-01-01
The nomad of timeBook club ed.Nelson Doubleday1981-01-01
- Byzantium enduresa novel1st American ed.Random House1981-01-01
The War Hounds and the World's PainTimescape Books1981-01-01
- The steel tsarthird volume in the Oswald Bastable trilogyGranada1981-01-01
Byzantium enduresSecker & Warburg1981-01-01
The nomad of timeNelson Doubleday1981-01-01
- The Sword and the StallionVolume the Third of The Chronicle of Prince Corum and the Silver HandGranada1981-01-01
- The entropy tangoa comic romanceNew English Library1981-01-01
- Eiszeit 40001981-05-29
- Le cavalier chaosPocket1981-08-24
- Warrior of MarsNew English Library Ltd1981-08-25
The nomad of time[Book club ed.]N. Doubleday1982-01-01
- The war hound and the world's painNew English Library1982-01-01
- La Sorcière dormante - Elric - 2Temps Futurs1982-05-20
- Die goldene Barke. Roman.Goldmann Wilhelm GmbH1982-07-18
- Les aventures uchroniques d'Oswald Bastable (Club du livre d'anticipation)Opta1982-08-14
- Fragmentatie ZomerCentri Press SF1982-08-27
- Warlord of the Air (A Nomad of the Time Streams, Bk. 1)DAW1982-10-01
- The Russian intelligenceNew English Library1983-01-01
The Retreat from libertythe erosion of democracy in today's BritainZombra Books1983-01-01
- La Jeunesse d'Elric 1 - Elric des Dragons - 1Temps futurs1983-04-15
- La Sorcière DormantePresses Pocket1983-08-24
New WorldsAn AnthologyHarperCollins Publishers1983-09-08
New WorldsFlamingo1983-09-08
- The brothel in Rosenstrassean extravagant taleNew English Library1984-01-01
The opium generaland other storiesHarrap1984-01-01
- The laughter of Carthage1st American ed.Random House1984-01-01
- The Elric Saga, Part TwoNelson Doubleday1984-01-01
- The opium general and other storiesHarrap1984-01-01
- Elric at the end of timefantasy storiesNew English Library1984-01-01
Bane Of Black Sword (Elric)Berkley1984-06-15
- Le Cycle d'ElricL'épée NoirePocket1984-10-21
The Nomad of the Time Streams (Panther Books)Grafton1984-11-22
- The Ice SchoonerGRAFTON1985-01-01
The Crystal And The AmuletSavoy1985-01-01
Weird White WolfBerkley1985-02-15
- Bane Of Black SwordBerkley1985-04-15
The Runestaff (The History of the Runestaff, Vol 4)DAW1985-05-07
- Elric at the End of Time (Elric of Melnibone, Bk. 7)DAW1985-05-07
- The Mad God's Amulet (The History of the Runestaff, Vol 2)DAW1985-05-07
- Der gefangene König1985-05-08
- The Quest For Tanelhorn (Chronicles of Castle Brass #2)Berkley1985-06-01
The Silver WarriorsBerkley1985-09-01
- The Laughter of Carthage (Flamingo)Flamingo1985-10-10
- The dragon in the swordbeing the third and final story in the history of John Daker, the eternal champion1st ed.Ace Fantasy Books1986-01-01
ha-Prozdor ha-shaḥorZemorah-Bitan1986-01-01
The Dragon in the swordBeing the third and final story in the history of John Daker, the eternal championAce Fantasy Books1986-01-01
- The city in the autumn starsbeing a continuation of the story of the von Bek family and its association with Lucifer, Prince of Darkness, and the cure for the world's painGrafton1986-01-01
Gloriana Or the Unfulfilled Queen (Flamingo)New Ed editionFlamingo1986-03-01
Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius UkGeneral Distribution@services1986-07-01
Swords of CorumHarperCollins Publishers Ltd1986-07-03
- The Cornelius Chronicles Vol. IIThe Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius/The Entropy TangoAvon Books1986-08-01
Gloriana, or the Unfulfilled QueenBeing a RomancePopular Library1986-08-01
Letters From HollywoodGeneral Distribution@services1986-08-01
Sailor On Sea FateBerkley1986-08-15
Queen of the Swords (The Chronicles of Corum, No 2)Berkley1986-10-15
Sword And Stallion (The Sixth Book of Corum)Berkley1986-12-01
- Wizardry and wild romancea study of epic fantasyGollancz1987-01-01
- Le cycle du guerrier de Mars tome 2Le seigneur des araignéesAlbin Michel1987-01-01
- Elric Des DragonsParis: Presses Pocket1987-01-20
- Cornelius Chronicles, Vol. 3 (Adventures of Una Persson and Catherine Cornelius in the Twentieth Century/the Alchemist's Question)Avon Books1987-02-01
- Weird White Wolf (Weird of the White Wolf)Berkley1987-03-15
- La Cité de la bête (Le Cycle du Guerrier de Mars .)A. Michel1987-03-20
- Swords of Corum (The Book of Corum)New Ed editionGrafton1987-06-25
- The Bane of the Black Sword (Elric Saga, Book 5)Ace1987-08-15
- Der Weg nach Tanelorn : Zweiter Teil der Abenteuer des Herzogs von KolnBastei Lubbe1987-08-27
The Quest for Tanelorn (The Chronicles of Castle Brass, Book 3)Ace Books1987-09-01
- Mother Londona novelSecker & Warburg1988-01-01
- The Weird of the White WolfBook Three of The Elric SagaAce Books1988-02-01
- Le dieu fouPresses Pocket1988-08-30
- Le navire des glacesPocket/Presses Pocket1988-11-07
- Le navire des glacesPresses Pocket1988-11-18
A Messiah at the End of Time or the Transformation of Miss Mavis Ming (The Dancers at the End of Time, Book V)Ace Books1988-12-01
Tales from the End of TimeDoubleday Books1989-01-01
- Tales from the end of timeLegends from the end of time [and] A messiah at the end of time[Book club ed.].Guild America Books1989-01-01
- Le Champion de GarathormPresses pocket1989-01-01
Fortress of the Pearl Elric 7ACE BOOKS1989-01-01
- The Fortress of the PearlBook club editionAce Books1989-01-01
- L'Epée noirePresses pocket1989-03-29
- La Sorcière dormante, tome 5Pocket1989-03-30
- L'épée de l'aurorePocket1989-04-11
- Une chaleur venue d'ailleursDenoël1989-04-21
Warrior of MarsTrafalgar Square1989-05-01
- La Légende de Hawkmoon, tome 5Le Comte AirainPocket / Science fiction1989-06-19
The Distant SunsHodder & Stoughton General Division1989-08-01
Warlord of the Air (The Oswald Bastable Series)New Ed editionGrafton1989-10-26
Jewel in the SkullHarperCollins Publishers Limited1990-01-01
- La Légende de Hawkmoon, tome 1Le Joyau noirPresses Pocket1990-02-01
- StormbringerFantasy Roleplaying in the World of Elric4th editionChaosium1990-03-01
The Jewel in the Skull (Runestaff, Book 1)Ace Books1990-04-01
The Mad God's Amulet (Hawk Moon, No 2)Ace Books1990-07-01
- La nouvelle légende de Hawkmoon tome 7 la quête de TanelornPresses Pocket1990-07-24
- The Sword of the Dawn (The History of the Runestaff, Vol. 3)Ace Books1990-09-01
- Fortress Of PearlAce1990-12-01
Fortress Of Pearl36mfAce1990-12-01
Fortress Of Pearl27flAce1990-12-01
Runestaff (History of the Runestaff, Vol 4)Ace Books1991-01-01
- La Quête d'Erekosë, tome 1Le Champion éternelPresses Pocket1991-01-01
Historia RunestaffaAmulet Szalonego BogaAmber/Fantasy1991-01-01
The revenge of the rosea tale of the albino Prince in the years of his wandering.BCA1991-01-01
Warriors of MarsAce Books1991-03-01
Blades of MarsAce Books1991-04-01
Barbarians of MarsAce Books1991-06-01
- Jerusalem commandsJ. Cape1992-01-01
Laughter of CarthagePenguin Random House1992-01-01
Mixed MoorcockOrion Publishing Group, Limited1992-01-01
- La Quête d'Erekosë, tome 3: Le Dragon et l'EpéePocket1992-03-27
- Les Livres de Corum, tome 2La Reine des EpéesPresses Pocket1992-06-30
- The Revenge of The RoseCOLLINS1992-08-26
- Von BekThe Warhound and the World's Pain - The City in the Autumn Stars - The Pleasure Garden of Felipe SagittariusWEIDENFELD MILITARY1992-09-05
Der Mars- Krieger. Michael- Kana- Saga. Drei Fantasy- Romane in einem Band.Lübbe1992-10-01
- Corum: " Knight of the Swords " , " Queen of the Swords " , " King of the Swords " (Tale of the Eternal Champion)Gollancz1992-11-12
- Earl Aubec and other stories.Millennium1993-01-01
- The Cornelius quartetOrion Publishing Group, Limited1993-01-01
- The prince with the silver handMillennium1993-01-01
CasablancaNew ed.Victor Gollancz Ltd1993-01-01
- Sailing to UtopiaMillenium1993-01-01
- The New nature of the catastropheOrion Publishing Group, Limited1993-01-01
- A Cornelius calendar.Orion Publishing Group, Limited1993-01-01
- FantasyThe 100 Best BooksCarroll & Graf1993-01-28
- The Dancers at the End of TimeWEIDENFELD MILITARY1993-04-08
- Les livres de Corum, tome 6Le Glaive et l'EtalonPresses Pocket1993-09-03
Earl Aubec: A Collection of Stories Including"Earl Aubec", "The Great Conqueror", "To Rescue Tanelorn", "The Deep Fix", "The Real Life", "Mr Newman", ... Others (The Tale of the Eternal Champion)Orion Publishing Co1993-11-11
Eternal Champion Volume 1White Wolf+inc1994-01-01
- Le Cycle d'Elric, tome 9Elric à la fin des tempsPocket1994-01-01
The wrecks of timePenguin1994-01-01
- New worlds 4VGSF1994-01-01
Blooda southern fantasyW. Morrow1994-01-01
Tales of Terror and the SupernaturalA Classic CollectionBracken Books1994-01-01
Elric: Tales of the White WolfBook Club EditionWhite Wolf+inc1994-01-01
Byzantium/Laughter 18cpy DumpbinOrion Publishing Group, Limited1994-01-01
- Le Cycle d'Elric, tome 6La Revanche de la rosePresses Pocket1994-01-14
- Behold the Man and Other StoriesPhoenix House1994-06-17
The Eternal Champion (The Tale of the Eternal Champion Series, Bk. 1)White Wolf Pub1994-10-01
- Lunching With the Antichrist: A Family History1925-20151st ed editionMark V. Ziesing1994-12-01
Von Bek.Millennium1995-01-01
- Lunching with the antichrista family history: 1925-20151st ed.Mark V. Ziesing1995-01-01
Blood HeaderOrion Publishing Group, Limited1995-01-01
- Von Bek - omnibus of The War Hound and the World's Pain, The City in the Autumn Stars, The Dragon in the Sword and The Pleasure Garden of Felipe Sagittarius (Tale of the Eternal Champion, Volume 2)White Wolf Pub1995-01-01
- Fabulous harboursa sequel to BloodMillenium1995-01-01
- Fabulous harbors1st ed.Avon Books1995-01-01
- Der Runenstab. Fantasy- Saga.Lübbe1995-02-01
- Die Rache der Rose (Heyne Science Ficyion & Fantasy)Wilhelm Heyne Verlag1995-02-24
Birds of the Moona Traveller's TaleJayde Design1995-07-01
ElricSong of the Black Sword (Eternal Champion Series, Vol. 5)White Wolf Pub1995-11-01
- The war amongst the angelsan autobiographical story1st ed.Avon Books1996-01-01
CorumThe Coming of ChaosOrion Publishing Group, Limited1996-01-01
Jewell and the Skull; Sorcerer's Amulet; The Sword of the Dawn; The Secret of the Runestaff - in RussianMockba1996-01-01
- The Eternal ChampionNew editionWhite Wolf Games Studio1996-02-01
- Von Bek (Eternal Champion Series, Vol. 2)New Ed editionWhite Wolf Games Studio1996-02-01
EternalTrafalgar Square1996-04-11
- The Roads Between The Worlds (Eternal Champion Series, Vol. 6)White Wolf Pub1996-08-01
- Hawkmoon (Eternal Champion Series, Vol. 3)New Ed editionWhite Wolf Games Studio1996-08-01
New Worlds No.221Jayde Design1996-11-20
- Legends at the end of timeRev. ed.Orion Publishing Group, Limited1997-01-01
- New worldsWhite Wolf Pub.1997-01-01
- CorumThe Coming Of Chaos (Eternal Champion Series, Vol. 7)White Wolf Games Studio1997-02-01
- The Prince With The Silver HandOrion Publishing Group, Limited1997-04-18
La gloire d'Elric - tome 2POCKET1997-06-05
- Elric : The Return to MelniboneJayde Design1997-08-01
- New Worlds (New Anthology Series , Vol 1)White Wolf Pub1997-08-01
- Tales of the Texas WoodsFirst editionMojo Press1997-09-01
Les aventures de Jerry CorneliusL'Atalante1997-11-28
- Fabulous HarborsAvon Books1997-12-01
- Earl Aubec (Tale of the Eternal Champion)New Ed editionGollancz1997-12-01
- Kane of Old Mars (Eternal Champion Series, Vol. 9)White Wolf Pub1998-02-01
- Le Nomade du temps, tome 1Le Seigneur des airsPocket1998-03-16
- Le Nomade du temps, tome 2Le Léviathan des terresPocket1998-03-16
- The Dancers At The End Of Time (Eternal Champion Series, Vol. 10)1st hardcover ed editionWhite Wolf Pub1998-05-01
Le chaland d'orL'Atalante1998-06-19
Les Rives du crépusculeL'Atalante1998-06-19
- ElricStormbringer1 editionDark Horse1998-06-24
Programa Final, ElMinotauro1998-09-01
- Count BrassNew Ed editionGollancz1998-09-07
- Tout corumAtalante (L')1998-10-22
- The War Amongst the AngelsAvon Books1998-12-01
Mad God?'s AmuletOrion Publishing Group, Limited1999-01-01
MultiverseDC Comics1999-01-01
- Michael Moorcock's MultiverseDC Comics1999-01-01
Vengeance of RomeOrion Publishing Group, Limited1999-01-01
Sword in the DawnOrion Publishing Group, Limited1999-01-01
Book 2Penguin Random House1999-01-01
- Le Cycle d'Elric, tome 3Le Navigateur sur les mers du destinPocket1999-02-28
- Legends from the End of Time (Eternal Champion Series , Vol 13)White Wolf Games Studio1999-05-01
New Worlds No.212Jayde Design1999-05-31
- Cuentos del lobo blanco cuentos del ElricLa factoria de ideas1999-07-01
- Earl AubecAnd Other Stories (Eternal Champion)White Wolf Games Studio1999-11-01
- Behold the ManNew Ed editionFirebird Distributing1999-11-11
- King of the city1st U.S. ed.William Morrow2000-01-01
- SilverheartSimon & Schuster2000-01-01
- King of the city.Simon & Schuster2000-01-01
- Le chien de guerre et la douleur du mondePocket2000-01-27
Les Aventures de Jerry Cornelius. Le Programme final - A bas le cancer ! - L'Assassin anglais - Vous aimez la musak ?L'Atalante2000-04-30
- Das Buch Corum.Lübbe2000-05-01
- Count BrassWhite Wolf Games Studio2000-05-01
Sailing to Utopia *OPWhite Wolf Publishing2000-05-01
- La Cité des étoiles d'automnePocket2000-05-11
- Le cycle d'Elric, tome 2La forteresse de la perlePocket2000-10-02
- Les Danseurs de la fin des tempsDenoël2000-11-03
La Légende de Hawkmoon, tome 3L'Epée de l'aurorePocket2000-11-06
The Dreamthief's Daughter1st editionAmerican Fantasy2001-01-01
- The Dreamthief's DaughterA Tale of the AlbinoEarthlight2001-01-01
- King of the CitySIMON & SCHUSTER @ TRADE2001-01-01
Dreamthief's DaughterA Tale of the AlbinoSimon & Schuster, Limited2001-01-01
Dreamthief's DaughterA Tale of the AlbinoGrand Central Publishing2001-01-01
Voici l'hommeL'Atalante2001-04-18
- Le Cycle d'Elric, tome 4Elric le necromancierPocket2001-05-30
Elric 2Prentice Hall (a Pearson Education company)2001-10-01
- GlorianaNew editionGollancz2001-10-18
- Corum, the prince in the scarlet robeOrion Publishing Group, Limited2002-01-01
- Tochter der Traumdiebe. Der neue Elric- Roman.Heyne2002-01-01
- Die Elric- Saga 01. Das Schattentor.Heyne2002-05-01
- City of Saints and MadmenPrime Books2002-05-01
- Eyes of Light: Drawings of Frank BrunnerVanguard2002-05-15
- CorumNew editionGollancz2002-06-13
- Die Elric- Saga 03. Am Hof der Perle. Die Festung der Perle / Die Rache der Rose.Heyne2002-07-01
The Age of Chaosthe Multiverse of Michael MoorcockBFS Publications2002-08-01
- Iste O AdamPhoenix2002-11-07
The Skrayling Tree.Aspect2003-01-01
- Déjeuners d'affaires avec l'AntéchristDenoël2003-02-13
- Las Cronicas De Cornelius Iii-IVMinotauro Ediciones Avd2003-05-01
- Breaking WindowsA Fantastic Metropolis SamplerPrime Books2003-05-01
- The Dancers at the End of TimeGollancz2003-05-08
- CitiesThe Very Best of Fantasy Comes to TownFour Walls Eight Windows2004-03-22
- Cronicas de Cornelius, Las I-IIMinotauro2004-08-01
- Légendes de la Fin des TempsFOLIO2004-09-02
- Von Bek (Tale of the Eternal Champion)New Ed editionGollancz2004-11-24
- Moorcock's MiscellanyLittle, Brown Book Group Limited2005-01-01
- Michael Moorcock's Elricla naissance d'un sorcierSoleil2005-01-01
- Jerry Cornell's Comic CapersImmanion Press/Magalithica Books2005-01-30
- The vengeance of RomeJonathan Cape2006-01-01
London, l︠i︡ubovʹ mo︠i︡a[roman]ĖKSMO2006-01-01
Elric, Tome 1 (French Edition)Pocket2006-01-01
- Cross Plains Universe - Texans Celebrate Robert E. Howard1st editionMonkeybrain Books and Fact, Inc.2006-01-01
- The Vengeance of Rome: Between the Wars, Vol. 4Pyat Quartet (Between the Wars)Jonathan Cape2006-01-23
- The Laughter of Carthage: Between the Wars, Vol. 2Pyat Quartet (Between the Wars)Vintage Books2006-02-06
- Byzantium Endures: Between the Wars, Vol. 1Pyat Quartet (Between the Wars)Vintage Books2006-02-06
- Jerusalem Commands: Between the Wars, Vol. 3Pyat Quartet (Between the Wars)Vintage Books2006-02-06
- Le cycle d'ElricOMNIBUS2006-05-18
- Elric - tome 2 La forteresse de la perlePocket/Presses Pocket2006-07-24
- The White Wolf's SonThe Albino UndergroundGrand Central Publishing2006-09-01
מגילת החרבותMahad. 3.ʻAm ʻoved2007-01-01
- The Vengeance of Rome (Pyat Quartet, #4) (Pyat Quartet 4)New Ed editionVintage Books2007-01-23
Elric Volume 3Weird of the White Wolf (Elric)AudioRealms2007-05-01
- City Of The Beast/Warriors Of MarsPaizo Publishing, LLC.2007-09-15
- The Metatemporal DetectivePyr2007-10-31
Elric the stealer of soulsDel Rey Ballantine Books2008-01-01
- Lord of the Spiders/Blades of MarsPaizo Publishing, LLC.2008-02-15
- Elric The Stealer of Souls (Chronicles of the Last Emperor of Melnibone)Del Rey2008-02-19
- The Swordsman Of MarsPaizo Publishing, LLC.2008-09-17
- Elric La forja de un hechiceroPlaneta DeAgostini Cómics2008-10-21
- Elric La forja de un hechiceroPlaneta DeAgostini Cómics2008-10-21
- The Best of Michael Moorcock1st ed.Tachyon Publications2009-01-01
VENGANZA DE LA ROSA, LA (Spanish Edition)EDHASA2009-01-01
FantasyThe 100 Best BooksRunning Press2009-01-01
- Duke ElricBallantine Books2009-01-01
GlorianaGrand Central Publishing2009-01-01
- La légende de HawkmoonOMNIBUS2009-01-08
- Elric: Swords and RosesDel Rey2010-01-01
Doctor Whothe Coming of the TerraphilesEbury Publishing2010-01-01
Hawkmoonthe jewel in the skull1st ed.Tor2010-01-01
- Wielka księga opowieści o czarodziejachFabryka Słów2010-01-01
- Hawkmoonthe sword of the dawn1st ed.Tor2010-01-01
- The Distant SunsFantastic Books2010-05-15
King of the CityHarperCollins Publishers2011-01-01
- Modem Times 2.0plus "My Londons" and "Get the music right" : outspoken interviewPM Press2011-01-01
Alan MooreStorytellerUniverse Publishing2011-01-01
- Doctor WhoThe Coming of the TerraphilesAudioGO Ltd.2011-01-11
- The Winds of LimboBrand: Fantastic Books2011-06-14
- The Sunday BooksBrand: Overlook Hardcover2011-06-30
Elric - The Balance LostBOOM! Studios2012-01-01
- Byzantium enduresthe first volume of the colonel pyat quartetPM Press2012-01-01
Byzantium EnduresThe First Volume of the Colonel Pyat QuartetPM Press2012-01-01
Laughter of CarthageThe Second Volume of the Colonel Pyat QuartetPM Press2012-01-01
- The laughter of Carthagethe second volume of the Colonel Pyat quartetPM Press2012-01-01
- Elric: The Balance LostVolume 1BOOM! Studios2012-02-07
- The Shores of DeathFantastic Books2012-04-17
Gloriana; or, the Unfulfill'd QueenOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Jerusalem CommandsThe Third Volume of the Colonel Pyat QuartetPM Press2013-01-01
Queen of the SwordsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Quest for TanelornOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Chinese AgentOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
London Peculiar and Other NonfictionPM Press2013-01-01
Distant SunsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Cornelius QuartetOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
King of the SwordsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
CorumThe Prince with the Silver HandOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Sword of the DawnOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Hollow LandsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Count BrassOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
End of All SongsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Jewel in the SkullOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Alien HeatOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Von BekOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Mad God's AmuletOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Destiny's BrotherOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Son of the WolfOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Daughter of DreamsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Sword and the StallionOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Oak and the RamOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Knight of the SwordsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Golden BargeOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Champion of GarathormOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
HawkmoonCount BrassOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Russian IntelligenceOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
Vengeance of RomeThe Fourth Volume of the Colonel Pyat QuartetPM Press2013-01-01
- Jerusalem commandsTurnaround [distributor]2013-01-01
RunestaffOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
- Son of the Wolf : Book Three of Elricthe Moonbeam RoadsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
SojanOrion Publishing Group, Limited2013-01-01
London Peculiar and Other NonfictionPM Press2013-01-01
- Corum: The Prince in the Scarlet RobeGollancz2013-03-28
- Hawkmoon: The History of the RunestaffOrion Publishing Co2013-04-11
- Elric: The Fortress of the PearlGollancz2013-07-11
- The Vengeance of Rome: The Fourth Volume of the Colonel Pyat QuartetPM Press2013-08-01
- A Nomad of the Time Streams - The Steel TsarTitan Books2013-08-13
- Eternal ChampionGollancz2013-12-12
Tales from the End of TimeOrion Publishing Group, Limited2014-01-01
- Breakfast in the Ruins and Other StoriesThe Best Short Fiction Of Michael Moorcock Volume 3gollancz uk2014-01-01
ElricStormbringer!Orion Publishing Group, Limited2014-01-01
Warhound and the World's PainOrion Publishing Group, Limited2014-01-01
Elric of MelnibonèOrion Publishing Group, Limited2014-01-01
- My Experiences in the Third World War and Other StoriesThe Best Short Fiction Of Michael Moorcock Volume 1Orion (an Imprint of The Orion Publishing Group Ltd )2014-01-01
Elric Moonbeam Roads(Ebook)(Aband)Orion Publishing Group, Limited2014-01-01
War Amongst the AngelsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2014-01-01
Phoenix in obsidianFirst Titan edition.Titan Books2014-01-01
Elric?Sleeping SorceressOrion Publishing Group, Limited2014-01-01
City in the Autumn StarsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2014-01-01
Elric?Sailor on the SeasOrion Publishing Group, Limited2014-01-01
- ElricThe Revenge of the RoseGollancz2014-01-09
- Alternative RockGALLIMARD2014-05-05
- Moorcock's MultiverseGollancz2014-07-01
- Jerry Cornelius: His Lives and His TimesOrion Publishing Co2014-07-11
- The Nomad of TimeOrion Publishing Co2014-08-24
- Elric: The Moonbeam RoadsGollancz2014-10-09
- Time Travel: Recent TripsPrime Books2014-10-14
- The Eternal ChampionThe Eternal Champion Sequence 1Titan Books2014-11-04
- Fantasy For GoodA Charitable AnthologyNightscape Press, LLP2014-12-09
Wrecks of Time (eBook)Orion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Alchemist?'s Question (eBook)Orion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Warlord of the AirOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Ice Schooner (eBook)Orion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Barbarians of MarsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
My Experiences in the ThirdOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
The king of the swordsFirst Titan edition.Titan Books2015-01-01
Whispering SwarmBook One of the Sanctuary of the White FriarsDoherty Associates, LLC, Tom2015-01-01
Whispering SwarmBook One of the Sanctuary of the White FriarsDoherty Associates, LLC, Tom2015-01-01
Blades of MarsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
English AssassinOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
The dragon in the swordbeing the third and final story of John Daker, the Eternal ChampionFirst Titan edition.Titan Books2015-01-01
Shores of DeathOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Eternal ChampionOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Black Corridor (eBook)Orion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Firing the CathedralOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Sundered WorldsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Entropy Tango (eBook)Orion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Whispering Swarm (eBook)Orion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Final ProgrammeOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Elric at the End of Time (eBook)Orion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
The queen of the swordsFirst Titan edition.Titan2015-01-01
Warriors of MarsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Lives and Times of JerryOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Legends from the End of TimeOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Breakfast in the RuinsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Behold the Man (eBook)Orion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Constant FireOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
CorumThe Prince with the Silver HandOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Steel TsarOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Phoenix in ObsidianOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
Dragon in the SwordOrion Publishing Group, Limited2015-01-01
- Corum - The Knight of SwordsThe Eternal ChampionTitan Books2015-05-05
- La Légende de Hawkmoon - Intégrale 1Pocket2015-05-15
- Corum - The Queen of Swords: The Eternal ChampionTitan Books2015-06-02
The Whispering SwarmGollancz2015-07-30
Corum - The Oak and the RamThe Eternal ChampionTitan Books2015-09-01
Corum - The Sword and the StallionThe Eternal ChampionTitan Books2015-10-06
- Elric Ruh HirsiziIthaki Yayinlari2015-10-29
London Bone Other Stories (eBook)Orion Publishing Group, Limited2016-01-01
King of the CityOrion Publishing Group, Limited2016-01-01
A Cure for CancerThe Cornelius Quartet 2Titan Books2016-03-01
- Elric Uyuyan BüyücüIthaki Yayinlari2016-10-19
- Elric Tanelorn'u KurtarmakIthaki Yayinlari2016-10-29
- GlorianaOr, The Unfulfill'd QueenGallery / Saga Press2016-11-29
- Michael Moorcock's Legends of the MultiverseHollywood Comics2017-04-01
- Elric - Tome 03Le Loup blancGLENAT2017-09-20
- Elric : Dük Elric - Melnibone'nin Son Imparatorunun TarihceleriCilt 4Ithaki Yayinlari2017-10-19
Michael Moorcock Library : the Chronicles of Corum Vol. 1the Knight of SwordsTitan Books Limited2018-01-01
Firing the CathedralPS Publishing2018-01-01
- Pegging the PresidentPS Publishing2018-03-01
- İşte İnsan İthaki Bilim-kurgu Klasikleri 35Ithaki Yayinlari2018-04-13
- Elric - Rüya Diyarlarinda ; Melnibone'nin Son Imparatorunun TarihceleriIthaki Yayinlari2018-04-13
- The Wrecks of TimeFantastic Books2018-08-19
- The Shores of DeathFantastic Books2018-08-19
- The Winds of LimboFantastic Books2018-08-30
- Kaboul et autres souvenirs de la Troisième Guerre mondialeDENOEL2018-09-06
- Modem Zamanlar 2.0Ayrinti Yayinlari2018-10-28
War Amongst the AngelsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2019-01-01
- Conan the BarbarianThe Original Marvel Years Omnibus Vol. 1Marvel2019-01-29
- Kılıçlar ve Güller - ElricIthaki Yayinlari2019-10-29
Luther ArkwrightDark Horse Comics2020-01-01
- Conan the Barbarian Epic CollectionThe Original Marvel Years - Hawks From the SeaMarvel2021-03-23
- Elric - Tome 04La cité qui rêveGLENAT2021-04-28
KabulChaosium, Inc.2022-01-01
- The Citadel of Forgotten MythsSimon & Schuster Books For Young Readers2022-01-01
- The White WolfThe Elric Saga, Vol. 3Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers2022-01-01
- Elric of Melniboné : Volume 1Elric of Melnibone, the Fortress of the Pearl, the Sailor on the Seas of Fate, and the Weird of the White WolfRecorded Books, Inc.2022-03-15
- The White WolfThe Elric Saga Part 3Gallery / Saga Press2022-07-01
The Citadel of Forgotten MythsBlackstone Pub2022-12-06
Sexton BlakeCaribbean Crisis and Voodoo Island!Rebellion2023-01-01
Woods of ArcadyThe Sanctuary of the White FriarsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2023-01-01
Whispering SwarmBook One of the Sanctuary of the White FriarsDoherty Associates, LLC, Tom2023-01-01
Michael Moorcock's Elric Vol. 3the White Wolf Deluxe EditionTitan Books Limited2023-01-01
Reports from the Deep EndStories Inspired by J. G. BallardTitan Books Limited2023-01-01
Woods of ArcadyOrion Publishing Group, Limited2023-01-01
Citadel of Forgotten MythsOrion Publishing Group, Limited2023-01-01
Michael Moorcock Library the Multiverse Vol. 2Titan Books Limited2023-01-01
Michael Moorcock Library the Multiverse Vol. 1Titan Books Limited2023-01-01
Woods of ArcadyBook Two of the Sanctuary of the White FriarsDoherty Associates, LLC, Tom2023-01-01
NO REMORSEthe Illustrated True Stories of Lemmy Kilmister and MotörheadZ2 Comics2024-01-01
Von BekThe Warhound and the World's Pain and the City in the Autumn StarsSimon & Schuster Books For Young Readers2024-01-01
Michael Moorcock Library the Multiverse Boxed SetTitan Books Limited2024-01-01
Annotated le Morte D'ArthurChaosium, Inc.2024-01-01
Michael Moorcock's Elric Vol. 4the Dreaming City Deluxe EditionTitan Books Limited2024-01-01
Best Sf New World 4Berkley
Zenith Lives! (Obverse Quarterly)Obverse Books
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The land leviathan; a new scientific romanceQuartet Books
Silverheart (Do Not Use)Gollancz
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