Charles Dickens
- Open LibraryOL3309299A
Top Subjects
- British and irish fiction (fictional works by one author) (22)
- London (england), fiction (11)
- England, fiction (8)
- Fiction, coming of age (6)
- Criminals, fiction (6)
- Crime, fiction (4)
- Fiction, general (3)
Books by Charles Dickens
Total count: 309
Christmas CarolWestland, Brian1843-01-01
Our Mutual Friend Vol 2Heron Books1900-01-01
The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, [New Century Library, Works of Dickens Vol. I.]Thomas Nelson and Sons, London, Edinburgh and New York1908-01-01
Cricket on the HearthClassic Textbooks1914-01-01
Christmas CarolDramatic Publishing Company1931-01-01
Charles Dickens Our Mutual Friend illustrated by Marcus Stone (not sure of year but probably 1932)Hazell Watson and Viney1932-01-01
The life and adventures of Nicholas NicklebyHeritage Press1940-01-01
Barnaby Rudge (Great illustrated classics: Titan editions)Dodd, Mead1944-01-01
A Tale Of Two Cities. The Everyreader Library.Webster Publishing Co.1947-01-01
A Tale of Two CitiesModern Library (#189)1950-01-01
Hard Times for these TimesWalter J. Black1951-01-01
American Notes and Pictures From ItalyOxford U. P1957-01-01
A Tale of Two CitiesAirmont Publishing Co.1963-01-01
A Christmas CarolThe ChimesPerennial1965-01-01
The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby - Volume IIHeron Centennial EditionHeron Books1967-01-01
Great Expectations (SBS T 630, Campus Classic)Scholastic Book Services1968-01-01
Our Mutual Friend Vol IComplete Works Centenniel EditionHeron Books1968-01-01
Great ExpectationsMacMillan & Co1975-01-01
The Old Curiosity Shop (The Peebles Classic Library)The Peebles Classics1976-01-01
Bristow Versus Chester PerryPenguin Random House1978-01-01
Oliver TwistFarshore1979-01-01
- Dombey and SonPenguin Books1982-01-01
A Treasury of World MasterpiecesCharles DickensOctopus1983-01-01
A Tale of Two CitiesRecorded Books Classics Library1986-03-10
The Mystery of Edwin DroodHawk Press1995-06-03
Nicholas NicklebyDoherty Associates, LLC, Tom1998-01-01
Our Mutual FriendPenguin Random House1998-01-01
Mystery of Edwin DroodPenguin Random House1998-01-01
Oliver TwistPerfection Learning Corporation1999-01-01
Oliver TwistBlue Unicorn Edition, LLC2000-01-01
Oliver Twist (penguin Joint Venture Readers)Longman2000-01-01
Oliver TwistPerfection Learning Corporation2002-01-01
- David Copperfield-Gencler IcinInkilap Kitabevi2004-11-03
Oliver TwistEbsco Publishing2005-01-01
Sketches by BozPenguin Books, Limited2006-01-01
Literature ValuepackThe Longman Anthology of Poetry with four penguin classicsPearson Education, Limited2006-01-01
Valuepack : Longman Anthology of British Literature, Volume 2BThe Victorian Age/Bleak House/Adam Bede/Tess of the D/UrbervillesPearson Education, Limited2007-01-01
Cricket on the HearthIndyPublish.com2008-01-01
David CopperfieldOrion Publishing Group, Limited2008-01-01
House to LetArc Manor2008-01-01
Bleak HousePenguin Random House2008-01-01
Plays, Poems, and MiscellaniesWildside Press, LLC2008-01-01
Hard TimesPan Macmillan2008-01-01
Oliver TwistCreative Media Partners, LLC2009-01-01
Christmas CarolCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2009-01-01
Oliver TwistGeneral Books LLC2009-01-01
David CopperfieldPenguin Random House2009-01-01
Great ExpectationsEpicenter Press, Incorporated2009-01-01
Complete Works of Charles DickensThe\Old Curiosity ShopGeneral Books LLC2009-01-01
Oliver TwistCreative Media Partners, LLC2010-01-01
Christmas BooksGeneral Books LLC2010-01-01
Works of Dickens (50+ Works)Lulu Press, Inc.2010-01-01
Essential Classics Anthology (23 Books)Lulu Press, Inc.2010-01-01
6 Mystery and Detective ClassicsLulu Press, Inc.2010-01-01
- Bir Yilbasi OykusuIs Bankasi Kültür Yayinlari2010-11-07
Oliver TwistGlobal Media2011-01-01
House to Lettredition Verlag2011-01-01
Geschichte Von Zwei Städtentredition Verlag2011-01-01
Oliver TwistCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2011-01-01
Sketches by BozBarnes & Noble, Incorporated2011-01-01
A Tale of Two Cities and Great ExpectationsTwo NovelsSimon & Brown2011-02-09
- Buyuk UmutlarAlter Yayinlari2011-10-31
Cricket on the HearthCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2012-01-01
David Copperfield - Tome Iitredition Verlag2012-01-01
Christmas BooksGeneral Books LLC2012-01-01
Old Curiosity ShopHarperCollins Publishers2012-01-01
Life and Adventures of Martin ChuzzlewitHarperCollins Publishers2012-01-01
Mudfog PapersBarnes & Noble, Incorporated2012-01-01
- Oliver TwistBarcanova2012-05-11
- La casa encantadaEntintados2012-09-10
- Büyük UmutlarAnonim Yayincilik2012-10-28
Sketches of Young Couplestredition Verlag2013-01-01
David Copperfield - Band 1, Übersetzt Von Gustav Meyrinktredition Verlag2013-01-01
Oliver Twist, or the Parish Boy's Progresstredition Verlag2013-01-01
Pictures from Italytredition Verlag2013-01-01
Weihnachtsabend eine Geistergeschichtetredition Verlag2013-01-01
David Copperfield - Band 2, Übersetzt Von Gustav Meyrinktredition Verlag2013-01-01
David Copperfieldtredition Verlag2013-01-01
Oliver TwistCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2013-01-01
David Copperfield - Band 2, Ubersetzt Von Gustav Meyrinktredition Verlag2013-01-01
Miscellaneous Paperstredition Verlag2013-01-01
Charles Dickens' a Tale of Two Cities - a Midwest Journal Writers' Club SelectionLulu Press, Inc.2013-01-01
Reprinted Piecestredition Verlag2013-01-01
Battle of LifeStart Publishing LLC2013-01-01
Oliver TwistA Play for Young AudiencesLulu Press, Inc.2013-01-01
Three Ghost StoriesStart Publishing LLC2013-01-01
- Buyuk UmutlarCan Yayinlari2013-11-03
Cricket on the HearthCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2014-01-01
Christmas Carol (SparkNotes Literature Guide)Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.2014-01-01
ChimesHesperus Press2014-01-01
Haunted Man and the Ghost's BargaStart Publishing LLC2014-01-01
Great ExpectationsOriginal and UnabridgedCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2014-05-16
Dombey und SohnLiese. Outside The Box, Andreas2015-01-01
Works of Charles DickensCreative Media Partners, LLC2015-01-01
Uncommercial TravellerStart Publishing LLC2015-01-01
- Miscellaneous PapersBook on Demand Ltd.2015-04-21
SpeechesLiterary and Social, IllustratedLulu Press, Inc.2016-01-01
Charles DickensComplete Novels, Volume IIAnthem Press2016-01-01
Little DorritIndependently Published2016-01-01
Charles DickensComplete Novels, Volume VAnthem Press2016-01-01
Dickens Advent ReaderA Workman Family ClassicPD Workman2016-01-01
- The Cricket on The EarthCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform2016-09-02
- Nicholas NicklebyNocturna Ediciones2016-12-12
Oliver TwistThe Original 1848 Dickens VersionIndependently Published2017-01-01
Oliver Twist (illustrated)Independently Published2017-01-01
David Copperfield (Tome 2)Independently Published2017-01-01
Christmas CarolBilingual EditionIndependently Published2017-01-01
David Copperfield (Illustrated)Independently Published2017-01-01
Frozen DeepLulu Press, Inc.2017-01-01
Bedtime Christmas CarolIndependently Published2017-01-01
Oliver TwistIndependently Published2017-01-01
Pickwick PapersDover Publications, Incorporated2017-01-01
Master Humphrey's ClockIndependently Published2017-01-01
Olivier Twist (illustré)Independently Published2017-01-01
Cuento de NavidadIncluye 25 Historias y Relatos InspiradoresIndependently Published2017-01-01
- Bir Noel SarkisiArkadas Yayincilik2017-11-01
- Gelin Odasındaki HayaletSay Kitap2017-11-01
- Zor ZamanlarOda Yayinlari2017-11-04
- Buyuk UmutlarBilge Kültür Sanat2017-11-07
- Cuento de NavidadNocturna Ediciones2017-11-13
- Cuento de NavidadNocturna Ediciones2017-11-13
Christmas StoriesBollinger, Max2018-01-01
Complete Works of Charles DickensThe\Old Curiosity ShopIndependently Published2018-01-01
Little DorritCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
Schoolboy's StoryIndependently Published2018-01-01
Seven Poor TravellersIndependently Published2018-01-01
DickensTravel / the Uncommercial Traveller / a ChildIndependently Published2018-01-01
Doctor MarigoldIndependently Published2018-01-01
What Christmas Is As We Grow OlderIndependently Published2018-01-01
Long VoyageIndependently Published2018-01-01
Grandes Espérances (illustré)Independently Published2018-01-01
Pictures from ItalyIndependently Published2018-01-01
Child's Dream of a StarIndependently Published2018-01-01
Steampunk Christmas CarolIndependently Published2018-01-01
Olivier TwistIndependently Published2018-01-01
Martin Chuzzlewit - Tome IIndependently Published2018-01-01
Writings of Charles Dickens : With Critical and Bibliographical Introductions and Notes by Edwin Percy Whipple and Others : the Writings of Charles Dickenswith Critical and Bibliographical Introductions and Notes by Edwin Percy Whipple and OthersCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
SignalmanIndependently Published2018-01-01
- Cards for GranLevel 2Oxford University Press2018-01-01
Complete Works of Charles DickensThe\Old Curiosity ShopIndependently Published2018-01-01
Haunted HouseIndependently Published2018-01-01
Christmas Carol and the Cricket on the Hearth / by Charles Dickens; Edited with an Introduction and Notes for the Common School by James M. Sawin; with the Collaboration of Ida M. ThomasCreative Media Partners, LLC2018-01-01
Christmas CarolA Christmas Story by Charles Dickens to Read As a Family During the Advent Period and Christmas EveIndependently Published2019-01-01
Charles Dickens DetektivgeschichtenLiese. Outside The Box, Andreas2019-01-01
Holly-TreeIndependently Published2019-01-01
Mrs. Lirriper's LodgingsIndependently Published2019-01-01
Cricket on the HearthIndependently Published2019-01-01
Christmas TreeIndependently Published2019-01-01
Hunted DownThe Detective Stories of Charles DickensIndependently Published2019-01-01
American NotesIndependently Published2019-01-01
Complete Works of Charles DickensThe\Old Curiosity ShopIndependently Published2019-01-01
Mrs. Lirriper's LegacyLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
Barnaby RudgeLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
Somebody's LuggageIndependently Published2019-01-01
Tale of Two CitiesIndependently Published2019-01-01
Oliver TwistLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
Poor Relation's StoryLarge PrintIndependently Published2019-01-01
Wreck of the Golden MaryIndependently Published2019-01-01
Four NovelettesThe Lamplighter, the Seven Poor Travelers, Sketches of Young Couples, the Lazy Tour of Two Idle ApprenticesIndependently Published2019-01-01
Magasin d'antiquités Tome PremierIndependently Published2019-01-01
- Los mejores cuentos góticosMESTAS Ediciones, S.L.2019-08-15
Oliver TwistIndependently Published2020-01-01
Tale of Two CitiesIllustrationIndependently Published2020-01-01
Hard TimesIndependently Published2020-01-01
Oliver TwistIndependently Published2020-01-01
Historia de Dos CiudadesLibros SerendipiaIndependently Published2020-01-01
Tale of Two CitiesA Story of the French RevolutionIndependently Published2020-01-01
Christmas CarolIndependently Published2020-01-01
David CopperfieldIndependently Published2020-01-01
Pickwick PapersIndependently Published2020-01-01
Christmas CarolA Ghost Story of ChristmasIndependently Published2020-01-01
Sketches by BozClassical IllustrationIndependently Published2020-01-01
Histoire de NoëlIndependently Published2020-01-01
Pickwick PapersIndependently Published2020-01-01
Cuento de NavidadIndependently Published2020-01-01
Grillon du Foyer - Histoire Fantastique d'un Intérieur DomestiqueJohn Peerybingle, un Coursier Pauvre, Mari dévoué et Affectueux, Vit Avec Sa Jeune épouse Dot, Femme Aimante, Son Bébé et la Nurse, Tilly. or, un Grillon Stridule Dans le Foyer...Independently Published2020-01-01
Hard TimesIndependently Published2020-01-01
Child's History of EnglandIndependently Published2020-01-01
Haunted HouseIndependently Published2020-01-01
Christmas CarolIndependently Published2020-01-01
Lamplighter - Large Print EditionIndependently Published2020-01-01
Some Christmas Stories by Charles DickensOriginal Classics Child's StoryIndependently Published2020-01-01
Charles Dickens' Children Stories - Large Print EditionIndependently Published2020-01-01
Vie et Aventures de Martin ChuzzlewitIndependently Published2020-01-01
Vie et Aventures de Nicolas NicklebyIndependently Published2020-01-01
Magic Fishbone IllustratedIndependently Published2020-01-01
Scroogeun Chant de NoëlIndependently Published2020-01-01
Holiday RomanceLarge PrintIndependently Published2020-01-01
- Cançó de NadalBARCANOVA2020-10-29
Storia Di Due CittàIndependently Published2021-01-01
Tale of Two CitiesPrakash Book Depot2021-01-01
Doctor MarigoldIndependently Published2021-01-01
Contos de NatalIndependently Published2021-01-01
Christmas CarolIndependently Published2021-01-01
Hard TimeIndependently Published2021-01-01
Cántico de Navidad AnotadoIndependently Published2021-01-01
Bottega Dell'antiquario AnnotatoIndependently Published2021-01-01
Oliver TwistIndependently Published2021-01-01
Pictures from ItalyIndependently Published2021-01-01
Christmas CarolIndependently Published2021-01-01
Uncommercial TravellerIndependently Published2021-01-01
Oliver TwistThe Parish Boy's ProgressIndependently Published2021-01-01
Cuentos de NavidadIndependently Published2021-01-01
Bottega Dell'antiquario IllustrataIndependently Published2021-01-01
Dickens' Stories about Children Every Child Can ReadIndependently Published2021-01-01
Cantico Di Natale AnnotatoIndependently Published2021-01-01
Heimgesuchte HausIndependently Published2021-01-01
Circolo Pickwick Illustrata (Edizione Italiana)Independently Published2021-01-01
Mugby JunctionIndependently Published2021-01-01
Oliver TwistIndependently Published2021-01-01
Haunted Man and the Ghost's BargainIndependently Published2021-01-01
HistÓrias de FantasmaIndependently Published2021-01-01
Hard TimesIndependently Published2021-01-01
Cántico de Navidad AnotadoIndependently Published2021-01-01
Martin ChuzzlewitIndependently Published2021-01-01
TheTrialforMurderIllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Christmas CarolIndependently Published2021-01-01
Seven Poor TravellersBy Charles Dickens with Origin IllustrationsIndependently Published2021-01-01
Battle of LifeIndependently Published2021-01-01
Tale of Two CitiesIndependently Published2021-01-01
Pickwick PaperThe Ultimate Book Club EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
Hard TimesNew EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
Cricket on the HearthIndependently Published2021-01-01
Hunted DownIndependently Published2021-01-01
Cántico de Navidad AnotadoIndependently Published2021-01-01
Oliver TwistIndependently Published2021-01-01
Bottega Dell'antiquarioIndependently Published2021-01-01
George Silverman's ExplanationIndependently Published2021-01-01
História de NatalIndependently Published2021-01-01
Cántico de Navidad AnotadoIndependently Published2021-01-01
Tale of Two Cities by Charles DickensIndependently Published2021-01-01
Histoire de Deux VillesIndependently Published2021-01-01
Tale of Two CitiesIndependently Published2021-01-01
Master Humphrey's ClockIndependently Published2021-01-01
WeihnachtsgeschichtenIndependently Published2021-01-01
Maison HantéeIndependently Published2021-01-01
Christmas Carol in Prose Being a Ghost Story of ChristmasBy Charles DickensIndependently Published2021-01-01
Master Humphrey's ClockIndependently Published2021-01-01
Grillo Di CasaIndependently Published2021-01-01
Letters of Charles DickensIndependently Published2021-01-01
Tale of Two CitiesIndependently Published2021-01-01
Cantico Di Natale AnnotatoIndependently Published2021-01-01
Chimes AnnotatedvIndependently Published2021-01-01
Uncommercial TravellerIndependently Published2021-01-01
Some Christmas StoriesIndependently Published2021-01-01
Mystery of Edwin Drood (Illustratedc Edition)Independently Published2021-01-01
Histoires de FantÔmesIndependently Published2021-01-01
TheUncommercialTravellerIllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
David Copperfield Tome IIIndependently Published2021-01-01
Haunted Man and the Ghosts Bargain AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Trial for Murder IllustratedIndependently Published2021-01-01
- Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices (Esprios Classics)Blurb, Incorporated2021-01-01
Histoires de FantômesDe Courtes Histoires Narratives, où les Choses Surnaturelles et Mystérieuses Prédominent Dans les Différentes HistoiresIndependently Published2021-01-01
Trial of William TinklingWith IllustrationsIndependently Published2021-01-01
Magasin d'antiquités - Tome II AnnotéIndependently Published2021-01-01
BATTLE of LIFEA LOVE STORY AnnotatedIndependently Published2021-01-01
Grillon à la MaisonIndependently Published2021-01-01
Geschichte Zweier StädteEine Sehr Gut Erzählte und der Zeit Angepasste Geschichte, Zwei Städte; London und Paris; Völlig Entgegengesetzt in Den Realitäten, Die Er Zu Leben HatIndependently Published2021-01-01
MESSAGE from the SEA (Annotated)Independently Published2021-01-01
Poems and Verses of Charles DickensIndependently Published2021-01-01
Tale of Two Citiesa Story of the French RevolutionClassic EditionIndependently Published2021-01-01
Perils of Certain English PrisonersIndependently Published2021-01-01
Sketches of Young Gentlemen (Esprios Classics)Blurb, Incorporated2021-01-01
Contes de NoëlPar des Auteurs CélèbresIndependently Published2021-01-01
Dickens' Christmas Books (Illustrated)INO éditions2021-01-01
Vie et Aventures de Martin Chuzzlewit - Tome I AnnotéIndependently Published2021-01-01
Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit - IIWith Original IllustrationsIndependently Published2021-01-01
Collection of Charles Dickensa Tale of Two Cities&a Christmas CarolIndependently Published2021-01-01
Avventure Di Nicholas Nickleby- Volume I -Independently Published2021-01-01
Oliver Twist AnnotéIndependently Published2021-01-01
Black VeilIndependently Published2021-01-01
Magasin d'antiquités - Tome I AnnotéIndependently Published2021-01-01
Temps Difficiles AnnotéIndependently Published2021-01-01
canción de navidadCarroggio, S.A. de Ediciones2021-10-27
LAS AVENTURAS DE OLIVER TWISTCarroggio, S.A. de Ediciones2021-11-10
Great ExpectationsIndependently Published2022-01-01
Sketches by BozWith Original and IllustratedIndependently Published2022-01-01
Vie et Aventures de Martin Chuzzlewit - Tome IIllustreIndependently Published2022-01-01
Some Christmas Stories AnnotatedIndependently Published2022-01-01
World's Great ClassicsThe Cricket on the HearthIndependently Published2022-01-01
Bleak HouseThe 19th Century Charles Dickens Legal Classic -Independently Published2022-01-01
World's Great Classics : Barnaby Rudgea Tale of the Riots Of 'EightyIndependently Published2022-01-01
Monologues for Male and Female Actors from the Works of Charles DickensIndependently Published2022-01-01
Christmas Carol a Ghost Story of ChristmasWith Classic IllustratedIndependently Published2022-01-01
Works of Charles DickensThe Old Curiosity ShopCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Dickens' Stories for ChildrenCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Christmas CarolLulu Press, Inc.2023-01-01
WorksHard Times, Hunted down, Holiday Romance, and George Silverman's ExplanationCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Charles Dickens' WorksBarnaby Rudge and Edwin DroodCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Works of Charles DickensOld Curiosity ShopCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Message from the SeaIndy Pub2023-01-01
Miscellaneous Papers from Teh Morning Chronicle Teh Daily News the Examiner Household Words All Teh Year Round etc. and Plays and PoemsCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Dickens's Dictionary of London, 1882An Unconventional HandbookCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
David CopperfieldFull Well Ventures2023-01-01
Catalogue of an Exhibition of the Works of Charles DickensCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Vintage ChristmasA Collection of Classic Stories and PoemsNelson Incorporated, Thomas2023-01-01
Lotgevallen Van Nicolaas Nickleby; Volume 1Creative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Christmas Books; Volume ICreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Lotgevallen Van Nicolaas Nickleby, Volume 2...Creative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
Stories from DickensCreative Media Partners, LLC2023-01-01
The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewitand American notes - Volume IIHansebooks2023-05-17
David CopperfieldErandique, Colección2024-01-01
Tiempos DifícilesErandique, Colección2024-01-01
Great ExpectationsThomas Nelson and Sons Ltd
Great ExpectationThomas Nelson & Son
martin ChuzzlewitCollins Clear Type Press
Barnaby Rudge (The Works of Charles Dickens, Cleartype Edition, XVII)Books, Inc.
Oliver Twist International Collectors Library (or, The Parish Boy's Progress)International Collectors Library
The Adventures of Oliver Twist The Uncommercial TravellerChapman & Hall & Henry Frowde