Photo of John Steinbeck

John Steinbeck

Also known as

John Ernst Steinbeck, JrJ. Steinbeckجون شتاينبكJohn John Steinbeck

John Steinbeck was an American writer. He wrote the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel *The Grapes of Wrath* (1939) and the novella *Of Mice and Men* (1937). He wrote a total of 27 books, including 16 novels, six non-fiction books, and five collections of short stories. In 1962, Steinbeck received the Nobel Prize for Literature ([Source][1]). [1]:

Born 1902-02-27

Died 1968-12-20


  • ISNI0000000121445760
  • LibraryThingsteinbeckjohn
  • WikidataQ39212
  • VIAF96992551
  • AmazonB000AQ2D1I

Top Subjects

  • Fiction (12)
  • California (11)
  • 20th century (7)
  • Novels, other prose & writers: from c 1900 - (6)
  • Study Guides (6)
  • United States (5)
  • American - General (5)

Books by John Steinbeck

Total count: 250