Also known as
ΑἰσχύλοςAiskhulosEschyleAischylosÆschylusAeschylus AeschylusAeschylus (Aiskhylos. Aeschylus
Aeschylus was an ancient Greek playwright. He is often recognized as the father of tragedy and is the earliest of the three Greek tragedians whose plays survive, the others being Sophocles and Euripides.
- VIAF268526195
- WikidataQ40939
- ISNI0000000121407828
- Amazon0353052523
- Open LibraryOL74434A
Top Subjects
- Drama (28)
- Mythology, Greek -- Drama (18)
- Greek drama (Tragedy) (12)
- Orestes (Greek mythology) -- Drama (12)
- Aeschylus (11)
- Ancient, Classical & Medieval (11)
- Plays (10)
Books by Aeschylus
Total count: 473
Aeschyli tragoediae superstitesGraeca in eas scholia et deperditarum fragmentaApud Petrum Gosse...1745-01-01
- Oresteou, Les Coëphores, tradédie d'Eschyle. Traduction nouvelle, avec des notes [par du Theil]Desaint1770-01-01
Aischylou Promētheus desmōtēscum Stanleiana versione, scholiis [alpha, beta] (et [gamma] ineditis) amplissimisque variorum notis : quibus suas adjecit, necnon scholia de metro, ac anglicanam interpretationem T. Morell ...Prostat apud T. Longman, bibliopolam ...1773-01-01
The tragedies of Æschylus translatedBy R. Potter.printed by J. Crouse1777-01-01
The tragedies of Aeschylus2nd ed., corrected, with notes.Printed for W. Strahan; and T. Cadell1779-01-01
- Aeschyli tragoediae quae supersunt ac deperditarum fragmentaJ. Gebaveri1782-01-01
Hai tou Aischylou tragōdiai heptaexcudebat Andreas Foulis. Edinburgi, prostant venales apud Gulielmum Laing: Londini, apud T. Payne, B. et I. White, et T. Egerton1795-01-01
Aeschyli Tragoediae qvae svpersvnt ac deperditarvm fragmenta, recensvit Christian. Godofr. Schütz ...Ioannes Iacobvs Gebaver1799-01-01
- Vier Tragödien des AeschylosF. Perthes1802-01-01
Aeschyli tragoediae septem cum versione latina.apud T. Payne [etc]1806-01-01
- Æschyli Tragœdiæ quæ supersunt deperditarum fabularum fragmenta et scholia GræcaTypis ac sumptibusAcademicis.1812-01-01
Septem contra ThebasCambridge University Press1812-01-01
- Aeschylos AgamemnonBei G. Fleischer dem jüngern1816-01-01
- De Perzendramatisch dichtstukbij P. den Hengst en Zoon1816-01-01
- TragediesNew ed., rev.Allman1819-01-01
- Aeschyli tragoediae ex editione Stanlii latine redditae et ad editionem graecam Schutzii ...D.A. Talboys1819-01-01
- Tragödien.Mit einem Commentare von Aug. Lafontaine.Renger'sche Buchhandlung1822-01-01
Aeschyli TragoediaeSumtibus Frid. Chr. Guil. Vogelli1823-01-01
- Tragoediae quae supersuntWhittaker1823-01-01
The Prometheus chained of AeschylusM. Iley1823-01-01
Aeschyli tragoediaequae supersuntImpensis G. et W. B. Whittaker1823-01-01
- Aischylou Hepta epi Thēbas = Aeschyli Septem contra ThebasVeneunt apud J. Mawman1824-01-01
ChoephoroeTypis ... Academicis1824-01-01
- Pentalogia graeca: Sophoclis Œdipus tyrannus, Œpidus Coloneus, et Antigone ...C. et J. Rivington1825-01-01
Æschyli Agamenon ad fidem manuscriptorum emendavit notas et glossarium adjecitEditio tertia.J. Mawman1826-01-01
Aischylos =AeschylusTypis ac sumtibus Academicis excudit J. Smith; veneunt apud J. et J. Deighton; C. et J. Rivington, Londini1828-01-01
- Aischylos.Aeschylus. Recensuit Jacobus Scholefield.Ed. 2.Typis Academicis; excudit J. Smith1830-01-01
Septum adversus ThebasSumtibus librariae hanianae1830-01-01
Aischylos = AeschylusEditio secunda.Typis academus excudit Joannes Smith1830-01-01
- Aeschyli tragoediae quae supersuntSumtibus Frid. Chr. Guil . Vogelii1830-01-01
AischylosAeschylusEditio secunda.Typis academus excudit Joannes Smith1830-01-01
- Popular English specimens of the Greek Dramatic poets...1831-01-01
The Agamemnon of AeschylusJ. Murray1831-01-01
- The Agamemnon of Æschylus, tr. [and] illustr. by a diss. on Grecian tragedy, by J.S. Harford1831-01-01
- Popular English specimens of the Greek dramatic poetswith introductory essays, and explanatory notesJohn Murray1831-01-01
- Tragoediae superstites et deperditarum fragmenta, ex recensione G. Dindorfii.E typographeo academico1832-01-01
Aeschylus Eumiden.Dieterichschen Buchhandlung1833-01-01
[Tragoediae]; Appendix ad editionem Aeschyli Cantabrigiensem novissimamTyp. Acad.1833-01-01
- Prometheus boundA.J. Valpy1833-01-01
Dissertations on the Eumenides of AeschylisJ. and J. J. Deighton1835-01-01
Aischylou Hepta epi ThēbasPrinted by S. Collingwood for J.H. Parker1835-01-01
AeschylusPublished by Harper & Brothers1836-01-01
Choephoroi =Les choéphores, tragédie d'Aeschyle / traduite en vers français par J.J.J. PuechChez Firmin Didot frères1836-01-01
Prometheus vinctus ad fidem manuscriptorumVeneunt Apud B. Fellowes1839-01-01
- Prometheus vinctusEd. 7.Fellowes1839-01-01
- Poetae scenici graeci, accedunt perditarum fabularum fragmentaLibraria Weidmannia ...1841-01-01
...A︠e︡schyli et Sophoclis trago︠e︡dia︠e︡ et fragmenta, Gra︠e︡ce et Latine cum indicibusDidot1842-01-01
Aischulos kai Sophokles = Aeschyli et Sophoclistragoediae et fragmenta.[Editionem lipsiensem Guil. Dindorfii recognovit, translationem latinam condidit, fragmenta post Welckerum et Hermannum disposuit et explicuit E.A.I. Ahrens.] Graece et latine cum indicibus.A. Firmin Didot1842-01-01
ChoephoroeA new edition of the text with notes, critical, explanatory, and philological2d ed.1844-01-01
- Aischylou Agamemnōn =The Agamemnon of Aeschylus2d ed.J. Murray1844-01-01
Aischulou hiketides =Aeschyli supplicesApud J. et J.J. Deighton1844-01-01
- EumenidesParker1844-01-01
Orestea, Agamemnon, Choephori, Eumenides.Recensuit, emendavit, explanavit Fredericus A. Paley.Apud J. et J.J. Deighton1845-01-01
Quae supersunt omniarecensuit et brevi commentario instruxit Fredericus A. Paley.Whittaker and G. Bell1846-01-01
The Agamemnon of Aeschylus, with notes.By C.C. Felton.J. Munroe1847-01-01
Aeschyli Septem contra ThebasEditio sextaB. Fellowes1847-01-01
- The Agamemnon of Aeschylus: the Greek textJ. W. Parker1848-01-01
- The tragedies of Œschylus: literally translated.H. G. Bohn1849-01-01
- The Prometheus and Agamemnon of Aeschylus.J. Bartlett1849-01-01
- The Prometheus of Æschylus: With Notes, for the Use of Colleges in the United StatesJ. Munroe and company1850-01-01
- Aeschyli tragoediaeTomus primussumptibus F.C.G. Vogelii1852-01-01
- The Agamemnon of Aeschylus: Tr. Into English Rhyming Verse with Explanatory NotesLindsay & Blakiston1852-01-01
- Aeschyli EumenidesMacmillan1853-01-01
- Die TragödienMetzler1853-01-01
Aeschyli AgamemnoJ. Deighton1853-01-01
Quae supersunt tragoediaeRicker1858-01-01
- Aeschylus, ex novissima recens. F.A. Paley1858-01-01
Æschyli Tragœdiæ.Johannes Henricus et Jacobus Parker1862-01-01
- EymenidyTragoedie AischylovaV Komisí F. Rivnáce1862-01-01
Aeschyli AgamenoEd. altera / quam curavit Robertus Enger.In aedibus B.G. Teubneri1863-01-01
Tragoediae et fragmentaEditore Ambrosio Firmin Didot1864-01-01
Persae Aeschyli fabula latinis numeris reddita a Rudolfo KuenstlerPart I. (v. 1-625)Grass, Barth u. Comp.1864-01-01
Agamemnona tragedyPrivately printed1865-01-01
- The Prometheus bound of Aeschylus, tr. in the original metres, by C.B. Cayley1867-01-01
- Aeschylus ex novissima recensioneHarper1867-01-01
The Tragedies of ÆschylosStrahan & Co.1868-01-01
The Prometheus of AeschylusNew ed.Hamersley1869-01-01
- Die Schutzflehenden des Aeschylusnebst Einleitung und CommentarI. Guttentag1869-01-01
Théatre d'Eschyle8e éd.Charpentier1870-01-01
Quae supersunt in codice laurentiano veterrimo, quoad effici potuit et ad cognitionem necesse est visum typis descripta, edidit R. Merkel.E Typographeo Clarendoniano1871-01-01
- Eschyle \Alphonse Lemerre1872-01-01
The dramas of AeschylusBell & Daldy1873-01-01
- Tragedye EschylosaNakł. Biblioteki Kórnickiej1873-01-01
- Die Oresteia ...Agamemnon, Choephoren, EumenidenC.G. Naumann1874-01-01
Aeschylos Perser2. verbesserte und vermehrte Aufl.B.G. Teubner1875-01-01
Aeschylos Perser2. verb. und verm. aufl.Teubner1875-01-01
Septem adversus Thebasex recensione Godofredi Hermanni cum scripturae discrepantia scholiisque codicis medicei accuratis conlati in usum scholarum suarum edidit Fridericus Ritschelius. Praecedunt de Aeschyli vita et poesi testimonia veterum composita a Friderico Schoell1875-01-01
The Agamemnon ... Translation and notes by B. H. Kennedy.Cambridge UniversityPress1878-01-01
Aeschylus' Prometheusnebst den Bruchstücken des [Prometheus luomenos]2. Aufl. --B.G. Teubner1878-01-01
- Aeschylus' Prometheus nebst den Bruchstücken des [Prometheus luomenosB. G. Teubner1878-01-01
- Prometheus nebst den Bruchstücken des Promētheus LyomenosB. G. Teubner1878-01-01
- The Seven Against Thebes of Aeschylus: With Brief Notes for Young StudentsDeighton, Bell, [and co ., etc., etc.]1878-01-01
Prometheus, nebst den Bruchstücken des [Promētheus Luomenos]für den Schulgebrauch2. Aufl.B.G. Teubner1878-01-01
- The Persae of AeschylusMacmillan and Co.1879-01-01
- The tragedies of AEschylosa new translation, with a biographical essay, and an appendix of rhymed choral odesD. McKay1880-01-01
Aeschyli Tragoediaeapud Weidmannos1880-01-01
- TragedieGuigoni1880-01-01
- The suppliant maidens of AeschylusK. Paul, Trench & Co.1883-01-01
- Aeschyli fabulae, cum lectionibus et scholiis codicis Medicei et in Agamemnonem codicis Florentini ab Hieronymo Vitelli denuo collatis, edidit N. Wecklein.Apud S. Calvary1885-01-01
Aeschyli Fabulaecum lectionibus et scholiis, codicis Medicei et in Agamemnonem codicis Florentini ab Hieronymo Vitelli denuo collatisS. Calvary1885-01-01
Aischylos Agamemnongriechischer Text und deutsche ÜbersetzungWeidmann1885-01-01
- The Eumenides of Aeschylus: As Arranged for Performance at Cambridge, Dec., 1885Printed for the Committee at the University Press1885-01-01
The seven against Thebes of AeschylusGinn1885-01-01
Aischylos' AgamemnonWeidmann1885-01-01
- The dramasEd. 4, rev.Bell1886-01-01
Hepta epi ThebasThe seven against ThebesMacmillan1887-01-01
- The L̀ibation-bearers' of Aeschylusa revised text, with brief English notes, for the use of schoolsNew ed. (6th)G. Bell and Sons1889-01-01
Supplices of Aeschylus.HiketidesMacmillan1889-01-01
- The plays of Aeschylus2d. ed.G. Routledge and Sons1889-01-01
- The 'Supplices' of Aeschylus =Aischylou HiketidesMacmillan1889-01-01
The seven plays in English verseKegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd.1890-01-01
- The seven playsin English verseK. Paul, Trench, Trubner1890-01-01
Die tragödien des ÄschylosG. Freytag1891-01-01
The Choephori of AeschylusMacmillan1893-01-01
Prometheusnebst den Bruchstücken des Promētheus Lyomenos3. Aufl.Druck und Verlag von B.G. Teubner1893-01-01
The tragedies of ÆschylusHarper & brothers1893-01-01
The 'Seven against Thebes'of AeschylusSchool edition.Macmillan and Co1895-01-01
Aischylos Orestie2. Stück. Das Opfer am GrabeWeidmannsche Buchhandlung1896-01-01
L' Agamemnon d'EschyleFoochow Printing Press1896-01-01
- Aeschylus' Prometheus bound and The seven against ThebesD. McKay1897-01-01
The Prometheus Vinctus of AeschylusMacmillan & Co.1898-01-01
Aisehylou TragōidiaiAeschyli TragoediaeEditio stereotypa.in aedibus B. G. Teubneri1898-01-01
- Les persesHachette et cie.1899-01-01
- The Prometheus bound of ÆschylusHoughton, Mifflin1899-01-01
Aeschyli Septem Contra Thebas : Aus[Tragoediae] Aeschyli Quae Supersunt Tragoediae, Vol. 2, Sect. 1De Gruyter, Inc.1900-01-01
Aeschyli Choephori : Aus[Tragoediae] Aeschyli quae supersunt tragoediae, Vol. 1, Sect. 2De Gruyter, Inc.1900-01-01
Aeschyli Eumenides : Aus[Tragoediae] Aeschyli quae supersunt tragoediae, Vol. 1, Sect. 3De Gruyter, Inc.1900-01-01
The lyrical dramas of AeschylusJ. M. Dent1900-01-01
Die Schutzflehenden des AeschylusDe Gruyter, Inc.1900-01-01
Aeschyli Agamemno : Aus[Tragoediae] Aeschyli quae supersunt tragoediae, Vol. 1, Sect. 1De Gruyter, Inc.1900-01-01
The dramas of Aeschylus4th ed., revised.George Bell and Sons1901-01-01
- The House of Atreus: Being The Agamemnon, Libation-bearers and Furies of AeschylusMacmillan1901-01-01
Aischylos Das Opfer am Grabe2. Aufl.Weidmann1901-01-01
Tragedies and fragmentsD.C. Heath & Co.1901-01-01
The choephoriUniversity Press1901-01-01
ÆschylosTragedies and fragmentsHeath1901-01-01
- The Choephori of Aeschyluswith critical notes, commentary, translation and a recension of the scholiaUniversity Press1901-01-01
- Sieben gegen ThebenB.G. Teubner1902-01-01
- The Prometheus bound of Aeschylus, rendered into English Verse.D. Nutt1902-01-01
L' Orestie d'EschyleTraduction nouvelleA. Fontemoing1903-01-01
Aischylos Agamemnon3. Aufl.Weidmann1903-01-01
- Septem contra Thebas: with introduction and notesClarendon Press1903-01-01
Agamemnon3. Aufl.Weidmannsche Buchhandlung1903-01-01
The 'Agamemnon' of Aeschylus2d ed.Macmillan1904-01-01
Eschilo: la trilogia di Prometeo, ...Nicola Zanichelli1904-01-01
The plays of AeschylusBell1904-01-01
- Agamemnónlas CoéforasImprenta Cervantes1904-01-01
The house of Atreusbeing The Agamemnon, Libation-bearers and Furies[2d ed.]Macmillan1904-01-01
The lyrical dramas.Translated into English verse by John Stuart Blackie.Dent1906-01-01
The lyrical dramas of AeschylusJ.M. Dent1906-01-01
Aeschylus: AgamemnonText and translationHarvard University1906-01-01
- Æschylus in English verse ...Macmillan and co., limited1906-01-01
The Eumenides of Aeschylusas arranged for performance at Cambridge, Dec., 1885Printed for the Committee at the University Press1906-01-01
- Aeschyli Canticain aedibus B.G. Teubneri1907-01-01
The 'Eumenides' of AeschylusMacmillan and Co.1908-01-01
- Aischylou Eumenides =: The Eumenides of AeschylusMacmillan1908-01-01
The suppliant maidensThe Persians ; The seven against Thebes ; The Prometheus boundMacmillan1908-01-01
The Harvard Classics 8 Nine Greek DramasP. F. Collier & Son1909-01-01
DziełaNakł. Tow. Wydawniczego E. Wende i spółka1912-01-01
- Tragoediae, edidit Udalricus de Wilamowitz-MoellendorffWeidmann1914-01-01
Aeschyli CanticaIn aedibus B.G. Teubneri1916-01-01
Die Perser des AischylosMüller1917-01-01
EsquiloPrometheo encadenadoMurguia1918-01-01
Les Euménides d'Eschyle.2. éd.Éditions de la Nouvelle revue française1920-01-01
Die Perser des AischylosIm Salm1920-01-01
EschyleSociété d'édition "Les belles lettres"1920-01-01
- Agamemnon, after the Greek of AeschylvsHarcourt1920-01-01
- TragediasUniv. Nacional de Mexico1921-01-01
Le tragedieZanichelli1921-01-01
Le Tragedie ...N. Zanichelli1921-01-01
AeschylusHarvard university press1922-01-01
- Septem ad ThebasEdidit Henricus WeilEditio stereotypaIn aedibus B.G. Teubneri1922-01-01
- Four playsThe suppliant maidens, The Persians, The seven against Thebes, Prometheus bound. Rendered into English verse by G.M. Cookson.B. Blackwell1922-01-01
Prometheus boundHaldeman-Julius Co.1922-01-01
The Choëphoroe (Libation-bearers) of AeschylusG. Allen & Unwin, Ltd.1923-01-01
AgamemnonHaldeman-Julius Co.1924-01-01
Agamemnon, Choephoroe, EumenidesChapman & Hall, Ltd.1924-01-01
The Eumenides, The furies.Translated into rhyming verse by Gilbert Murray.Allen & Unwin1925-01-01
A new presentation of the Prometheus bound of Aischylos wherein is set forth the hidden meaning of the myth1925-01-01
The Eumenides (The furies) of AeschylusOxford university press1925-01-01
The Eumenides of AeschylusOxford University Press1925-01-01
Aischylou Promētheus desmotēsVerlag der Bremer presse1926-01-01
The Persians of AeschylusAllen & Unwin1928-01-01
- The OresteiaGeorge Allen & Unwin1928-01-01
Orestien(Agamemnon ; Gravoffret ; Eumeniderna)Hugo Gebers Forlag1929-01-01
Aeschylus, with an English translation by Herbert Weir Smyth.Heinemann1930-01-01
The suppliant women <Supplices>Oxford University Press1930-01-01
The suppliant womanAllen & Unwin1930-01-01
Prometheus boundOxford Univ. Pr.1931-01-01
Bei you qiu de pu luo mi xiu shiRen wen shu ju1932-01-01
Agamemnon d'Eschyle.Traducteurs: R. Bettendorf [et al.] Musique de M.A. Huybrechts.L'Institut Saint-Louis]1933-01-01
The Oresteia of Aeschylus as arranged for performanceat Cambridge 14th to 18th February, 1933Bowes & Bowes1933-01-01
The Agamemnon of AeschylusMelbourne University Press1935-01-01
The seven against thebes <Septem contra Thebas>Oxford university press1935-01-01
Seven Against ThebesRoutledge1935-01-01
The binding of PrometheusB. Blackwell1936-01-01
PersiansAllen & Unwin1939-12-01
Aeschylus IModern Library1942-01-01
Théatre, traduction nouvelle avec texte, avant-propos, notices et notesGarnier1946-01-01
Aeschylus, with and English translationW. Heinemann1946-01-01
Les suppliantes. Les Preses. Les sept contre Thebes. Prométhée enchainéSociété d'édition "Les Belles lettres"1947-01-01
PuluomixiusiChu banShang wu yin shu guan1947-01-01
The Persians (Persae)G. Allen & Unwin1948-01-01
I nuovi frammenti Eschilei di OssirincoLibreria Scientifica Editrice1948-01-01
I nuovi frammenti Eschelei di OssirincoLibreria Scientifica Editrice1948-01-01
Aeschylus' ChoephoroiJ. B. Wolters1949-01-01
- Seven famous Greek playsModern Library1950-01-01
Aeschylus ; Sophocles ; Euripides ; AristophanesFounders' ed.Encyclopaedia Britannica1952-01-01
The complete plays of AeschylusGeorge Allen & Unwin Ltd.1952-01-01
Die Tragödien und FragmenteArtemis-Verlag1952-01-01
Aeschylus' Eumeniden.Met inleiding, critische noten en commentaar uitg. door P. Groeneboom.J.B. Wolters1952-01-01
Les Choéphores et Les EuménidesGallimard1952-01-01
The complete plays of AeschylusAllen & Unwin1952-01-01
Complete plays.Allen & Unwin1952-01-01
Aeschylus I - OresteiaAgamemnon, The Libation Bearers, The EumenidesUniversity of Chicago Press1953-01-01
Aeschyli septem quae supersunt tragoediaee typographeo Clarendoniano1953-01-01
The story of Orestesfrom the Oresteia of Aeschylus.St. Martin's Press1955-01-01
Septem quae supersunt tragoediaeE typographeo Clarendoniano1955-01-01
The tragedies of Aeschylus translatedPrinted by J. Crouse.1956-01-01
- The complete Greek tragediesUniversity of Chicago Press1956-01-01
- Aeschylus IIThe suppliant maidens ; The Persians ; Seven against Thebes ; Prometheus boundUniversity of Chicago Press1956-01-01
- Aeschylus, The Plays ofDutton Adult1956-03-01
Aeschyli TragoediaeEditio altera.Apud Weidmannos1958-01-01
Die Danaostöchter Prometheus Thebanische TrilogieC.H. Beck1958-01-01
TragoediaeOlms Verlag AG, Georg1958-01-01
Die Fragmente der Tragödien des Aischylos.Akademie Verlag1959-01-01
- Die Fragmente der Tragodien des AischylosAkademie-Verlag1959-01-01
AeschylusAgamemnonOxford at the Clarendon Press1960-01-01
Girishia higeki zenshūJibun Shoin1960-01-01
Plays. Translated by G.M. Cookson. Introd. by John Warrington.Dent1960-01-01
- Greek Tragedies, Volume 2 The Libation Bearers (Aeschylus), Electra (Sophocles), Iphigenia in Tauris, Electra, & The Trojan Women (Euripides)University Of Chicago Press1960-02-15
Scholia graeca ex codicibus aucta et emendataG. Olms1962-01-01
The Orestes Plays of AeschylusMentor1962-01-01
- EschyleTexte établi et traduit par Paul Mazon.1963-01-01
The Oresteian TrilogyPenguin1963-01-01
- The Orestes playsThe Agamemnon, The libation bearers, The Eumenides.New American Library1963-01-01
The Orestes Plays of AeschylusSignet1963-01-02
The Orestes Plays of Aeschylus (Mentor)Signet1963-10-01
The libation bearers and The EumenidesThe Oresteia, parts II and III.Appleton-Century-Crofts1964-01-01
PersaeWith introd. and notes by A. Sidgwick.1964-01-01
Prometheus boundNew American Library1964-03-01
Shevaʻ ha-tragedyotMosad Byaliḳ1965-01-01
Aeschyliseptem quae supersunt tragoediaeEd. 2Oxford University Press1965-01-01
The Oresteian TrilogyPenguin1965-01-01
Prométhée enchaînéHatier1965-01-01
The house of Atreus (Minnesota drama editions)University of Minnesota Press1966-01-01
The Oresteian trilogy; Agamemnon, The Choephori [and] The Eumenides.Penguin Books1966-01-01
House of AtreusAdapted from the OresteiaUniversity of Minnesota Press1966-01-01
The Orestia trilogyAgamemnon, The Choephoroe, The Eumenides; and Prometheus boundChandler Pub. Co.1966-01-01
- The Oresteia of Aeschlyus2nd editionCoronet Books1966-06-01
Aischylos' SchutzflehendeMit ausführlicher Einleitung, Text, Kommentar, Exkursen, und SachregisterBouma's Boekhuis1967-01-01
- Eschyle – SophocleTragiques grecsGallimard1967-05-17
Prometeo.[Di] Eschilo.2. edizione riveduta.Dante Alighieri1968-01-01
- Werke.Aufbau-Verlag1968-01-01
Tragödien und Fragmente.[2., verb.Aufl.]Heimeran1969-01-01
AgamemnonPearson Education, Limited1970-01-01
- Seven Against ThebesPrentice Hall Inc1970-08-28
Choephoroe (Prentice-Hall Greek drama series)Prentice Hall1970-08-28
- Septem quae supersunt tragoediasE typographeo Clarendoniano1972-01-01
- Aeschyli septem quae supersunt tragoediase typographeo Clarendoniano (Clarendon Press)1972-01-01
- The agamennon of AeschylusFaber and Faber1972-01-01
Las siete tragedias6. edEditorial Porrua1973-01-01
TragodiesEkdosē Pleias1973-01-01
- Seven Against Thebes (Greek Tragedy in New Translations)Oxford University Press, USA1973-11-22
Prometheus BoundOxford University Press, Incorporated1975-01-01
Werke in einem Band1. Aufl.Aufbau-Verlag1976-01-01
Las siete tragediasPorrúa1976-01-01
Tragici greciEschilo, Sofocle, Euripide1a ed.A. Mondadori1977-01-01
The Choephoroe ("the Libation Bearers')Duckworth,1979-01-01
Die Danaostöchter ; Prometheus ; Thebanische Trilogie ; Die Netzfischerdrei Tragödien und Fragmente eines SatyrspielsArtemis1979-01-01
- The serpent son =OresteiaCambridge University Press1979-01-01
Die Orestie. Agamemnon. Die Choephoren. Die Eumeniden.Kindler Verlag GmbH1979-01-01
Prometheus Bound & the Fragments of Prometheus LoosedAristide D. Caratzas, Publisher1981-09-01
Prometeo ligitaEldonejo Kardo1982-01-01
The Oresteian trilogyAllen Press1982-01-01
- Aeschylus Two: Four TragediesPrometheus Bound, Seven Against Thebes, the Persians, the Suppliant MaidensUniv of Chicago Pr (Tx)1984-12-01
- Théâtre, tome 1Les Suppliantes, Les Perses, Les Sept contre ThèbesLes Belles Lettres1985-01-01
Agamemnón, las Coéforas, las Euménides, los Siete sobre Tebas, Prometeo encadenadoImp. Cervantes1985-01-01
- Die Orestie. Agamemnon. Die Totenspende. Die Eumeniden.Reclam, Ditzingen1987-01-01
Greek DramaBantam Books1990-10-01
- Persians (Greek Tragedy in New Translations)Oxford University Press, USA1991-04-25
- Aeschylus Plays 1Methuen Publishing, Ltd.1991-09-25
- Aeschyli SupplicesIn aedibus B.G. Teubneri1992-01-01
- <Aeschyli> PrometheusIn aedibus B.G. Teubneri1992-01-01
- The Complete Greek Tragedies, Volume 1Aeschylus (Complete Greek Tragedies)Centennial editionUniversity Of Chicago Press1992-08-01
- Théâtre completFlammarion1993-01-07
Aeschylus the Oresteia Agamemnon the Libation Bearers the EumenidesMethuen Drama1994-01-01
- The Persians (American Theater in Literature/a Mark Taper Forum Play)Sun and Moon Press1994-04-01
- Seven Against Thebes (Septem Contra Thebas)Oxford University Press, USA1994-11-29
- Les Danaides (Actes Sud-Papiers)Actes Sud1996-01-01
- Tragödien. Zweisprachige Ausgabe. Griechisch und Deutsch.Artemis & Winkler1996-12-01
Choephoroe, or, the mournersPlayers Press1997-01-01
- Les sept contre Thèbes[ED.] BILINGUE editionBelles Lettres1997-02-07
- OresteiaHackett Publ. Co1998-01-01
Tragoediae Cum Incerti Poetae PrometheoK.G. SAUR VERLAG1998-06-01
Tragoediae Cum Incerti PoetaeUniversity of Michigan Press1998-06-01
- Antigone. ElectrePocket1998-06-11
- ParsianThe Persians1 editionAbex1998-12-01
The OresteiaFarrar, Straus and Giroux1999-01-01
- Le coeforeFra genos e polis la scelta di Oreste (Il filo di Arianna)Cappelli1999-01-01
- Les Sept contre Thèbes: Publié en sérieLes auteurs Grecs expliqués d\'après une méthode nouvelle par deux traductions françaisesAdamant Media Corporation2001-02-15
- Suppliants/AjaxNew Ed editionAbsolute Classics2001-04-01
- L'OrestieAgamemnon - Les Choéphores - Les EuménidesFlammarion2001-08-01
- Les Tragiques grecs, tome 1Robert Laffont2001-09-17
Scholia Graeca in Aeschylum Quae Exstant OmniaScholia in Septem Adversus Thebas Continens (Bibliotheca Teubneriana)K G Saur Verlag Gmbh & Co2001-10-01
Prometeo incatenatoSPES2002-01-01
Prometheus Bound and Other PlaysPenguin Books, Limited2003-01-01
- Suppliant Maidens and Other PlaysIndyPublish.com2003-10-01
Orestea, Agamennone, Coefore, EumenidiBiblioteca universale Rizzoli2004-01-01
- The OrestiaKessinger Publishing2004-06-30
- Greek Tragedy (Penguin Classics)Penguin Books Ltd2004-08-26
- Aeschylus - Plays, Lyrical DramasPomona Press2006-01-01
PersiansBroadway Play Publishing Inc2006-01-01
- The Agamemnon of Aeschylus, Translated into English Rhyming Verse With Explanatory NotesDodo Press2006-03-30
Prometheus Bound (SparkNotes Literature Guide)Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.2007-01-01
- The Prometheus Of Aeschylus And The Electra Of SophoclesKessinger Publishing, LLC2007-01-17
OresteiaOxford University Press2008-01-01
- Persians and other playsOxford University Press2008-01-01
FragmentsHarvard University Press2008-01-01
Tutti i frammenticon la prima traduzione degli scolii antichi : testo greco dei frammenti a fronte1. ed.Bompiani2009-01-01
OresteiaAgamemnon by Aiskhylos; Elektra by Sophokles; Orestes by EuripidesFarrar, Straus & Giroux2009-01-01
Les persesEditions du Relief2009-01-01
Aeschylus Persae[New ed.].Oxford University Press2009-01-01
The Electra playsHackett2009-01-01
Complete Aeschylus Vol. I : Volume Ithe OresteiaOxford University Press, Incorporated2010-01-01
The complete AeschylusThe oresteiaOxford University Press2010-01-01
- I tragici greciEschilo, Sofocle, EuripideEd. integrali.Grandi tascabili economici Newton2010-01-01
House of AtreusLulu Press, Inc.2010-01-01
House of Atreustredition Verlag2011-01-01
Agamemnon of Aeschylus Translated into English Rhyming Verse with Explanatory Notestredition Verlag2011-01-01
- Aeschyli tragoediae quae supersunt[...]Cambridge Univ. Press2011-01-01
Suppliant Maidens and Other Playstredition Verlag2011-01-01
PersiansSeven against Thebes ; and, SuppliantsJohns Hopkins University Press2011-01-01
- Four Plays of AeschylusThe Suppliant Maidens, The Persians, The Seven Against Thebes, The Prometheus BoundTheophania Publishing2011-06-04
- Prometheus Bound, Prometheus UnboundPagan Press2011-10-01
Aeschylus Plays : IThe Persians; Prometheus Bound; the Suppliants; Seven Against ThebesBloomsbury Publishing Plc2012-01-01
La trilogie de la guerreles sept contre Thèbes, les suppliantes, les Perses ; suivi de Prométhé enchaînéActes sud2012-01-01
Prometheus BoundDover Publications, Incorporated2012-01-01
Seven Against ThebesDover Publications, Incorporated2012-01-01
AeschylusSuppliant WomenLiverpool University Press2013-01-01
AgamemnonStart Publishing LLC2013-01-01
Complete AeschylusStart Publishing LLC2013-01-01
Prometheus boundBloomsbury2013-01-01
Prometheus Bound of AeschylusCambridge University Press2013-01-01
Aeschylus IThe Persians, the Seven Against Thebes, the Suppliant Maidens, Prometheus BoundUniversity of Chicago Press2013-01-01
Greek Tragedies III : Aeschylus : the Eumenides; Sophocles : Philoctetes, Oedipus at Colonus; Euripidesthe Bacchae, AlcestisUniversity of Chicago Press2013-01-01
- AgamemnonSMK Books2013-04-09
- The House of AtreusSMK Books2013-05-04
Libation Bearers (SparkNotes Literature Guide)Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.2014-01-01
- The OresteiaAgamemnon, the Libation Bearers and the EumenidesBloomsbury2014-01-01
ThebesBloomsbury Publishing Plc2014-01-01
Commentary on the Complete Greek Tragedies. AeschylusUniversity of Chicago Press2014-01-01
- Prometheus BoundCambridge University Press2014-05-08
The Persians (Aeschylus)CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2014-12-05
Five Great Greek TragediesDover Publications, Incorporated2015-01-01
Coeforei cantiFabrizio Serra editore2015-01-01
Libation-BearersStart Publishing LLC2015-01-01
- The TragediesArkose Press2015-10-22
- Tragoediae Quae Supersunt Ac Deperditarum FragmentaAgamemnon. Persae, Volume 2Arkose Press2015-11-02
- The FuriesCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2015-11-18
The EumenidesCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2015-11-26
Libation BearersBollinger, Max2016-01-01
PersiansBollinger, Max2016-01-01
AgamemnonBollinger, Max2016-01-01
EumenidesBollinger, Max2016-01-01
OresteiaBollinger, Max2016-01-01
SuppliantsBollinger, Max2016-01-01
- Three Other Theban PlaysAeschylus' Seven Against Thebes; Euripides' Suppliants; Euripides' Phoenician WomenHackett Publishing Company, Inc.2016-03-01
- Prometheus BoundCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2016-08-21
- AgamemnonCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2016-09-06
Prometheus BoundNew Edition of the Legendary AESCHYLUS Ancient Greek Tragedy Written Circa 460 BCEIndependently Published2017-01-01
Oresteia TrilogyAgamemnon, Libation Bearers, and the EumenidesIndependently Published2017-01-01
- Aeschylus, PersesCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2017-03-25
- Suppliant Maidens and Other PlaysPinnacle Press2017-05-24
- Prometheus Bound And Other PlaysLoki's Publishing2017-07-02
- The Greek PlaysSixteen Plays by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and EuripidesModern Library2017-09-05
Prometheus Bound of AeschylusCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
Plays of AeschylusCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
Des Aeschylos Gefesselter Prometheus. Gr. und Deutsch Mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen und Dem Gelösten Prometheus Von G. F. SchoemannCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
Griechische Tragoedien; Volume 2Creative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
AgamemnonCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
Leconte de LisleEschyle; Traduction NouvelleCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
OresteiaAgamemnon, Libation Bearers, and the Holy GoddessesUniversity of Wisconsin Press2018-01-01
House of Atreus Being AgamemnonCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
Des Aischylos WerkeCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
OresteiaAgamemnon, Women at the Graveside, Orestes in AthensLiveright Publishing Corporation2018-01-01
EumenidesCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
- EumenidesCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
Aischylos. Dritte AuflageCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
TragediesCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
Seven Against ThebesCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
On a Chorus of the ChoephoroeCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
Aeschylos AgamemnonCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
Agamemnon of Aeschylus, with Brief Engl. Notes by F. A. PaleyCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
Persae of AeschylusCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
- Prometheus Bound, by Elizabeth Barrett BrowningCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2018-03-20
- The Suppliant MaidensSMK Books2018-04-03
- The PersiansSMK Books2018-04-03
- The Tragedies of Æschylus Translated. by R. PotterGale Ecco, Print Editions2018-04-17
- Hai Tou Aischylou Tragodiai Sozomenai Hepta. Aeschyli Tragoediae Quae Extant Septem. Cum Versione Latina, Et Lectionibus Variantibus. ... of 2; Volume 1Gale Ecco, Print Editions2018-04-18
- Prometheus BoundA TragedyFranklin Classics2018-10-10
- House of Atreus Being AgamemnonFranklin Classics2018-10-11
- AgamemnonFranklin Classics2018-10-12
- Agamemnon. Greek and English. the Agamemnon of Aeschylus; As Performed at Cambridge, Nov. 16-21, 1900. with the Verse Translation by Anna SwanwickFranklin Classics Trade Press2018-11-04
- The SuppliantsFranklin Classics Trade Press2018-11-10
Die Eumeniden des AeschylosDe Gruyter, Inc.2019-01-01
SuppliantsIndependently Published2019-01-01
Seven Against ThebesIndependently Published2019-01-01
PersiansIndependently Published2019-01-01
EumenidesIndependently Published2019-01-01
ChoephoriIndependently Published2019-01-01
Agamemnon of AeschylusIndependently Published2019-01-01
SuppliciAccademia nazionale dei Lincei2019-01-01
Specimens of Greek Tragedy - Aeschylus and SophoclesIndependently Published2019-01-01
- Prometheus Bound (Classic Reprint)Forgotten Books2019-02-04
Agamemnon of AeschylusHardPress2020-01-01
Choephori IllustratedIndependently Published2020-01-01
Prometheus Bound IllustratedIndependently Published2020-01-01
Persians and Three Other PlaysSeven Against Thebes, Suppliant Maidens, and Prometheus BoundIndependently Published2020-01-01
Prometheus Bound of Aeschylus, Tr. in the Original Metres, by C. B. CayleyHardPress2020-01-01
ChoephoriIndependently Published2020-01-01
Collected Dramas of AeschylusAgamemnon, Choephori, Eumenides, the Persians ,the Seven Against Thebes, Prometheus Bound, the SuppliantsWyatt North2021-01-01
Prometheus BoundWyatt North2021-01-01
SuppliantsWyatt North2021-01-01
OresteiaAgamemnon, the Libation Bearers, the Eumenides; 1Creative Media Partners, LLC2021-01-01
Oresteia TrilogyAgamemnon, Choephori, EumenidesWyatt North2021-01-01
Suppliant WomenCreative Media Partners, LLC2021-01-01
ChoephoriWyatt North2021-01-01
Aeschylos Tragödiende Gruyter GmbH, Walter2021-01-01
Collected Works of AeschylusCreative Media Partners, LLC2022-01-01
EschiloLa Trilogia Di Prometeo, . .Creative Media Partners, LLC2022-01-01
OrestieGriechisch und DeutschCreative Media Partners, LLC2022-01-01
Prometheus BoundA TragedyCreative Media Partners, LLC2022-01-01
Prometheus Bound of AeschylusCreative Media Partners, LLC2022-01-01
Aeschylos AgamemnonCreative Media Partners, LLC2022-01-01
Aeschylos Agamemnon. Erklärt Von F. W. SchneidewinCreative Media Partners, LLC2022-01-01
Die Tragödien des AeschylosCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Aeschylus. Choephoroi, with Intr. and Notes by A. SidgwickCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Aeschylos AgamemnonCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
House of Atreus Being AgamemnonCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Aischylou Eumenides = the Eumenides of AeschylusCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Tragedies Of ÆschylusCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Des Aeschylos Gefesselter Prometheus. Gr. und Deutsch Mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen und Dem Gelösten Prometheus Von G. F. SchoemannCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Seven PlaysIn English VerseCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Aeschyli Prometheus VinctusCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
PersesTragédie D'eschyleCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Aeschylus in English VerseThe Seven Against Thebes. the PersiansCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Suppliants; Persians; and, Seven Against Thebes, of AeschylusCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
AeschylusCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Æschylus' Seven Chiefs Against Thebes, Literally Tr. by R. MonganCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
[Aischylou tragōdiai hepta]Æschyli tragœdiæ septemTypis Jacobi Flesher
- Tragoediae sexquot quidem extant, summa fide ac diligentia ©· Greco in Latinum sermonem, pro utriuso linguae tyronibus, ad uerbum conuersaePer I. Oporinum
- The tragedies of AeschylosRoutledge
Hepta epi ThēvaisI. Zacharopoulos
Aischylou tragōdiai z ...scholia eis tas autas tragōdias = Aeschyli tragoediae VII : quae cùm omnes multo quàm antea castigatiores eduntur, tum verò vna, quae mutila & decurtata prius erat, integra nunc profertur : scholia in easdem, plurimis in locis locupletata, & in penè infinitis emendataEx officina Henrici Stephani
Septem Thebana tragoedia Aeschuleastylo ad veteres tragicos latinos accedente quàm proximè fieri potuitApud Federicum Morellum Typographum Regium, via Iacob[ae]a, ad insigne Fontis
Aeschyli PrometheusPer I. Oporinum
The tragedies of Aeschylos. A new translation, with a biographical essay, and an appendix of rhymed choral odesGeorge Routledge & Sons
Tragoediae sexquot quidem extant, summa fide ac diligentia è Greco in Latinum sermonem, pro utriuso linguae tyronibus, ad uerbum conuersaePer I. Oporinum
Theatre complet
Aischylou tragōdiai hepta: Promētheus desmōtēs, Hepta epi Thevais, Persai, Agamemnōn, Choēphor'oi, Eumenides, Hiketides. Soholia eis ta autas tragōdias.Aeschyli tragoediae VII. Quae cùm omnes multo quàm antea castigatiores eduntur, tum verò vna, quae mutila & decurtata prius erat, integra nunc profertur. Scholia in easdem, plurimis in locis locupletata, & in penè infinitis emendata.Ex officina H. Stephani
Tre tragedie greche.Voghera
Aischylou tragōdia hepta epi ThēbaisAeschyli tragoedia septem-ThebanaApud Federicum Morellum Typographum Regium, via Iacob[ae]a, ad insigne Fontis
Tragoediae selectae Aeschyli, Sophoclis, Euripidiscum duplici interpretatione Latina, una ad verbu[m], altera carminaexcudebat Henr. Stephanus, illustris viri Huldrichi Fuggeri typographus
Aischylou tragodiai eptaAeschyli tragoediae septem : cum scholiis Graecis omnibus : deperditorum dramatum fragmentisTypis Jacobi Flesher, prostant verò apud Cornelium Bee
Tragōdiai hexPromētheus desmōtēs. Hepta epi Thēbais. Persai. Agamemnōn. [Choēphoroi.] Eumenides. Iketides. Tragoediae sexIn aedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri
Aischylou tragōdiai zAeschyli tragoediae VII : in quibus praeter infinita menda sublata, carminum omnium ratio hactenus ignorata, nunc primùm proditurEx officina Christophori Plantini, architypographi Regij
Aeschyli Tragoediae septemcum scholiis graecis omnibusTypis Jacobi Flesher: prostant verò apud Cornelium Bee, sub insignibus regalibus in vico vulgo dicto Little-Britain