Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский
Also known as
Russian novelist Fyodor Mikhailovitch Dostoyevsky was a journalist and short-story writer, whose psychological penetration into the human soul profoundly influenced the 20th century novel. Dostoevsky's novels have much autobiographical elements, but ultimately they deal with moral and philosophical questions. He presented interacting characters with contrasting views or ideas about freedom of choice, Socialism, atheisms, good and evil, happiness and so forth. Dostoevsky's central obsession was God, whom his characters constantly search through painful errors and humiliations. ([Source][1]) Dostoyevsky's literary output explores human psychology in the troubled political, social and spiritual context of 19th-century Russian society. Considered by many as a founder or precursor of 20th-century existentialism, his *Notes from Underground* (1864), written in the embittered voice of the anonymous "underground man", was called by Walter Kaufmann the "best overture for existentialism ever written." A prominent figure in world literature, Dostoyevsky is often acknowledged by critics as one of the greatest psychologists in world literature. ([Source][2]) Фёдор Миха́йлович Достое́вский (рус. дореф. Ѳедоръ Михайловичъ Достоевскій; 30 октября [11 ноября] 1821, Москва, Российская империя — 28 января [9 февраля] 1881, Санкт-Петербург, Российская империя) — русский писатель, мыслитель, философ и публицист. Член-корреспондент Петербургской АН с 1877 года. ([Source][3]) Как в начале, так и в продолжении своего литературного творчества после четырёх лет каторги и ссылки за участие в кружке Петрашевского Достоевский выступал в качестве новатора в русле традиций русского реализма, что не получило должной оценки современников при жизни писателя. ([Source][3]) После смерти Достоевский был признан классиком русской литературы и одним из лучших романистов мирового значения, считается первым представителем персонализма в России. Творчество русского писателя оказало воздействие на мировую литературу, в частности, на творчество ряда лауреатов Нобелевской премии по литературе, на становление экзистенциализма и фрейдизма. ([Source][3]) К наиболее значительным произведениям писателя относятся романы «великого пятикнижия». Романы «Преступление и наказание», «Идиот», «Бесы» и «Братья Карамазовы» включены в список 100 лучших книг Норвежского книжного клуба 2002 года. Многие известные произведения Достоевского многократно экранизировались и инсценировались в театре, ставились балетные и оперные постановки. ([Source][3]) [1]: http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/fdosto.htm [2]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fyodor_Dostoyevsky [3]: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B5%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9,_%D0%A4%D1%91%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%80_%D0%9C%D0%B8%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87
Born 1821-11-11
Died 1881-02-09
- Amazon153525713X
- VIAF104023256
- WikidataQ991
- ISNI0000000121462392
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- Amazon0344389979
- Amazon1533238359
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- Amazon9953687943
- Open LibraryOL22242A
Top Subjects
- Fiction (14)
- Continental european fiction (fictional works by one author) (10)
- Fiction, psychological (7)
- Russia (6)
- Fiction - General (6)
- Fathers and sons, fiction (5)
- Brothers, fiction (5)
Books by Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский
Total count: 550
Zapiski iz mertvago domaVtoroe izdanīe.V tipografīi Īosafata Ogrizko1862-01-01
Notes from UndergroundCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform1864-01-01
Notes from the UndergroundCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform1864-01-01
- L' idiottome 2Plon1880-01-01
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭTip. A.S. Suvorina1885-01-01
- Николай Алексѣевич Некрасов, его жизнь, послѣднія минуты и отрывки из сочиненійSklad izd v knizhnoĭ torgovli︠e︡ I.P . Perevoznikova1885-01-01
Le crime et le chatiment2. éd.Plon1885-01-01
- Injury and insult3rd. ed.Vizetelly & Co.1887-01-01
- Les précoces4. éd.Victor-Havard1889-01-01
- Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ1894-01-01
Aufzeichnungen aus einem toten HauseI. Ladyschnikow Verlag1900-01-01
Bi︠e︡syroman v trekh chasti︠a︡khZhiznʹ i Kulʹtura1900-01-01
Les frères KaramazovCharpentier1906-01-01
- Correspondance et Voyage à l'étrangerSociété du Mercure de France1908-01-01
Yisusi tōnatsaṛěĒlektrasharzh tparan ōr. N. Aghaneantsʻi1910-01-01
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīéi.S mnogochislennymi portretami avtora i drugimi khudozhestvennymi prilozhenīi︠a︡mi[Prosvi︠e︡shchenīe1911-01-01
Letters from the underworld; The gentle maiden; The landlady.Dent1913-01-01
The gamblerand other storiesW. Heinemann1914-01-01
Poor Folk The GamblerJ.M. Dent & Sons1915-01-01
A raw youthHeinemann1916-01-01
A raw youtha novel in three partsHeinemann1916-01-01
The eternal husbandand other storiesHeinemann1917-01-01
Crime and punishmentP. F. Collier & Son1917-01-01
- Letters of Fyodor Michailovitch Dostoyevsky to his family and friends2nd ed.Chatto & Windus1917-01-01
White nightsand other storiesWilliam Heinemann1918-01-01
El eterno maridonovelaRenovación1918-01-01
An honest thiefWilliam Heinemann1919-01-01
Autobiographische SchriftenPiper1919-01-01
Das politische Gedicht auf die europäischen Ereignisse von 1854mit einem Anhang aus dem "Tagebuch eines Schriftstellers"Drei Masken1920-01-01
- Das Gut Stepantschikowo und seine BewohnerInsel-Verlag1921-01-01
Sämtliche Romane und NovellenInsel-Verlag1921-01-01
- Sämtliche Romane und NovellenInsel-Verlag1921-01-01
Unizhennye i oskorblennye ; Vi︠e︡chnyĭ muzhIzd-vo I.P. Ladyzhnikova1921-01-01
Ispoved' Stavrogina[tri nenapechatannye glavy iz romana "Besy"] ; Plan "Zhitiya velikogo greshnika"Izdatel'stvo TSentrarkhiva R.S.F.S.R.1922-01-01
Onkelchens Traum und andere HumoreskenF.M. Dostojewski.Piper1922-01-01
Onkelchens Traum und andere HumoreskenR. Piper & Co. Verlag1922-01-01
Stavrogin's confession and the plan of The life of a great sinnerLeonard & Virginia Woolf at The Hogarth Press1922-01-01
Iz arkhiva Dostoevskogopisʹma russkikh pisateleĭGos. izd-vo1923-01-01
A Raw YouthThe Macmillan Company1923-01-01
Helle Nächtevier NovellenPiper1923-01-01
- (Dostoevsky:) letters and reminiscencesChatto [and] Windus1923-01-01
Tagebuch eines SchriftstellersMusarionverlag1923-01-01
Ṿayse nekhṭEybiḳer manS. Yaṭshḳoṿsḳi1924-01-01
Lettres à sa femmePlon1927-01-01
Pisʹma.Gos. izd-vo1928-01-01
Letters from the underworldJ.M. Dent and sons1929-01-01
Bu xing de yi qunChu banWei ming she chu ban bu1929-01-01
Zločin a trestromán o 6 dílechMelantrich1930-01-01
Der Spielerkleine Romane und Erzählungen 1867-1877I. Ladyschnikow1930-01-01
SHORT STORIES. Popular Classics of The WorldCaxton House, Inc. [No Date Noted, 1930's]1930-01-01
The possessedE.P. Dutton1931-01-01
Iz arkhiva F.M. DostoevskogoPrestuplenie i nakazanie, neizdannye materialyGos. izd-vo khudozh. lit-ry1931-01-01
Iz arkhiva F.M. DostoevskogoIdiot : neizdannye materialyGos. izd-vo khudozhestvennoĭ literatury1931-01-01
Idiotromán o čtyřech dílechMelantrich1931-01-01
- Du tuHu feng shu ju1933-01-01
Fang dong tai tai2 banDa guang shu jun1935-01-01
Zui e yu xing faChu banShang wu yin shu guan1935-01-01
The idiot, novel in four partsRandom House1935-01-01
Niétotchka Niézvanovun voleur honnête de l'arbre de noël : au marriage un petit hérosNouvelle Revue Française1940-01-01
Notes from the Dead HouseForeign Language Press1940-01-01
Crime and PunishmentJ.M.Dent & Sons Ltd.1941-01-01
Selo Stepanc︠h︡ikovo i ego obitatelipovesti i rasskazy.YMCA Press1945-01-01
Short Novels of DostoevskyDoubleDay1945-06-01
Izbrannye sochineniyaIzd-vo khudozhestvennoi literatury1946-01-01
The Brothers KaramazovThe Modern Library1947-01-01
Bai yeChu banWen guang shu dian1947-01-01
The Grand InquisitorA Haddam House Book Published By Association Press1948-01-01
Poor Folk & the Gambler - Everyman's Library # 711 HardcoverJ.M. Dent & Sons1948-01-01
Bai chiHu chu banWen guang shu dian1948-01-01
The grand inquisitor on the nature of manBobbs-Merrill1948-01-01
Di xia shi shou jiHu chu banWen guang shu dian1948-01-01
Shao nianZai banKai ming shu dian1949-01-01
Crime and PunishmentModern Library1950-01-01
Crime and Punishment #199 Modern LibraryModern Library1950-01-01
The Gambler and Other StoriesHeinemann1950-01-01
Advancing to Communismnotes of a pioneer of collective farming in the UkraineForeign Languages Publishing House1950-01-01
The Eternal husband and other storiesMacmillan1951-01-01
Der seltsame LiebesbundRomanDie Neue Werkgemeinschaft1951-01-01
The brothers KaramazovMacmillan1951-01-01
Crime and Punishment (International Collectors LibInternational Collectors Library1953-01-01
The DevilsPenguin1953-01-01
The idiot (Penguin classics no. L54)Penguin Books1955-01-01
The Insulted And Injured Translated from the Russian by Constance GarnettNew York:; Grove Press; 19551955-01-01
Best short stories.Modern Library1955-01-01
Winter notes on summer impressions.Foreword by Saul Bellow. Translated by Richard Lee Renfield.McGraw-Hill1955-01-01
The brothers KaramazovModern Library1956-01-01
Poor folk and The gamblerDent; Dutton1956-01-01
Der GrossinquisitorIm Insel-Verlag1956-01-01
Sobranie sochineniiGos. izd-vo khudozh. lit-ry1957-01-01
An Honest Thief and Other Stories Translated from the Russian by Constance GarnettHeinemann1957-01-01
The Double A Poem of St. PetersburgIndiana University Press1958-01-01
Brothers KaramazovPenguin Publishing Group1958-01-01
ʻUl yamim1959-01-01
Crime & PunishmentDELL PUBL CO1959-01-01
The dream of a queer fellowand, The Pushkin speechNew ed.Unwin1960-01-01
- Correspondance de Dostoïevski, tome 3 (livre non massicoté)Calmann-Lévy1960-01-01
The Brothers Karamazov (Laurel Edition)Dell Publishing Company1960-01-01
My uncle's dreamForeign Languages Publishing House1960-01-01
Letters of Fyodor Michailovitch Dostoevsky to his Family and FriendsHorizon Press1961-01-01
Notes from UndergroundSignet Classics1961-10-01
Izbrannye sochineniıaLenizdat1962-01-01
PossessedPenguin Publishing Group1962-01-01
The IdiotDell Publishing1962-01-01
Occasional writings.Vision1963-01-01
Crime and punishmentWashington Square Press1963-01-01
U Tikhonapropushchennai͡a︡ glava iz romana "Besy".Inter-Language Literary Associates]1964-01-01
Poor folks; The gamblerE.P.D. Futton & co., inc.1965-01-01
Crime and PunishmantDell1966-01-01
The Brothers Karamazov - Volume IIHeron1967-01-01
The Possessed volume 2 IIHeron Books edito Service1967-01-01
The gamblerNotes from undergroundHeritage Press1967-01-01
- The notebooks for Crime and punishmentUniversity of Chicago Press1967-01-01
The House of the DeadGreatest Masterpieces of Russian LiteratureHeron Books1967-01-01
The Brothers KaramazovHeinemann1968-01-01
Belye nochiNetochka NezvanovaKhudozhestvennai︠a︡ literatura1968-01-01
The notebooks for A raw youthUniversity of Chicago Press1969-01-01
The Gambler and Other StoriesHeinemann1969-01-01
Eglises russesZodiaque1969-01-01
Bednye li͡u︡di.Unizhennye i oskorblennye.Mosk. pabochiĭ1970-01-01
Crime and PunishmentHeron Books1970-01-01
Brothers Karamazovde Gruyter GmbH, Walter1971-01-01
Le JoueurGallimard1972-01-01
Krotkai͡a︡.Fantast. rasskaz.Khudozh. lit.1973-01-01
Belye nochisentimental'nyi roman iz vospominaniǐ mechtatelyaKhudozhestvennaya Literatura1973-01-01
- The gambler, Bobok [and] A nasty storyPenguin1974-01-01
- New Dostoevsky letters.Haskell House Publishers1974-01-01
Notes from undergroundBantam Books1974-01-01
F.M. Dostoevskiĭ, A.G. Dostoevskai︠a︡perepiskaIzd-vo "Nauka"1979-01-01
Riivaajat3Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava1979-01-01
Z notatnikowCzytelnik1979-01-01
Dnevnik pisatelya za 1876 god, mai - oktyabrNauka1981-01-01
Bai yeDi 1 ban.Zhejiang ren min chu ban she1982-01-01
- Poor folkArdis1982-01-01
Sobranie sochineniǐ v dvenadt͡sati tomakhIzd-vo Pravda1982-01-01
Les\Nuit Blancues Le sous SolFrench & European Publications Inc1982-10-01
Prestuplenie i nakazanieroman ; Bednye li︠u︡di : roman ; Di︠a︡di︠u︡shkin son : povestʹKhudozh. lit-ra1983-01-01
Crime and punishmentnotesColes Publishing1984-01-01
The Crocodilean Extraordinary EventArdis Publishers1984-03-01
Selo Stepanchikovo i ego obitateli ; Zapiski iz podpolʹi͡a︡ ; IgrokIzd-vo "Pravda"1985-01-01
- The doubleTwo versionsArdis1985-01-01
The Brothers Karamazov Part 3 Of 3Books on Tape, Inc.1986-11-17
O russkoĭ literatureSovremennik1987-01-01
- Complete Letters1832 1859Ardis Publishers1988-01-01
ha-Ḥeṭ ṿe-ʻonsho1988-01-01
- Eine verfängliche FrageAufsätze, Feuilletons1. Aufl.Aufbau-Verl.1988-01-01
Poor peoplea novel and stories of the 1840'sRaduga Publishers1988-01-01
Poor folk& other storiesPenguin1988-01-01
- Les frères KaramazovIGallimard1988-01-20
Vozvrashchenie chelovekaSov. Rossiya1989-01-01
- Onkelchens Traumaus den Annalen der Stadt Mordassow2. Aufl.Eulenspiegel-Verl.1989-01-01
L'\Idiot Tome IIFrench & European Publications Inc1989-10-01
Die Erniedrigten Und BeleidigtenEinband und Schutzumschlag G. Ulrich1990-01-01
- Schuld und Sühne. Roman in sechs Teilen mit einem Epilog.Artemis & Winkler1990-01-01
- Nouvelles et récits, avec trois études de Marie-Françoise KempfL'Age d'Homme1993-11-01
DostoyevskyCrime and Punishment ~ The Gambler ~ Notes From the Underground (Great Classic Library) (Great Classic Library)Chancellor1994-01-01
- Sobranie sočinenijv semi tomach : Idiot : [roman v četyrech častjach]Lexica1994-01-01
- Notes from UndergroundA Confession/Two Short Works (Everyman's Library (Paper))Everymans Library1994-06-01
Crime and PunishmentDee Publisher, Ivan R.1995-01-01
IgrokPrestuplenie i nakazanieBibliopolis1995-01-01
Crime and Punishment Part 1 of 2Books On Tape1996-01-01
- Aufzeichnungen aus einem Totenhaus und drei Erzählungen.Piper1996-04-01
Besove / БесовеZahariy Stoyanov1997-03-21
- Une sale histoire et autres nouvellesLGF1997-09-01
Noches Blancas - El Pequeño Heroe - Un EpisodioFacsimile of 1909 editionAlianza1997-09-01
- Budala-OdaOda Yayinlari1998-11-04
- InsanciklarSule Yayinlari1998-11-07
Zileton Ke Meray LogAl-Maktaba Al-Arabia2000-01-01
- Crime et châtiment, tome 2Actes Sud2002-05-13
Sobranie mysleĭ DostoevskogoIzdatelʹskiĭ dom "Zvonnit͡s︡a-MG"2003-01-01
- The Gospel in DostoyevskySelections from His WorksOrbis Books2004-01-01
Dnevnik, statʹi, zapisnye knizhkiZakharov2004-01-01
- Diario De Un EscritorLongseller2004-08-30
- Zapiski iz Mertvogo domaRasskazyĖKSMO2005-01-01
- Crime and punishmentDodo Press2005-01-01
Gambler and BobokReadHowYouWant.com, Limited2006-01-01
- Herb of Grace (Large Print)Lrg editionwww.ReadHowYouWant.com2006-01-01
IdiotReadHowYouWant.com, Limited2006-01-01
El Quijote Desde RusiaVisor2006-04-01
- Aufzeichnungen aus dem KellerlochFischer Taschenbuch Vlg.2006-05-31
- Memorias Del Subsuelo, Las Noches Blancas, El JugadorLosada2006-06-30
- Ein grüner JungeFISCHER, S.2006-09-14
- The Brothers Karamazov Volume 1 [EasyRead Large Edition]Lrg editionwww.ReadHowYouWant.com2006-11-01
- Crime and Punishment Volume III [EasyRead Edition]ReadHowYouWant.com2006-11-01
- Tatsiz Bir OlayCan Yayinlari2006-11-03
- The PossessedVol.2EasyRead Large editionReadHowYouWant.com2006-12-01
Village of Stepanchikovo : And Its Inhabitantsfrom the Notes of an UnknownPenguin Books, Limited2007-01-01
- Poor Folk Translated by C. J. Hogarth [EasyRead Large Edition]ReadHowYouWant.com2007-01-01
- The Dream of a Ridiculous Man and Other StoriesWaking Lion Press2007-02-05
- Der IdiotAnaconda Verlag2007-03-31
The Grand Inquisitor - Feodor DostoevskyBook Jungle2007-11-08
- La femme d'un autre et le mari sous le litune aventure peu ordinaireGallimard2008-01-01
Honest Thief and Other StoriesWildside Press, LLC2008-01-01
Winter notes on summer impressionsOneworld Classics2008-01-01
- Prestuplenie i nakazanieAST : AST MOSKVA : Khranitel'2008-01-06
- Schuld und ShneRoman in sechs Teilen mit einem EpilogAufbau Taschenbuch Verlag2008-04-01
al-Masʼalah al-YahūdīyahFikr2009-01-01
MiseinenYumani Shobō2009-01-01
PossessedWildside Press, LLC2009-01-01
Notes from UndergroundEerdmans Publishing Company, William B.2009-01-01
Disgraceful AffairHarperCollins Publishers2009-01-01
Dream of the Ridiculous ManHarperCollins Publishers2009-01-01
- Crime E CastigoEditora 342009-06-06
- Olu Evinden AnilarAlter Yayinlari2009-10-29
Classic Crime Fiction (6 Books)Lulu Press, Inc.2010-01-01
Delitto e CastigoLulu Press, Inc.2010-01-01
- The GamblerBlackstone Audiobooks2010-01-01
- Prestuplenie i nakazanieAST2010-01-01
The Grand InquisitorPenguin Books2010-10-26
- Verbrechen und StrafeRomanFISCHER, S.2010-12-01
Insulted and InjuredEerdmans Publishing Company, William B.2011-01-01
Timeless Classics - the Best Russian Short StoriesCharles River Editors2011-01-01
Zapiski iz podpolʹi︠a︡Igrok : roman (iz zapisok molodogo cheloveka)Vita nova2011-01-01
Crime and PunishmentPearson Education, Limited2011-01-01
Collins Classics - Crime and PunishmentHarperCollins Publishers Limited2011-01-01
- Maloe sobranie sochineniĭAzbuka2011-01-01
- Memòries del subsòllabutxaca2011-02-15
- Humillados y ofendidosAlba Editorial2011-05-01
The PossessedBlackstone Audio, Inc.2011-05-01
- Ev Sahibesi - Hasan Ali Yucel KlasikleriIs Bankasi Kultur Yayinlari2011-10-18
- Karamazov Kardeşler 2. Ciltİskele Yayıncılık2011-11-07
DoubleDover Publications, Incorporated2012-01-01
Greatest Russian Stories of Crime and SuspenseOpen Road Integrated Media, Inc.2012-01-01
Eternal HusbandDover Publications, Incorporated2012-01-01
Carnet d'un Inconnutredition Verlag2012-01-01
- Notes from UndergroundCanongate Books2012-01-01
White Nights and Other StoriesDover Publications, Incorporated2012-01-01
Notes from the UndergroundDover Publications, Incorporated2012-01-01
GamblerDover Publications, Incorporated2012-01-01
IdiotDover Publications, Incorporated2012-01-01
DoubleDover Publications, Incorporated2012-01-01
Poor Folktredition Verlag2013-01-01
Werdender - Zweiter Bandtredition Verlag2013-01-01
Drei Novellentredition Verlag2013-01-01
Werdender - Erster Bandtredition Verlag2013-01-01
- DoubleAlma Classics2013-01-01
- İnsancıklarCan Yayınları2013-01-13
- Crimen y castigoAlianza Editorial2013-05-21
- Oluler Evinden AnilarTimas Yayinlari2013-10-17
- Notes from the UndergroundCreatespace Independent Pub2014-01-01
- Crime and Punishment SparkNotes Literature GuideSparkNotes2014-02-04
- InsanciklarIletisim2014-04-13
- Casa de los muertos, LaBIBLOCK2014-04-21
- Le notti biancheEinaudi2014-05-12
- Puskin Uzerine Uc KonusmaDedalus2014-11-04
- Jugador/Noches BlancasTomo2014-12-01
House of the DeadXist Publishing2015-01-01
White Nights, and Other StoriesCreative Media Partners, LLC2015-01-01
Christmas Tree and a WeddingShort StoryHarperCollins Publishers2015-01-01
Crime and PunishmentLerner Publishing Group2015-01-01
Meek OnePenguin Books, Limited2015-01-01
CrocodileHern Books, Limited, Nick2015-01-01
- White NightsShanghai Translation Publishing House2015-01-01
- Stepancikovo Köyü ve SakinleriIletisim Yayinevi2015-04-13
- Noches blancasMESTAS Ediciones, S.L.2015-04-15
- The IdiotCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2015-05-14
- CuentosPENGUIN CLASICOS2015-06-11
The Brothers KaramazovPalala Press2015-09-09
- Oeuvres romanesques (1859-1864) : Le Rêve de l'oncle ; Le Bourg de Stépantchikovo et sa population ; Humiliés et offensés ; Les Carnets de la maison ... ; Les Carnets du sous-sol ; Le CrocodileActes Sud Editions2015-10-14
- The IdiotA Novel In Four PartsArkose Press2015-10-25
- Beyaz GecelerPanama Yayincilik2015-10-30
- Suc ve CezaCan Yayinlari2015-11-01
- Puskin KonusmasiIletisim Yayinevi2015-11-05
- Karamazov KardeslerIletisim Yayinevi2015-11-05
I DemoniIndependently Published2016-01-01
Winter Notes on Summer ImpressionsAlma Classics2016-01-01
- L’idiotCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2016-04-17
- The Gambler, and Other StoriesPalala Press2016-05-02
- Crimen y castigoCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2016-06-22
- Guía literaria de LondresÁtico de los Libros2016-07-06
- Notes from UndergroundLulu.com2016-09-16
- Crimen y castigoAustral2016-10-06
- El IdiotaCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2016-10-28
- Ebedi KocaImge Kitabevi Yayinlari2016-11-05
- ÖtekiÖteki Yayinevi2016-11-07
- Ölü Bir Evden HatiralarIletisim Yayinevi2016-11-08
idiotaIndependently Published2017-01-01
Crime and Punishment (AmazonClassics Edition)Amazon Publishing2017-01-01
Crime and Punishment (illustrated)Independently Published2017-01-01
Notes from the UndergroundIllustrations by Adam EveIndependently Published2017-01-01
White NightsBy Fyodor Dostoyevsky - IllustratedIndependently Published2017-01-01
White Nights and Other StoriesBy Fyodor Dostoyevsky - IllustratedIndependently Published2017-01-01
Brothers KaramazovIndependently Published2017-01-01
Frères Karamazov (Version Complète)Independently Published2017-01-01
Notebooks for Crime and PunishmentDover Publications, Incorporated2017-01-01
IdiotIndependently Published2017-01-01
Idiot (illustré)Independently Published2017-01-01
Russian Short Stories : (Large Print Edition, Arial 18 Font)Murine Publications2017-01-01
Grand InquisitorBy Fyodor Dostoevsky - IllustratedIndependently Published2017-01-01
Delitto e CastigoIndependently Published2017-01-01
Crime and PunishmentPrakash Book Depot2017-01-01
Crime et Chàtiment (illustré)Independently Published2017-01-01
Poor FolkBy Fyodor Dostoevsky - IllustratedIndependently Published2017-01-01
Crime et Châtiment Tome IIIndependently Published2017-01-01
DemonsIndependently Published2017-01-01
- EzilenlerAlter Yayinlari2017-04-13
- Crime and PunishmentDigireads.com2017-05-23
- Rus ÖyküleriKirmizi Kedi2017-10-28
- Suc ve CezaAlter Yayinlari2017-10-29
- KumarbazRemzi Kitabevi2017-11-01
- The PossessedCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2017-11-10
Dream of a Ridiculous ManIndependently Published2018-01-01
Crime et ChÂtimentLivre IllustréIndependently Published2018-01-01
GamblerIndependently Published2018-01-01
Pages from the Journal of an Author, Fyodor DostoevskyCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
- Los Hermanos Karamázov/ Obra CompletaIndependently Published2018-01-01
White NightsIndependently Published2018-01-01
GamblerIndependently Published2018-01-01
Letters of Fyodor Michailovitch Dostoevsky to His Family and FriendsCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
- Diary of a Writer, 1873Book on Demand Ltd.2018-02-11
- El jugadorMESTAS Ediciones, S.L.2018-04-01
- Uncle's DreamAnd, the Permanent HusbandFranklin Classics2018-10-08
- Uncle's DreamAnd, the Permanent HusbandFranklin Classics2018-10-08
- The Brothers KaramazovSimon & Brown2018-10-28
- Beyaz Geceler ; Kisaltilmis MetinIs Bankasi Kültür Yayinlari2018-10-28
- Yeraltindan NotlarPuslu Yayincilik2018-10-30
- Beyaz GecelerRemzi Kitabevi2018-11-01
SpielerKlassiker der WeltliteraturIndependently Published2019-01-01
IdiotIndependently Published2019-01-01
JugadorIndependently Published2019-01-01
GamblerLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
Poor FolkIndependently Published2019-01-01
Crime and Punishment (100 Copy Limited Edition)Engage Books2019-01-01
White NightsLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
Crime and Punishment (1000 Copy Limited Edition)AD Classic2019-01-01
Dream of a Ridiculous ManIndependently Published2019-01-01
Crime and PunishmentIndependently Published2019-01-01
IdiotIndependently Published2019-01-01
Notes from the UndergroundIndependently Published2019-01-01
Crime and PunishmentIndependently Published2019-01-01
Poor FolkLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
- The Brothers KaramazovStandard Ebooks2019-01-01
White NightsLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
LandladyDover Publications, Incorporated2019-01-01
Crime et Ch�timent Tome I et IIIndependently Published2019-01-01
White NightsLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
Notes from the UndergroundIndependently Published2019-01-01
Adolescent - Tome PremierIndependently Published2019-01-01
Crime and PunishmentLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
House of the DeadIndependently Published2019-01-01
Crime and PunishmentLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
Poor FolkIndependently Published2019-01-01
GamblerIndependently Published2019-01-01
Notes from the UndergroundLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
House of the DeadLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
IdiotLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
Raw YouthIndependently Published2019-01-01
Brothers KaramazovAnnotatedIndependently Published2019-01-01
GamblerIndependently Published2019-01-01
GamblerLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
Niétotchka NezvanovaCe Livre Numérique Comporte une Table des Matières Dynamique. il Est Parfaitement Mis en Page Pour une Lecture Sur Liseuse électroniqueIndependently Published2019-01-01
DoubleLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
- Der DoppelgängerHenricus2019-03-19
Братья Карамазовы. The Brothers Karamazov (Russian Edition)BOOK ON DEMAND - T8 Russian Titles2019-03-19
- Karamazov KardeslerCan Yayinlari2019-04-13
- The IdiotPrince Classics2019-05-19
- KumarbazDokuz Yayinlari2019-10-28
- KumarbazMavicati Yayinlari2019-10-28
- Yeraltindan NotlarSule Yayinlari2019-11-07
- Crime and PunishmentIndependently published2019-11-16
Crime and PunishmentIndependently Published2020-01-01
Brothers KaramazovIndependently Published2020-01-01
DoubleLarge PrintIndependently Published2020-01-01
Povera GenteIndependently Published2020-01-01
Um Club Da Má-LinguaIndependently Published2020-01-01
Crime and PunishmentIndependently Published2020-01-01
Notti BiancheIndependently Published2020-01-01
IdiotLarge PrintIndependently Published2020-01-01
White NightsIndependently Published2020-01-01
Crime and PunishmentHardPress2020-01-01
Notas Do SubsoloIndependently Published2020-01-01
Poor Folk IllustartedIndependently Published2020-01-01
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor DostoevskyIndependently Published2020-01-01
Grand InquisitorIndependently Published2020-01-01
Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor DostoevskyIndependently Published2020-01-01
IdiotLarge PrintIndependently Published2020-01-01
Crime and Punishment (Dover Thrift Editions)Independently Published2020-01-01
Die DämonenSämtliche Werke 5-6Independently Published2020-01-01
DoubleIndependently Published2020-01-01
Crime and PunishmentPevear and Volokhonsky TranslationIndependently Published2020-01-01
Brothers KaramazovMasterpiecesIndependently Published2020-01-01
GamblerLarge PrintIndependently Published2020-01-01
Noites BrancasIndependently Published2020-01-01
Idiot by Fyodor DostoevskyIndependently Published2020-01-01
Brothers KaramazovWest Margin Press2020-01-01
Crime and PunishmentChristmas Deluxe EditionIndependently Published2020-01-01
Double IllustratedIndependently Published2020-01-01
Possessed (the Devils)Independently Published2020-01-01
Notes from UndergroundIndependently Published2020-01-01
Crime and PunishmentIndependently Published2020-01-01
Poor Folk IllustratedIndependently Published2020-01-01
Brothers KaramazovIndependently Published2020-01-01
Poor FolkIndependently Published2020-01-01
Notes from the Underground Annotated IllustratedIndependently Published2020-01-01
- InsanciklarRen Kitap2020-04-13
- Suc ve CezaKirmizi Kedi Yayinevi2020-10-28
- Suç ve CezaKaratay Yayinlari2020-10-28
Dream of a Ridiculous Man IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Notes from the Underground AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Double IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Poor Folk-Classic Original Edition(Annotated)Independently Published2021-01-01
Crime et ChâtimentIndependently Published2021-01-01
PossessedThe Ultimate Book Club EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
Povera Gente IllustrataIndependently Published2021-01-01
Notes from the UndergroundGold Premium EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
Notes from the Underground AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Double AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Crimen y Castigo (Annotated)Independently Published2021-01-01
Faint Heart and a Little HeroIndependently Published2021-01-01
Double IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
GamblerAnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Possesseda Classics Illustrated EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
Nuits Blanches : (Roman Sentimental)Independently Published2021-01-01
Idiot IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Poor Folk AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Notes from the Underground AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Crime and PunishmentIndependently Published2021-01-01
GamblerAnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Poor Folk AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Gambler AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Crime and Punishment (illustrated Edition)Independently Published2021-01-01
Noches BlancasIndependently Published2021-01-01
Crime et Châtiment (Annoté)Independently Published2021-01-01
Notes from the Underground IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Gambler AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Notes from a Dead House by Fyodor DostoevskyIndependently Published2021-01-01
Joueur AnnotéIndependently Published2021-01-01
Double AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Crimen y Castigo IlustradoSpanish EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
- Crima Si Pedeapsa. Top 10+Polirom2021-01-01
CRIME and PUNISHMENT(Annotated)Independently Published2021-01-01
Poor Folk AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Notes from the Underground AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Gambler (illustrated Edition)Independently Published2021-01-01
Crime and PunishmentIndependently Published2021-01-01
Double AnnotéIndependently Published2021-01-01
- Crime and Punishment200th Birthday EditionSkyhorse Publishing2021-01-01
Double IlustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Brothers KaramazovIndependently Published2021-01-01
Poor Folk AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Crime and Punishment IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Joueur FyodorAnnoteIndependently Published2021-01-01
Notes from the UndergroundDeluxe EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
Notes from Underground IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Double (ilustrated Edition)Independently Published2021-01-01
Diario de un EscritorUn Diario Que Trata el Maltrato de Los niños en la Familia y Las Causas de Los SuicidiosIndependently Published2021-01-01
Notes from the Underground AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Tagebuch Eines SchriftstellersEin Tagebuch, das Handelt Die Misshandlung Von Kindern in der Familie und Die Ursachen Von SelbstmordenIndependently Published2021-01-01
Brothers Karamazov / Fyodor DostoevskyIndependently Published2021-01-01
Double IlustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Gambler AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
CRIME and PUNISHMENTan Illuminated EditionBeehive Books2021-01-01
Crime and PunishmentIndependently Published2021-01-01
DoubleIndependently Published2021-01-01
Crime and Punishment (illustrated Edition)Independently Published2021-01-01
Crime and Punishment Illustrated EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
Crime and PunishmentClassics IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
PossessedThe DevilsIndependently Published2021-01-01
Winter Notes on Summer ImpressionsCreative Media Partners, LLC2021-01-01
Notes from the Underground AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Gambler AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
GamblerIllustrated EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
Notes from the Underground (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)AD Classic2021-01-01
Notes from the UndergroundIndependently Published2021-01-01
Double IlustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Notes from the Underground IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Notes from the UndergroundAnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Crime et Châtiment IllustreeIndependently Published2021-01-01
Dream of a Ridiculous Man IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Crime et Châtiment IllustreeIndependently Published2021-01-01
Notes from the Underground AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Crime et Châtiment IllustréeIndependently Published2021-01-01
Poor FolkIndependently Published2021-01-01
Gambler AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Gambler :(illustrated Edition)Independently Published2021-01-01
Poor Folk AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Gambler AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
honnête VoleurFiodor DostoïevskiIndependently Published2021-01-01
Crime and Punishment IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
El idiotaAlba Libros S.L.2021-02-15
- Memorias del subsueloArca Ediciones2021-03-23
- White Nights and Other StoriesIndoeuropeanpublishing.com2021-04-16
- The Brothers KaramazovA Novel in Four Parts With EpiloguePicador2021-10-05
Fjodor Dostojewski, Die großen RomaneAnaconda Verlag2021-10-11
- El Gran InquisidorAlianza2021-10-28
- La aldea de Stepánchikovo y sus moradoresNotas de un desconocidoAlianza Editorial2021-10-28
- Umiliti si obiditiLitera2021-12-28
PlayerA Romance NovelIndependently Published2022-01-01
Weiße Nächte (illustriert)Independently Published2022-01-01
Idiot by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky Illustrated EditionIndependently Published2022-01-01
Brothers KaramazovA Fictional Classic of World LiteratureIndependently Published2022-01-01
DoubleIndependently Published2022-01-01
Idiot (Annotated)Independently Published2022-01-01
Crime and PunishmentThe 1866 Psychological Thriller ClassicIndependently Published2022-01-01
Gambler (illustrated Edition)Independently Published2022-01-01
Notes from the Underground IllustratedIndependently Published2022-01-01
Double Illustrated EditionIndependently Published2022-01-01
Souvenirs de la Maison des Morts AnnotéIndependently Published2022-01-01
Double (illustrated Edition)Independently Published2022-01-01
PossédésFyodor Mikhailovich DostoyevskyIndependently Published2022-01-01
Uncle's DreamAnd, the Permanent HusbandCreative Media Partners, LLC2022-01-01
Classic Christmas StoriesFavorite Holiday Stories for All AgesEfusion Media Group2022-01-01
Notes from UndergroundIndependently Published2022-01-01
Poor Folk (Annotated)Independently Published2022-01-01
Ricordi Del SottosuoloUn Romanzo PsicologicoIndependently Published2022-01-01
Dream of a Ridiculous ManIndependently Published2022-01-01
Notes from the UndergroundFinest AnnotationIndependently Published2022-01-01
Dream of a Ridiculous Man TranslatedIndependently Published2022-01-01
Humiliés et Offensés AnnotéIndependently Published2022-01-01
Notes from the Underground (Bantam Classics Illustrated)Independently Published2022-01-01
Crimen y el CastigoCreative Media Partners, LLC2022-01-01
Honest ThiefRead Books2022-01-01
White Nights and Other StoriesCreative Media Partners, LLC2022-01-01
Buried AliveOr, Ten Years Penal Servitude in SiberiaCreative Media Partners, LLC2022-01-01
Brothers KaramazovLulu Press, Inc.2022-01-01
Notes from Underground IllustratedIndependently Published2022-01-01
Crime and PunishmentA New TranslationIndependently Published2022-01-01
Polnoe Sobranie Sochineni10; Volume 10Creative Media Partners, LLC2022-01-01
GamblerCollector's Edition Fyodor Mikhailovich DostoyevskyIndependently Published2022-01-01
Frères KaramazovUn Roman PsychologiqueIndependently Published2022-01-01
Brothers Karamazov (Pelican Classics Edition)Independently Published2022-01-01
Crime and Punishment (classics Illustrated)Independently Published2022-01-01
Poor FolkIndependently Published2022-01-01
Crimen y castigoOlmak Trade, S.L.2022-04-20
Crimen y castigoOlmak Trade, S.L.2022-04-20
- Complete Collection of Fyodor Dostoevsky 6 Books Box SetClassic Editions ltd2022-10-25
- La sumisaGalaxia Gutenberg, S.L.2022-11-02
Brothers KaramazovA New Translation by Michael R. KatzLiveright Publishing Corporation2023-01-01
- Les frères KaramazovTome PremierPlon
- Dnevnik pisatelia za tysiacha vosem'sot sem'desiat sed'mo godYMCA Press
Pa iktis
- El cocodril i altres narracionsPapers amb Accent
Gospodin ProkharchinrazskazVnovʹ prosmotri︠e︡nnoe samim avtorom izd.Ḟ. Stellovskiĭ
StoriesRaduga Publisher
The short stories
- Erniderigṭe un baleydigṭe: roman in 4 ṭeylen un 2 benderIM. Jankovitz
Izbrannye SochineniaZnanie Bookstore
Le joueur les nuits blanchesParis
Der GroinquisitorReclam, Ditzingen
The DevilsThe Possessed by Fyodor DostoyevskyPenguin Classics