Herman Melville
Also known as
Melville, Herman, 1819-1891Herman MelvileHermann MelvilleMELVILLE HHerman, 1819-1891 MelvilleHerman Herman Melville
Herman Melville was an American novelist, short story writer, essayist and poet who is often classified as part of dark romanticism. He is best known for his novel Moby-Dick and novella Billy Budd, the latter of which was published posthumously. ([Source][1].) [1]:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_Melville
Born 1819-08-01
Died 1891-09-28
- VIAF27068555
- WikidataQ4985
- ISNI000000012125135X
- Amazon857503670X
- Amazon9871784570
- Open LibraryOL29497A
Top Subjects
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- Classics (6)
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Books by Herman Melville
Total count: 214
Mardi and a voyage thitherSmall Maynard & Co., Inc.1800-01-01
TypeeA Peep at Polynesian Life (Notable American Authors)Reprint Services Corporation1846-01-01
Omooa narrative of adventures in the South Seas, being a sequel to the "Residence in the Marquesas Islands".John Murray ...1847-01-01
Typeea peep at Polynesian life, during a four months' residence in a valley of the MarquesasThe revised edition, with a sequel.John Murray1849-01-01
Redburnhis first voyage. Being the sailor-boy confessions and reminiscences of the son-of-a-gentleman, in the merchant service.Harper & brothers1849-01-01
Mardiand a voyage thitherRichard Bentley1849-01-01
White-JacketOr the World in a Man-of-WarClassic Textbooks1850-01-01
Moby DickCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform1851-01-01
Pierre; or, The ambiguitiesHarper & Brothers1852-01-01
- Israel Potter: his fifty years of exileNorthwestern Univ. Press :1855-01-01
- The Piazza TalesDix & Edwards1856-01-01
ClarelA Poem and a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Notable American Authors)Reprint Services Corporation1876-01-01
- White-Jacket; or, The world in a man-of warUnited States Book Co.1892-01-01
Omooa narrative of adventures in the South seasNew ed., with a memoir of the author and illustrations.John Murray1893-01-01
Herman Melville's Billy Budd, ForetopmanWatts1900-01-01
Omooa narrative of adventvres in the Sovth seasJ.M. Dent & co.1907-01-01
- John Marr and other poemsPrinceton University Press1922-01-01
The works of Herman MelvilleStandard ed.1922-01-01
The apple-tree tableand other sketchesPrinceton University Press [etc., etc.]1922-01-01
Benito CerenoThe Nonesuch press1926-01-01
Romances of Herman MelvilleTypee, Omoo, Mardi, Moby-Dick, White-jacket, Israel Potter, Redburn.The Pickwick Publishers1928-01-01
Shorter novels of Herman MelvilleH. Liveright1928-01-01
Moby DickCharles Scribner's Sons1928-01-01
Romances of Herman MelvilleTypee, Omoo, Mardi, Moby-Dick, White-Jacket, Israel Potter, RedburnTudor Publishing Co.1931-01-01
- Representative selectionsAmerican Book Co.1938-01-01
L' Homme Paratonnerretraduit par Henri Parisot.GLM1939-01-01
The Encantadasor Enchanted islesW. P. Wreden1940-01-01
Billy Budd and the EncatadasPeter Smith Publisher1940-06-01
Billy Buddand other storiesLehmann1946-01-01
An anthologyDidier1946-01-01
Redburn, RomanClaassen & Goverts1946-01-01
Collected poems of Herman MelvillePackard and Company1947-01-01
- The confidence-manhis masqueradeJ. Lehmann1948-01-01
- Journal of a visit to London and the Continent, 1849-1850Harvard University Press1948-01-01
Journal of a visit to London and the Continent by Herman Melville, 1849-1850Harvard University Press1948-01-01
- Pierre; or, The ambiguities.Hendricks House1949-01-01
The complete stories of Herman MelvilleRandom House1949-01-01
The portable MelvilleChatto & Windus1952-01-01
MelvilleViking Adult1952-01-25
ShirokujiraMoby Dick ; or, The white whale] / by Melville ; translated by Abe TomojiIwanami Shoten1956-01-01
Pierreor, The ambiguitiesGrove Press1959-01-01
Selected tales and poemsRinehart1959-01-01
Battle-pieces and aspects of the warScholars1960-01-01
Typee, andBilly BuddDent1961-01-01
Billy Budd and Other StoriesNew American Library1961-01-01
Billy Budd and The piazza tales.Dolphin Books1961-01-01
Short novels.UreSmith1962-01-01
Herman Melville; [stories, poems, and letters]Dell Pub. Co.1962-01-01
- Works.or, the whale... Part 1.Standard edition.Russell & Russell1963-01-01
- Clarela poem and pilgrimage in the Holy Land... Part 1.Standard edition.Russell & Russell1963-01-01
The works of Herman Melville.Standard ed.Russell & Russell1963-01-01
- Typee / Billy BuddReprintDent1963-01-01
- Mardi and a Voyage ThitherVol. IStandard edition.Russell & Russell1963-01-01
- Works.or, the whale... Part 2.Standard edition.Russell & Russell1963-01-01
Mardi and a voyage thitherCapricorn Books1964-01-01
Billy Budd ; Beníto CerenoPrinted for the members of the Limited Editions Club1965-01-01
LettersYale University Press1965-01-01
Great short works of Herman Melville.Harper & Row1966-01-01
A thought on book-bindingGehenna Press1967-01-01
Melville's marginalia1968-01-01
The apple-tree tableand other sketchesGreenwood Press1969-01-01
Melville on Piranesi.Gehenna Press1969-01-01
Four Classic American NovelsSignet Classics1969-04-01
Selected poems of Herman Melville1st ed.Random House1970-01-01
- Herman Melville: voyagesHallmark Editions1970-01-01
- Journal up the straits, October 11, 1856-May 5, 1857.Cooper Square Publishers1971-01-01
- On the Slain CollegiansFarrar Straus Giroux1971-02-01
Belyĭ bushlat.Nauka, Leningr. otd-nie1973-01-01
Herman MelvilleAuthentic Anecdotes of Old ZackKenneth Starosciak Bookseller1973-03-01
Collected poems of Herman MelvillePackard1975-01-01
TaipiAbenteuer in d. SüdseeHoffmann und Campe1975-01-01
TimoleonNorwood Editions1976-01-01
Family correspondence of Herman Melville, 1830-1904, in the Gansevoort-Lansing collectionFolcroft Library Editions1976-01-01
Billy BuddStudent Activity BookPendulum Press1979-06-01
- Billy BuddPendulum Press1979-07-01
Bartleby3. ed. en Premià editora.Premià Editora1981-01-01
A story from "The piazza tales" called The lightning-rod manDaedalus Press1982-01-01
- Billy Budd, Sailor and Other StoriesBantam Classic Edition (2)Bantam Books1982-03-01
Billy Budd and Moby DickGlobe Book Company, Inc.1984-01-01
- Pierreor, The ambiguities ; Israel Potter : his fifty years of exile ; The piazza tales ; The confidence man : his masquerade ; Uncollected prose ; Billy Budd, sailor, : (an inside narrative)Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge1984-01-01
- Best of Herman MelvilleBook Sales1984-05-01
- Billy Budd, Sailor & Other StoriesReprintPenguin Books1985-01-01
Moby DickOrtells Editorial S.L., Alfredo1985-01-01
- The Piazza tales and other prose pieces, 1839-1660The Northwestern-Newberry Edition.Northwestern University Press and The Newberry Library1987-01-01
- Redburn, White-Jacket, Moby-Dick (The Library of America)Cambridge University Press1987-12-01
At the hostelry ; and, Naples in the time of BombaIstituto universitario orientale1989-01-01
- JournalsNorthwestern Newberry ed.Newberry Library1989-01-01
- Moby DickBaronet Books1990-01-01
- Poèmes divers, 1876-1891Gallimard1991-09-26
- Moby DickGlobe Fearon1992-01-01
Moby Dick - Grade 1Alhambra1992-06-01
- CorrespondenceThe Northwestern-Newberry ed.Newberry Library1993-01-01
To kampanarioKedros1994-01-01
Herman Melvillethe complete works including novels, short stories, letters, criticism, a biography, and an extensive bibliography.E-Codex Publications1994-01-01
Lettere a HawthorneLiberilibri1994-01-01
- The Complete Shorter FictionAlfred A. Knopf1997-01-01
- Billy Budd, Sailorand selected TalesOxford University Press1997-01-01
- 33 poèmesLe Cherche Midi1997-04-30
Five TalesDodd Mead2000-01-01
- The poems of Herman MelvilleRev. ed.Kent State University Press2000-01-01
- Bartleby y Otros Cuentos / Bartleby and Other StoriesAIMS International Books2000-05-01
Two Slave Rebellions at SeaThe Heroic Slave and Benito CerenoBlackwell Publishing Limited2000-06-01
- Maskeraden oder Vertrauen gegen Vertrauen.btb2001-05-01
- Moby Dick or The White Whale (Oxford Classic Tales)New Ed editionOxford University Press2002-07-04
- Tales, Poems, and Other Writings (Modern Library Classics)Modern Library2002-07-09
- Moby Dick (Great Classics for Children)Dalmatian Press2003-01-01
- On the FrontierIndyPublish.com2003-10-01
- Three American Poets (Penguin Classics)Penguin Global2003-11-25
Redburn ; Vareuse-blancheGallimard2004-01-01
Israel PotterHis Fifty Years of ExileKessinger Publishing, LLC2004-01-01
White Jacket or the World in A Man of WarKessinger Publishing, LLC2004-01-01
- Herman Melville2nd editionEdimat Libros2004-04-01
- Great American Short NovelsKessinger Publishing2005-06-30
- Moby Dick (Illustrated Classics)Saddleback Educational Publishing, Inc.2005-08-01
- HunillaA Story of the Enchanted Isle'sKessinger Publishing2005-12-30
Bartleby the Scrivener and Other StoriesAudiofy/Naxos2006-01-01
- Moby DickLevel 2PENGUIN LONGMAN PUBL2006-02-28
Bedford Anthology of American Literature V1 & Uncle Tom's Cabin & Benito CerenoBedford/St. Martin's2006-12-17
Bedford Anthology of American Literature V1 & Scarlet Letter & Benito CerenoBedford/St. Martin's2006-12-17
Bedford Anthology of American Literature V1 & Uncle Tom's Cabin & Benito CerenoBedford/St. Martin's2006-12-17
Bartleby the scrivener, and, Benito CerenoHesperus Press2007-01-01
John Marr and other sailors, with some sea-piecesA facsimile ed.Kent State University Press2007-01-01
- Billy Budd, SailorA Classic Tale of Innocence Betrayed on the High SeasUnabridged editionTyndale Entertainment2007-05-01
- Moby Dick (Graphic Classics) (Graphic Classics)Abdo & Daughters2007-07-01
- Collected Works of Herman Melville (Large Print Edition)BiblioBazaar2007-08-20
- I and My Chimney (Dodo Press)Dodo Press2007-10-26
Confidence-ManHis MasqueradeSeltzer Books2008-01-01
Bedford Anthology of American Literature V2 & Benito CerenoBedford/St. Martin's2008-04-02
- Herman MelvilleSeven Novels - Complete and UnabridgedBarnes & Noble2008-05-31
- The Happy FailureStories1st Harper Perennial Classic Stories Edition (1)Harper Perennial Classic Stories2009-01-01
Published poemsNewberry Library2009-01-01
- Short stories of Herman MelvilleLarge Print Book Co.2009-01-01
Billy Budd, Sailor and Other Uncompleted WritingsNorthwestern Newberry EditionNorthwestern Univ Press2009-10-30
American 19th Century LiteratureThe Golden Bowl - Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry FinnKnopf Doubleday Publishing Group2010-01-01
Derniers poèmesÉditions Rue d'Ulm-ENS2010-01-01
Billy Budd and Other TalesPenguin Publishing Group2010-01-01
Confidence-Man and Billy Budd, SailorPenguin Books, Limited2012-01-01
- Mardi: And A Voyage Thither Vol. IICreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2012-08-24
- Herman Melville's The Piazza Tales"A smile is the chosen vehicle of all ambiguities."Word to the Wise2013-06-18
- Bedford Anthology of American Literature, Shorter Edition 2e & Benito CerenoBedford Books2013-09-09
- Billy BuddDreamscape Media Llc2013-11-01
- Benito CerenoCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2014-03-06
- Yazici BartlebyIletisim2014-04-13
- El campanario / La galeríaAlisis2014-07-14
- The Confidence-ManHis MasqueradeCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2015-07-13
- Redburn, His First VoyageCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2015-11-16
- Herman Melvillethe Dover readerDover Publications2016-01-01
- Billy Budd, Bartleby, and Other StoriesPenguin Classics2016-01-01
- Cock-A-Doodle-Doo!CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2016-04-08
- TypeeA Peep At Polynesian LifeCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2016-05-21
- Benito CerenoCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2016-06-02
- Typee. A Romance of the South SeaCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2016-06-18
- RedburnCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2016-07-19
- Bartleby and Benito CerenoAmereon Ltd2016-11-10
- Bartleby, the ScrivenerA Story of Wall-StreetCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2016-11-18
- Battle Pieces and Aspects of the WarCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2016-12-31
- OmooAdventures in the South SeasCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2017-03-23
- MardiAnd A Voyage Thither; Volume IIPinnacle Press2017-05-26
- Herman Melville - Israel Potter"Friendship at first sight, like love at first sight, is said to be the only truth"Horse's Mouth2018-03-16
- Gesammelte Werke : Romane und Abenteuergeschichten : Moby Dick + Bartleby + Taipi + OmooErlebnisse in der Südsee + Billy Budd, Vortoppmann auf der ... Rose + Kikeriki und mehrE-Artnow2018-04-05
- Omoo. Adventures In The South SeasCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2018-04-06
- Katip BartlebyKopernik Kitap2018-04-13
- Mardi.Createspace Independent Publishing Platform2018-04-27
- Bartleby, the ScrivenerA Story of Wall StreetLulu.com2018-08-27
- Benito CerenoLulu.com2018-08-27
- PierreOr, the AmbiguitiesFranklin Classics2018-10-07
- Israel PotterHis Fifty Years of ExileFranklin Classics2018-10-10
- White JacketOr, the World in a Man-Of WarFranklin Classics2018-10-11
- Battle-pieces and Aspects of WarFranklin Classics2018-10-12
- Mardi, and a Voyage Thither; Volume 2Franklin Classics2018-10-13
- Israel PotterHis Fifty Years of ExileFranklin Classics2018-10-13
- TypeeFranklin Classics Trade Press2018-10-24
- TypeeFranklin Classics Trade Press2018-10-24
- Battle-Pieces and Aspects of WarFranklin Classics Trade Press2018-10-31
TypeeIndependently Published2019-01-01
Moby Dick (Collins Classics)HarperCollins Publishers Limited2019-01-01
- Moby-Dick; Or, The WhaleIndependently published2019-06-24
- TaipiAbenteuer in der SüdseeHenricus2019-11-03
Moby DickFlame Tree Publishing2020-01-01
Penguin Readers Level 7Moby DickPenguin Books, Limited2020-01-01
- Moby-DickOasis Audio2020-05-12
- Moby Dick or, The WhaleBarclays Public Books2020-05-30
Bartleby, the Scrivener AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Moby-Dick AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
HvalurinnMoby Dick, Icelandic EditionBlurb, Incorporated2021-01-01
Moby-Dick IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Bartleby, the ScrivenerA Story of Wall StreetWest Margin Press2021-01-01
Redburn IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
White Jacket or the World on a Man-Of-WarOriginal Classics and AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Pierre (or, the Ambiguities)West Margin Press2021-01-01
Mardi and a Voyage Thither Vol. IIndependently Published2021-01-01
Redburn by Herman Melville Classic Illustrated EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
Redburn-Classic Original Edition;illustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Moby Dick by Herman Melville Illustrated NovelIndependently Published2021-01-01
Bartleby, the Scrivener IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Typee IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Moby Dick Illustrated EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
I Would Prefer Not ToEssential StoriesPushkin Press, Limited2021-01-01
Typee IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Bartleby, the Scrivener IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Redburn IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Moby-Dick or Wale by Herman Melville Fully Illustrated EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
Typee AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Typee : a Romance of the South SeasIllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Typee IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Bartleby, the Scrivener by Herman Melville(Annotated)Independently Published2021-01-01
- Piazza TalesWest Margin Press2021-01-01
Redburn : His First VoyageIllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
- Billy Budd, SailorGildan Media Corporation2021-01-01
Moby Dick; or, the Whale with Illustrated Large PrintBy Hans Christian Andersen Annotated Editor by Ablaze BlissIndependently Published2021-01-01
Bartleby, the Scrivener : a Story of Wall-StreetWith Original IllustrationsIndependently Published2021-01-01
Moby Dick - Kid ClassicsThe Classic Edition Reimagined Just-For-Kids!Whalen Book Works Publishing Company2022-01-01