Ayn Rand
Also known as
Alice O'Connor (born Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum;[a] February 2, [O.S. January 20] 1905 – March 6, 1982), better known by her pen name Ayn Rand (/aɪn/), was a Russian-American writer and philosopher. She is known for her fiction and for developing a philosophical system she named Objectivism. Born and educated in Russia, she moved to the United States in 1926. She wrote a play that opened on Broadway in 1935. After two early novels that were initially unsuccessful, she achieved fame with her 1943 novel, The Fountainhead. In 1957, Rand published her best-known work, the novel Atlas Shrugged. Afterward, until her death in 1982, she turned to non-fiction to promote her philosophy, publishing her own periodicals and releasing several collections of essays. Rand advocated reason as the only means of acquiring knowledge; she rejected faith and religion. She supported rational and ethical egoism and rejected altruism. In politics, she condemned the initiation of force as immoral[5][6] and opposed collectivism, statism, and anarchism. Instead, she supported laissez-faire capitalism, which she defined as the system based on recognizing individual rights, including property rights. Although Rand opposed libertarianism, which she viewed as anarchism, she is often associated with the modern libertarian movement. In art, Rand promoted romantic realism. She was sharply critical of most philosophers and philosophical traditions known to her, except for Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas and classical liberals. Rand's fiction received mixed reviews from literary critics.[ Although academic interest in her ideas has grown since her death, academic philosophers have generally ignored or rejected her philosophy because of her polemical approach and lack of methodological rigor.[4] Her writings have influenced some libertarians and conservatives politically. The Objectivist movement attempts to spread her ideas, both to the public and in academic settings
Born 1905-02-02
Died 1982-03-06
- VIAF98139134
- ISNI0000000120966986
- WikidataQ132524
- Internet Archivefountainhead0000rand_z4a2
- Amazon2849246468
- Amazon162910163X
- Amazon9871239440
- Open LibraryOL59188A
Top Subjects
- Philosophy (11)
- Objectivism (Philosophy) (10)
- Fiction (9)
- United States (7)
- General (6)
- Capitalism (6)
- Literature - Classics / Criticism (6)
Books by Ayn Rand
Total count: 209
Night of January 16tha comedy-drama in three actsLongmans, Green and co.1936-01-01
Night of January 16thA Comedy-Drama in Three ActsLongmans, Green and Company1936-01-01
We the livingThe Macmillan Co.1936-01-01
- Anthem12th Media Services1938-01-01
Night of January SixteenthAmereon Ltd1940-06-01
The fountainheadThe Blakiston company1943-01-01
The FountainheadBobbs Merrill1943-01-01
The Fountainhead. By Ayn Rand. Blakiston EditionThe Blakiston Company1943-01-01
The FountainheadSignet Book1943-01-01
The Fountainhead Part 2 of 2Books On Tape1943-01-01
The FountainheadSears Reader's Club1943-01-01
The Fountainhead Part 1 of 2Books On Tape1943-01-01
The Fountainhead (1943)The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc.1943-01-01
Anthem (Signet books)New American Library1946-01-01
Anthem (Mass Market Paperback)Signet1946-01-01
AthemNew York: Signet, 19461946-01-01
AnthemSignet Books1946-01-01
AnthemNew American Library1946-01-01
Atlas ShruggedNew American Library1957-01-01
Atlas ShruggedNew York Random House1957-01-01
Atlas ShruggedSignet1957-01-01
Atlas shrugged.New American Library1957-01-01
We the livingRandom House1959-01-01
For The New IntellectualSignet Book1959-01-01
Atlas ShruggedSignet1959-07-01
The FountainheadNew York: Signet, 19601960-01-01
Mered ha-nefilimS. Fridman1960-01-01
For the new intellectualthe philosophy of Ayn Rand.New American Library1961-01-01
The objectivist ethics.Nathaniel Branden Institute1961-01-01
America's persecuted minoritybig business.Nathaniel Branden Institute1962-01-01
The objectivist newsletterThe Objectivist1962-01-01
Conservatisman obituary.The Objectivist1962-01-01
The Virtue of selfishnessa new concept of egoismNewAmerican Library1964-01-01
The Virtue of SelfishnessSignet1964-01-01
Virtue of SelfishnessSignet1964-01-01
Virtue of SelfishnessPenguin Publishing Group1964-01-01
CapitalismThe Unknown IdealPenguin Publishing Group1966-01-01
The ObjectivistThe Objectivist]1966-01-01
Capitalism, the unknown idealNew American Library1966-01-01
Introduction to objectivist epistemology.Objectivist, inc.1967-01-01
- Capitalismthe unknown idealSignet1967-01-01
Capitalism, the unknown ideal [by] Ayn Rand, with additional articles by Nathaniel Branden, Alan Greenspan, and Robert Hessen.New American Library1967-01-01
What Is CapitalismSecond Renaissance Pr1967-06-01
THE FOUNTAINHEAD (25th Anniversary Edition)Signet Books1968-01-01
The romantic manifestoa philosophy of literature.World Pub. Co.1969-01-01
- Out of this World (Signet Books)New Ed editionRoc1971-01-01
The new Left: the anti-industrial revolutionNew American Library1971-01-01
New LeftThe Anti-Industrial RevolutionPenguin Publishing Group1971-01-01
- The Night of January 16 (Plume)Plume1971-01-01
The New LeftThe anti-Industrial RevolutionNew York: Signet, 19711971-01-01
The Moratorium on BrainsSecond Renaissance Books1971-01-01
The Night of January 16Signet1971-01-01
The New Left (Signet)Signet1971-09-01
Ayn RandSignet1972-01-01
The Romantic Manifesto. A Philosophy of Literature. Art and CognitionNew American Library1975-01-01
The FountainheadMayflower1976-01-01
The Ayn Rand letter.Palo Alto Book Service1979-01-01
Sanction of the VictimSecond Renaissance Pr1981-06-01
- La source viveOlivier Orban1981-08-28
PhilosphyWho Needs ItBOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY, INC.1982-01-01
- Philosophy, who needs itBobbs-Merrill1982-01-01
Ominous ParallelsThe End of Freedom in AmericaPenguin Publishing Group1983-01-01
- The early Ayn Randa selection from her unpublished fictionDutton Adult1984-01-01
Yasamak istiyorumAltin Kitaplar1986-01-01
- The Ayn Rand lexiconobjectivism from A to ZNew American Library1986-01-01
- Philosophy, Who Needs It / Ayn RandInBobbs-Merrill1988-06-01
- The voice of reasonessays in objectivist thoughtNew American Library1989-01-01
Ayn Rand Letter 1971-19765th/Reprnt editionSecond Renaissance Pr1990-06-01
The Objectivist Newsletter1962-19663rd editionSecond Renaissance Books1990-08-01
The Objectivist1966-19714th editionSecond Renaissance Books1990-08-01
- The Ayn Rand columna collection of her weekly newspaper articles, written for the Los Angeles Times ; with additional, little-known essaysSecond Renaissance Books1991-01-01
- Atlas Shrugged (volume 3 of 3)15 Cassettes editionBlackstone Audiobooks1991-12-01
Morality of IndividualismAyn Rand Institute1992-01-01
Virtue SelfishnessPenguin USA (P)1992-09-01
- Philosophy (The Ayn Rand Library)New American Library1992-09-24
Early Ayn Rand Vol. IIA Selection from Her Unpublished FictionPenguin Publishing Group1993-01-01
Ethics in EducationSecond Renaissance Pr1993-06-01
The Esthetic Vacuum of Our AgeSecond Renaissance Pr1993-06-01
Robber BaronsSecond Renaissance Pr1993-06-01
Apollo and DionysisSecond Renaissance Pr1993-06-01
Faith and ForceThe Destroyers of the Modern WorldSecond Renaissance Pr1993-06-01
Romantic ManifestoPenguin Publishing Group1994-01-01
Ayn Rand Library.Signet1994-01-01
- Ayn Rand 2-copy boxed setNew Amer Library1994-10-01
- Letters of Ayn RandDutton1995-01-01
Fountainhead (Part 1, Tapes 1-13 of 24 Tape set)1st 13 Tapes of 24 Tape Set editionBlackstone Audiobooks1995-01-01
Fiction WritingSecond Renaissance Pr1995-05-01
- Ayn Rand's marginaliaher critical comments on the writings of over 20 authorsSecond Renaissance Books1996-01-01
Nous Les VivantsRive droite1996-03-01
- Journals of Ayn RandDutton1997-01-01
- Ayn Rand 2-copy setSignet1997-09-01
Ninety-ThreeSecond Renaissance Books1998-01-01
Not Yet AssignedAnthem (Classic Literature)Dercum Pr Audio1998-01-01
- Why businessmen need philosophyAyn Rand Institute Press1999-01-01
- Return of the primitivethe anti-industrial revolutionNew expanded ed. of The New Left : the anti-industrial revolution.Meridian1999-01-01
- The Ayn Rand readerPlume1999-01-01
- Russian writings on HollywoodAyn Rand Institute Press1999-01-01
- The Art of FictionA Guide for Writers and ReadersPlume2000-01-01
AnthemThe Editorium, LLC2000-01-01
The Art of NonfictionA Guide for Writers and ReadersTandem Library2001-01-01
The Objectivism Research CD RomThe Works of Ayn RandOliver Computing2001-05-01
- The Any Rand SamplerSignet2002-01-01
- Ninety-ThreePaper Tiger (NJ)2002-05-01
- Spark Notes The FountainheadStg editionSparkNotes2002-07-15
- Anthem (Spark Notes)SparkNotes2002-12-15
- Atlas Shrugged (SparkNotes Literature Guide) (SparkNotes Literature Guide)SparkNotes2003-06-13
- La Rebelion de AtlasGrito Sagrado2003-10-01
El ManantialGrito Sagrado2004-12-01
- La Rebelion de Atlas (Obra Completa)Grito Sagrado2004-12-01
Ayn Rand Centennial 16-copy mixed prepackPlume2004-12-28
- AnthemWebster's French Thesaurus ed. for ESL, EFL, ELP, TOEFL, TOEIC and AP test preparation.ICON Classics2005-01-01
- AnthemWebster's Spanish Thesaurus ed. for ESL, EFL, ELP, TOEFL, TOEIC and AP test preparation.ICON Classics2005-01-01
- AnthemWebster's German Thesaurus ed. for ESL, EFL, ELP, TOEFL, TOEIC and AP test preparation.ICON Classics2005-01-01
- Ayn Rand answersthe best of her Q & ACentennial ed.New American Library2005-01-01
Atlas Shrugged (Centennial Ed. )Penguin Random House LLC2005-01-01
- The Early Ayn Rand: Revised EditionA Selection From Her Unpublished FictionSignet2005-04-05
- Three PlaysSignet2005-04-05
- Atlas Shrugged (Centennial Ed. HC)Centennial editionDutton Adult2005-04-21
- The Ayn Rand Centennial Collection Boxed SetPlume2005-09-27
My zhivyeNevska︠i︡a Perspektiva2006-01-01
- La Virtud del EgoismoGrito Sagrado2006-05-01
- La virtud del egoismo/ The Virtue of SelfishnessUn nuevo y desafiante concepto del egoismo/ A New and Challenging Concept of EgoismGrito Sagrado Editorial2006-06-30
- Himno/ AnthemGrito Sagrado2006-06-30
- Atlas Silkini Atlas ShruggedPlato Films2006-11-06
Atlas Shrugged (SparkNotes Literature Guide)Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.2007-01-01
Anthem, Large-Print EditionThe Editorium, LLC2008-01-01
- La Vertu d'EgoismeLes Belles Lettres2008-01-18
- Atlas ShruggedPaw Prints 2008-06-262008-01-28
- PhilosophyWho Needs It, Library EditionBlackstone Pub2008-12-15
Ayn Rand's MarginaliaAyn Rand Institute2009-01-01
- The Romantic ManifestoLibrary EditionBlackstone Pub2009-01-01
Ayn Rand Box SetPenguin Publishing Group2009-01-01
IstochnikAlʹpina Biznes Buks2009-01-01
Return of the PrimitiveThe Anti-Industrial RevolutionBlackstone Audio, Inc.2009-12-01
- The Early Ayn RandA Selection from Her Unpublished Fiction, RevisedBlackstone Publishing2010-02-01
- Box A Revolta de Atlas - 3 VolumesSextante2010-10-23
- For the New IntellectualBlackstone Audio, Inc.2010-12-01
Dobrodetelʹ ėgoizmaAlʹpina Pablisherz2011-01-01
- The Voice of ReasonEssays in Objectivist ThoughtBlackstone Audio, Inc.2011-01-01
- Ayn Rand AnswersThe Best of Her Q & ABlackstone Publishing2011-02-01
- La GreveLes Belles Lettres2011-09-22
Noch'iu 16 ianvariaAstrel': Poligrafizd2012-01-01
Ka-maʻyan ha-mitgaber2012-01-01
- Anthem: A Short Science Fiction NovelCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2013-02-16
- The unconqueredwith another, earlier adaptation of We the livingFirst edition.Palgrave Macmillan2014-01-01
Atlas Shrugged SparkNotes Literature GuideSterling Publishing Co., Inc.2014-01-01
Fountainhead (SparkNotes Literature Guide)Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.2014-01-01
- Atlas Shrugged SparkNotes Literature GuideSparkNotes2014-02-04
- los que vivimosGRITO SAGRADO2014-03-22
Ayn Rand ColumnAyn Rand Institute2015-01-01
- Idealthe novel and the playNew American Library2015-01-01
Anthem, the Complete Novel : Book Club EditionIncludes the Complete Unabridged Book and a Template for Notes, Reference, and Study after Each ChapterCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2015-01-12
Anthem (Coterie Classics with Free Audiobook)CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2015-04-24
- Ideal (Penguin Modern Classics)NAL2015-07-07
Fountainhead by Ayn RandAdapted for Theatre Verbatim Form the FilmIndependently Published2016-01-01
ANTHEM (Wisehouse Classics Edition)Wisehouse Classics2016-01-27
Survival of the Unfittest?The Perils of Altruism and CollectivismIndependently Published2017-01-01
- ANTHEM (Chump Change Edition)Innovative Eggz LLC2017-01-01
AnthemBy Ayn Rand - IllustratedIndependently Published2017-01-01
Anthem (Annotated)Independently Published2017-01-01
- La Greve / Atlas ShruggedLes Belles Lettres2017-03-14
Classic Sci-Fi CollectionPerennial Press2018-01-01
- Anthem, the Original ClassicNook Press2018-07-22
Anthem by Ayn RandIndependently Published2019-01-01
Anthem by Ayn RandIndependently Published2019-01-01
Anthem by Ayn RandIndependently Published2019-01-01
Der UrsprungTvR Medienverlag2019-07-11
Philosophie Pour Vivre Sur la TerreSociete d'edition Les Belles lettres2020-01-01
Anthem Annotated Hard Science Fiction BookIndependently Published2020-01-01
Anthem (Illustrated)Independently Published2020-01-01
Anthem by Ayn RandIndependently Published2020-01-01
Anthem - Ayn RandIndependently Published2020-01-01
Anthem - Complete EditionIndependently Published2020-01-01
AnthemIndependently Published2020-01-01
- HimnoDeusto2020-09-15
Anthem by Ayn RandIndependently Published2021-01-01
AnthemIndependently Published2021-01-01
AnthemIndependently Published2021-01-01
Anthem IllustrtedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Anthem by Ayn Rand Illustrated EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
Ayn RandAnthem-Original EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
ANTHEM (Annotated)Independently Published2021-01-01
AnthemIndependently Published2021-01-01
קפיטליזם : האידאלמחברת רבי המכר כמעיין המתגבר ו מרד הנפיליםIndependently Published2021-01-01
AnthemIndependently Published2021-01-01
Ayn Rand AnthemIndependently Published2021-01-01
AnthemIndependently Published2021-01-01
Anthem Another EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
Anthem Illusarted EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
- La nuit du 16 janvierDU CYGNE2021-03-03
- ИсточникT8 Russian Titles2021-05-05
- Atlas zbuntowanyZysk i S-ka2021-06-17
- Filosofíaquién la necesitaDeusto2021-06-23
Anthem (a Classics Illustrated Edition)Independently Published2022-01-01
Ayn Rand's AnthemLulu Press, Inc.2022-01-01
Manantial / the Fountainhead (Spanish Edition)Editorial Planeta, S. A.2022-01-01
- The FountainheadRepro Knowledgcast Ltd2022-02-08
Nous les VivantsSociete d'edition Les Belles lettres2023-01-01
Screen Guide for AmericansOffBeatReads Time Capsule CollectionOffbeat Publishing2023-01-01
Glossary of Objectivist DefinitionsAyn Rand Institute2023-01-01
- El manantialAustral2023-01-11
- El manantialAustral2023-01-11
Rope of Sand (Mentor Books)Signet
Ayn Rand papers
The Romantic Manifesto by Rand, Ayn (1971) Mass Market PaperbackSignet