John Steinbeck
Also known as
John Ernst Steinbeck, JrJ. Steinbeckجون شتاينبكJohn John Steinbeck
John Steinbeck was an American writer. He wrote the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel *The Grapes of Wrath* (1939) and the novella *Of Mice and Men* (1937). He wrote a total of 27 books, including 16 novels, six non-fiction books, and five collections of short stories. In 1962, Steinbeck received the Nobel Prize for Literature ([Source][1]). [1]:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Steinbeck
Born 1902-02-27
Died 1968-12-20
- ISNI0000000121445760
- LibraryThingsteinbeckjohn
- WikidataQ39212
- VIAF96992551
- AmazonB000AQ2D1I
- The StoryGraphad532cb9-aea1-4639-8979-5d0bf3adcca1
- Goodreads585
- Amazon1300383003
- Amazon2916718567
- Amazon067000278X
- Open LibraryOL25788A
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Books by John Steinbeck
Total count: 250
Pastures of heavenCovici, Friede1932-01-01
The Pastures of heavenBrewer, Warren & Putnam1932-01-01
To a god unknown.Bantam Books1933-01-01
To a God unknownCovici, Friede1933-01-01
The red ponya storyNorth American Review Corp.1933-01-01
The murdera storyNorth American Review Corp.1934-01-01
Tortilla flat.Illustrated by Ruth Gannett.P.F. Collier1935-01-01
In dubious battleCovici-Friede1936-01-01
Cup of gold, a life of Sir Henry Morgan, buccaneer, with occasional reference to historyP.F. Collier & son1936-01-01
Cup of golda life of Sir Henry Morgan, buccaneer, with occasional reference to historyP.F. Collier & Son1936-01-01
Nothing so monstrousa storyPynson Printers1936-01-01
Nothing so monstrousa storyPynson Printers1936-01-01
Saint Katy the VirginCovici-Friede1936-01-01
In dubious battleCovici-Friede1936-01-01
Of mice and mena play in three acts.Acting ed.Dramatists Play Service, inc.1937-01-01
Cup of golda life of Sir Henry Morgan, buccaneer, with occa sional reference to historyHeinemann1937-01-01
Of Mice and Men and Short StoriesCollier1937-01-01
Of Mice and MenBantam1937-01-01
"Their blood is strong,"Simon J. Lubin society of California, inc.1938-01-01
The long valleyViking Press1938-01-01
The Red Pony[Large print ed.] editionNational Association for Visually Handicapped1938-01-01
Möss och människorBonniers1939-01-01
The grapes of wrath.Viking Press1939-01-01
Ikari no budōDaiichi Shobō1940-01-01
The Picture Hollywood said could never be madeUnited Artists1940-01-01
THe forgotten villageViking Press1941-01-01
Sea of Corteza leisurely journal of travel and research, with a scientific appendix comprising materials for a source book on the marine animals of the Panamic faunal provinceThe Viking press1941-01-01
Uomini e topiromanzo. Furore : romanzoIX edizione.Bompiani1942-01-01
The moon is downa play in 3 acts.A. L. Williams, agent1942-01-01
The moon is downplay in two partsDramatists play service1942-01-01
Lâchez les bombes!l'histoire d'une équipe de bombardementOverseas Editions1942-01-01
Maanen er skjult.De danske Studenters Forlag1942-01-01
Bombs awaythe story of a bomber team, written for the U.S. Army Air ForcesViking Press1942-01-01
Månen har gått nedromanBonniers1942-01-01
The Moon is Down by John Steinbeck 1942Hardcover BookSahara Publisher Books1942-03-06
Tortilla FlatCouncil on Books in Wartime1943-01-01
Þrúgur reiðinnarMál og menning1943-01-01
13 great short storiesFrom The long valleyAvon book Co.1943-01-01
SteinbeckThe Viking Press1943-01-01
13 great short stories from The Long ValleyAvon1943-01-01
How Edith McGillcuddy met R.L.SThe Rowfant club1943-01-01
- The Steinbeck Pocket BookPocketbook editiondistributed by Pocket Books1943-12-01
The long valleyContinental Book Company AB1944-01-01
De vliegenvangerDe Bezige Bij1944-01-01
De druiven der gramschapUitgeverij De lage landen, n.v.1944-01-01
Nuits sans lune[2. éd.Jean Marguerat1945-01-01
Det stora kalasetBonniers1945-01-01
Det stora kalaset.Bonniers1945-01-01
Natt uten måneGyldendal Norsk Forlag1945-01-01
La luna tramontaGentile1945-01-01
The long valleyfourteen great short storiesAvon1945-01-01
Al dio sconosciutoromanzo1. ed.Mondadori1946-01-01
Bei yi qi de renHu chu banYun hai chu ban she1946-01-01
Shene sipurimSifriyat Poʻalim, Doron1946-01-01
Yue luo wu ti shuang man tian3 banZhonghua shu ju1946-01-01
De roode ponyDe Nederlandsche Uitgeverij1946-01-01
Ren shu zhi jianXin zhi shu dian1946-01-01
Litli rauðurBókaútgáfa P.H. Jónssonar1946-01-01
Two-in-oneReprint Society1947-01-01
The pearlViking Press1947-01-01
Buss på villovägar.A. Bonnier1947-01-01
La Santa rossaromanzo1. ed.A. Mondadori1947-01-01
The pearlBantam Books1947-01-01
- A Russian journalViking Press1948-01-01
Sulian xingWen zhai chu ban she1948-01-01
John Steinbeck's Foreword to "Between Pacific tides"Privately printed1948-01-01
De verdoolde busVan Holkema & Warendorf1948-01-01
The pearlWilliam Heinemann Ltd.1948-01-01
Rysk dagbokBonniers1949-01-01
HelmiKustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi1949-01-01
La luna è tramontataMondadori1949-01-01
Of mice and men and cannery row.Penguin1949-01-01
Kátir voru karlarHlöðufell1950-01-01
En son bliver oss givenpjäs i berättelseformA. Bonnier1951-01-01
Die Schelme von Tortilla FlatRowohlt1951-01-01
Burning brighta play in story formHeinemann1951-01-01
ʻAl ʻakhbarim ṿa-anashimMaḥazeh bi-shete maʻarakhotTeʼaṭron ha-Ḳameri1951-01-01
Blod och guldhistorisk äventyrsromanB. Wahlström1951-01-01
The grapes of wrathHarper1951-01-01
East of EdenSears Readers Club1952-01-01
La coupe d'or(Cup of gold)Gallimard1952-01-01
The soul and guts of FranceCrowell-Collier1952-01-01
East of EdenViking Press1952-01-01
Eine Handvoll GoldVerlag Kurt Desch1953-01-01
- The Short Novels of John SteinbeckViking Press1953-01-01
The short novels of John SteinbeckInternational Collectors Library1953-01-01
- Sweet ThursdayHeinemann1954-01-01
A l' est d'Edentome IRencontre1954-01-01
A l' Est d'EdenTome IIRencontre1954-01-01
PositanoEnte provinciale per il turismo1954-01-01
נאות השמיםromanSh. Fridman1954-01-01
PositanoEnte provinciale per il turismo1955-01-01
- Un Américain à New York et à ParisJulliard1956-01-01
The short reign of Pippin IVa fabricationViking Press1957-01-01
SteinbeckViking Adult1957-08-29
Egy marék aranyZrinyi Kiadó1958-01-01
- Once there was a war.Viking Press1958-01-01
Shahr-i panāhMaktaba-e Muʻīnu'l-Adab1958-01-01
- The winter of our discontent.Viking Press1961-01-01
- Reader's digest condensed booksVolume 3 - 1961 - Summer Selections1st ed.Reader's Digest Association1961-01-01
Travels with Charley in search of AmericaViking Press1962-01-01
- East of Eden and The Wayward BusViking Press1962-01-01
Speech accepting the Nobel prize for literature, Stockholm, December 19, 1962Viking Press1962-01-01
The short novels of John SteinbeckViking Press1963-01-01
Speech accepting the Nobel prize for literatureStockholm, December 10, 1962Viking Press1963-01-01
In Dubious BattleTurtleback1964-01-01
The Pearl and The Red PonyPenguin (Non-Classics)1965-01-19
America and AmericansHeinemann1966-01-01
America and AmericansPenguin Publishing Group1966-01-01
Journal of a novelthe East of Eden letters.Viking Press1969-01-01
In Touch.1969-01-01
Guzap uzumleni.Dunya Klusikeni1973-01-01
John Steinbeck's the Red Pony and the PearlMonarch Press1973-06-01
- Viva Zapata!The original screenplay.Viking Press1975-01-01
- The acts of King Arthur and his noble knightsfrom the Winchester mss. of Thomas Malory and other sourcesFarrar, Straus and Giroux1976-01-01
The grapes of wrath ; [and], The moon is down ; [and], Cannery Row ; [and], East of Eden ; [and], Of mice and menHeinemann : Octopus1976-01-01
Tortilla Flat ; Of mice and men ; Cannery RowLtd. ed.Franklin Library1977-01-01
The Outer Shores, Part 1Ed Ricketts and John Steinbeck Explore the Pacific CoastMad River Press1978-01-01
The Grapes of wrath (excerpts)Caedmon1978-01-01
Letters to Elizabetha selection of letters from John Steinbeck to Elizabeth OtisBook Club of California1978-01-01
- Steinbeck and Covicithe story of a friendshipP. S. Eriksson1979-01-01
Nothing so monstrousa storyR. West1980-01-01
Ṭorṭiyeh Fleṭha-Yareaḥ shaḳaʻBet Hotsaʾah Keter1981-01-01
The Pearl. (Lernmaterialien)F. Schöningh, Paderborn1981-01-01
- The snake ; Johnny BearCaedmon1984-01-01
Flighta storyYolla Bolly Press1984-01-01
Flighta storyYolla Bolly Press1984-01-01
The pearl and other novelsnotes.Coles Pub. Co1984-01-01
East of EdenDemco Media1984-06-01
Monarch Notes on Steinbeck's of Mice and MenMacMillan Publishing Company.1984-10-01
- John Steinbeck's of Mice and MenMonarch Press1985-05-01
- Major Works of John SteinbeckMonarch Press1985-07-01
Fen nu di pu tao880-02 Chu ban.Zhi wen chu ban she1986-01-01
- Stürmische ErnteRomanUngelkurzte Ausg.Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag1987-01-01
I pediada tis Tortilla. Anthropi ke pontikia. To margaritariZaharopoulos1987-01-01
John Steinbeck on writingSteinbeck Research Institute, Dept. of English, College of Sciences and Humanities, Ball State University1988-01-01
- The harvest gypsieson the road to the Grapes of wrathHeyday Books1988-01-01
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡Pravda1988-01-01
- John Steinbeck's the Grapes of Wrath (Monarch Notes)Monarch Notes1988-05-01
The Red Pony-John Steinbeck. Novel Study Guide ContentsAuthor & HIstorical Background, Synposes, Literary Elements & Techniques, Chapter-by-chapter Analysis, Essay & Imaginative Writing Assignments, Guidelines Dealing with Provocative Themes, Test (Prentice Hall Literature Novel Study Guide)Prentice Hall1989-01-01
- Working daysthe journals of the Grapes of wrath, 1938-1941Viking1989-01-01
Sobranie sochineniĭ v shesti tomakhPravda1989-01-01
Punno ŭi p'odoCh'op'anŎmun'gak1990-01-01
ʻAl ʻakhbarim ṿa-anashimHabimah.1990-01-01
Zapatathe little tigerHeinemann1991-01-01
- John Steinbeck's: The Grapes of WrathDramatists Play Service, Inc.1991-10-01
- The moon is downHeinemann Educational1992-01-01
Grapes of Wrath/Moon is down/CanneryChancellor Press1992-08-28
Shitanbeike xiao shuo jie zuo xuanZai banZhi wen chu ban she1993-01-01
- Die Strasse der O lsardinen ; Tortilla FlatZsolnay1993-01-01
Sutainbekku tanpenshūKaihan.Shinchōsha1993-01-01
- Novels and Stories 1932-1937The Pastures of Heaven / To a God Unknown / Tortilla Flat / In Dubious Battle / Of Mice and MenFirst PrintingDistributed to the trade in the U.S. by Penguin Books USA1994-01-01
- The PearlHighbridge Audio1994-04-01
Tortilla Flat ; Of mice and menBook of the Month Club1995-01-01
- Los Crisantemos Y Otros RelatosAguilar Spanish1995-04-09
John Steinbeck OmnibusWilliam Heinemann Ltd1995-08-01
- The Grapes of Wrath and Other Writings, 1936-1941Library of America1996-01-01
- Tales for TravellersShort Stories by Great Writers (Tales for Travellers)Boxed editionPenton Overseas1996-08-01
East of EdenCurriculum Unit (Center for Learning Curriculum Units)Center for Learning1996-12-01
The Grapes of Wrath. (Lernmaterialien)Max Hueber Verlag1998-12-01
Grapes of Wrath, Bloom's Notes (Bloom's NotesChelsea House Publications1998-12-01
- In Search of America. Ausgewählte Texte.Cornelsen1999-01-01
Animals Brightly ColoredRebound editionRebound by Sagebrush1999-10-01
- Der rote Pony und andere ErzählungenDtv2000-01-01
- Ben Bir DevrimciyimSel Yayincilik2000-01-01
Zima trevogi nasheĭKristall2001-01-01
In Dubious BattlePenguin Books, Limited2001-01-01
Burning BrightA Play in Story FormPenguin Books, Limited2001-01-01
Log from the Sea of CortezPenguin Books, Limited2001-01-01
Journal of a NovelThe East of Eden LettersPenguin Books, Limited2001-01-01
ZapataPenguin Books, Limited2001-01-01
- Of Mice and Men Activity PackPrestwick House Inc.2001-01-01
- Lektürehilfen Of Mice and Men.Ernst Klett Verlag2001-01-01
- Of Mice and Men.Langensch.-Hachette, M2001-07-01
- Langenscheidt Lektüre, Bd.66, A Steinbeck ReaderLangenscheidt, Mchn.2002-01-01
- America and Americans, and selected nonfictionViking2002-01-01
- Spark Notes The Grapes of WrathSparkNotes2002-01-10
- Spark Notes Of Mice and MenSparkNotes2002-01-10
- The Steinbeck Centennial CollectionThe Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men, East of Eden, The Pearl, Cannery Row, Travels With Charley, In Search of America (Boxed Set)Penguin (Non-Classics)2002-02-05
- Steinbeck Novels 1942-1952The Moon Is Down / Cannery Row / The Pearl / East of Eden (Library of America)Library of America2002-02-14
- La Perla / The Pearl (Millennium, Las 100 Joyas Del Milenio)Colleccion Millenium2002-03-01
- York Notes on "Of Mice and Men"Longman2002-08-20
- Cennetin Dogusu. Translated by Vahdet GültekinKastas Yayinlari2003-11-03
- La Taza De OroComunicación y Publicaciones.2005-01-16
Pearl of the worlddraft script, never producedElectronic ed.Alexander Street Press2007-01-01
Ren shu zhi jianBeijing zhong xian tuo fang ke ji fa zhan you xian gong si2007-01-01
Travels with Charley and later novels 1947-1962The wayward bus, Burning bright, Sweet Thursday, The winter of our discontent, Travels with Charley in search of AmericaLibrary of America2007-01-01
- Of Mice and MenHodder Education2008-01-01
- The Grapes of WrathFindaway World Llc2008-05-01
- La perlaUnknown2008-11-03
- The forgotten villagewith 136 photographs from the film of the same namePenguin Books2009-01-01
Sea of CortezA Leisurely Journal of Travel and ResearchPenguin Publishing Group2009-01-01
- The Grapes of Wrath - An Opera in 3 ActsCarl Fischer Music2009-11-16
Zima trevogi nasheĭromanyĖKSMO2010-01-01
De Ratones a HombresTOMO2010-09-28
- Discursos Premios NobelTomo IIICreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform2010-11-03
Mu tigPar gzhi dang po bsgrigsCang-ho glog rdul dpe skrun khang2011-01-01
PearlPenguin Books, Limited2011-01-01
Red PonyPenguin Books, Limited2011-01-01
Inṿe zaʻam2011-01-01
Level 6East of Eden MP3 for PackPearson Education, Limited2011-01-01
Shel ʻakhbarim ṿe-anashim2011-01-01
Level 5The Grapes of Wrath MP3 for PackPearson Education, Limited2011-01-01
- Na wschod od EdenuProszynski2011-05-18
Ren shu zhi jianBeijing zhong xian tuo fang ke ji fa zhan you xian gong si2012-01-01
Hard Hitting Songs for Hard-Hit PeopleUniversity of Nebraska Press2012-01-01
Level 2Of Mice and Men MP3 for PackPearson Education, Limited2012-01-01
Steinbeck in VietnamDispatches from the WarUniversity of Virginia Press2012-01-01
- Hand Over the Global Empires and the World Goes Free - 2012 Social Engineering Business PlanLulu.com2012-11-07
- Steinbeck in VietnamDispatches from the WarUniversity of Virginia Press2012-12-25
- FuroreBompiani2013-11-06
Moon Is DownPenguin Books, Limited2014-01-01
ChrysanthemumsPenguin Books, Limited2014-01-01
Saint Katy the VirginPenguin Books, Limited2014-01-01
- The Grapes of Wrath SparkNotes Literature Guide (SparkNotes Literature Guide Series)SparkNotes2014-02-04
- Kisa Suren SaltanatSel Yayincilik2015-11-06
- Al MidilliSel Yayincilik2015-11-06
- Dünyanin En Güzel HikayeleriAltin Kitaplar2015-11-08
Thicker Than WaterBarrington Stoke, Limited2016-01-01
- Burning BrightRecorded Books, Inc. and Blackstone Publishing2016-02-01
- The Pearl / Stage 6Altin Post Yayincilik2016-11-04
- Cennet CayiriSel Yayincilik2016-11-06
- InciSel Yayıncılık2017-01-03
- Vietnam in guerra. Dispacci dal fronteLEG Edizioni2017-06-01
- Uomini e topiBompiani2017-10-26
- Sardalye SokagiSel Yayincilik2017-11-06
Bombes LargueesHistoire d'un Equipage de BombardierSociete d'edition Les Belles lettres2018-01-01
- Of Mice and Men and ZombiesPart OneRyan Colley2018-04-16
- Classic Stories of World War IICanterbury Classics2018-05-08
- KrizantemlerInka Yayinlari2020-10-30
- Ay BatarkenSel2020-11-06
Cannery RowIndependently Published2021-01-01
- Bitmeyen Kavgaİletişim Yayınları2021-06-25
- Gazap ÜzümleriIletisim Yayinlari2021-11-03
Zhe Sdang Gi Rgun 'brumLatse Project2022-01-01
- Penguin Active Reading 4The Red Pony Book and CD-ROM PackPearson
John Steinbeck papers
Glukeia pempteAndreopoulon
The Essential Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath / Cannery Row / Of Mice and Men / Tortilla Flat by John Steinbeck (1994-08-01)Seafarer
O heimonas tes pikras maoAulos
Steinbeck's SpeechesViking Adult
O dromos me tes tamprikesDorena
Steinbeck Boxed Set (Export) FullArrow Books Ltd