Photo of F. Scott Fitzgerald

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Also known as

Francis Scott Key FitzgeraldFrancis-Scott FitzgeraldFrances Scott Key FitzgeraldF Scott FitzgeraldF>SCOT FITZGERALDF. Scott Fitzgerald,F Scott FitzgeraldF. FitzgeraldScott F. FitzgeraldScott FitzgeraldF. Scott Fitzgerald Fitzgeraldmei) Feicijielade (Fitzgerald, Francis ScottFITZGERALD FRANCIS SCOTTMr Francis Scott Key FitzgeraldFitzgerald F. ScottA. F. Scott FitzgeraldF. Scott F. Scott FitzgeraldFitzgerald, Scott, FSCOTT FITZGERALD FRANCISFrancis Scott Francis Scott FitzgeraldFran Scott FitzgeraldThe Four Fists Annotated Scott FitzgeraldSCOTT FITZGERALD FRFitzgerald, F. Scott. Wilson, EdmundFitzgerald. ScottFitzgerald, F. Scott, Hill, David AF. Scott Fitzgerald (authorF. Scoot FitzgeraldF. S. FitzgeraldFitzgerald FitzgeraldFrancis FITZGERALDThe Great Gatsby Annotated FitzgeraldFitzgerald, Frances ScottF. [Francis] Scott [Key] FitzgeraldFitzgerald F Scott (Francis ScottFitzgerald Scott F. ScottF Fitzgerald ScottThe Great Gatsby F. Scott FitzgeraldF. Scott (Francis Scott) Fitzgerald

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was an American author of novels and short stories, whose works are evocative of the Jazz Age, a term he coined himself. He is widely regarded as one of the twentieth century's greatest writers. Fitzgerald is considered a member of the "Lost Generation" of the Twenties. He finished four novels, *This Side of Paradise*, *The Beautiful and Damned*, *Tender Is the Night* and his most famous, the celebrated classic, *The Great Gatsby*. A fifth, unfinished novel, *The Love of the Last Tycoon* was published posthumously. Fitzgerald also wrote many short stories that treat themes of youth and promise along with despair and age. ([Wikipedia][1]) [1]:

Born 1896-09-24

Died 1940-12-21


  • WikidataQ93354
  • VIAF100254195
  • ISNI0000000121033942
  • Amazon1951570340
  • Amazon3903352489

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  • Fiction (8)
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Books by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Total count: 220