Chaim Potok
Also known as
Chaim Potok (February 17, 1929 – July 23, 2002) was an American author, novelist, playwright, editor and rabbi. Of the more than dozen novels he authored, his first book The Chosen (1967), was listed on The New York Times’ bestseller list for 39 weeks and sold more than 3,400,000 copies and which was adapted into a well-received 1981 feature film by the same title.
Born 1929-01-01
Died 2002-01-01
- VIAF51694687
- WikidataQ560735
- ISNI0000000117629380
- Open LibraryOL217374A
Top Subjects
- Fiction (9)
- New York (4)
- New York (State) (4)
- Jewish ethics (3)
- Jews (3)
- General (3)
- United States (3)
Books by Chaim Potok
Total count: 84
Jewish ethicsthe ethics of languageLeaders Training Fellowship, c19641964-01-01
The PromiseAlfred A. Knopf1965-01-01
The chosena novelSimon and Schuster1966-01-01
The Promise (1st/DJ) by Chaim Potok by Chaim PotokAlfred A. Knopf1969-01-01
The promise.[1st ed.]Knopf1969-01-01
- The promise[Book club ed.].Knopf1969-01-01
Promise 1ST EditionALFRED A KNOPF1969-01-01
The PromiseKnopf1969-08-12
- My name is Asher Lev1st ed.Knopf1972-01-01
My Nane is Asher LevKnopf1972-01-01
- In the beginning1st ed.Knopf : distributed by Random House1975-01-01
- In the beginningFawcett Publications1975-01-01
- In the beginning[Book Club ed.].Distributed by Random House1975-01-01
Mein Name ist Ascher LevRowohlt Tb.1976-01-01
Ethics of child-parent relations / by Chaim Potok ; revised by Michael Katz.3rd ed.Leaders Training Fellowship, c1977.1977-01-01
Am AnfangWunderlich Verlag1977-01-01
WanderingsChaim Potok's history of the Jews.1st ed.Knopf1978-01-01
- WanderingsChaim Potok's history of the JewsBallantine1980-01-01
The book of lightsFawcett Crest1981-01-01
- My Name Is Ashr Lev-3Fawcett1981-06-12
In the BeginningFawcett1981-10-12
- The book of lights1st Ballantine Books ed.Ballantine1982-01-01
Book of LightsPenguin Books, Limited1983-01-01
Los elegidos2a ed.Plaza & Janes1983-01-01
Davitas Harp"Fawcett Crest1985-01-01
Davita's HarpKnopf1985-01-01
- Davita's harp[Book club ed.]Knopf1985-01-01
Davita's Harp. a NovelAlfred A. Knopf1985-01-01
- Davita's harpFawcett Crest1985-01-01
Sefer ha-orotZmora Bitan1985-01-01
- Tobiasseartist in exileRizzoli1986-01-01
- Davita's harp1st Ballantine Books ed.Fawcett Crest1986-01-01
ha-Nevel shel Daṿidah1986-01-01
- Davita's harp1st Ballantine Books ed.Fawcett Crest1986-01-01
From the Corners of the EarthContemporary Photographs of the Jewish World1st ed editionJewish Pubn Society1986-02-01
Ethical living for a modern worldJewish insightsJewish Theological Seminary of America1987-01-01
- The gift of Asher Lev1st trade ed.Knopf1990-01-01
Gift Asher Lev-Open MktFawcett1990-10-16
- The gift of Asher Lev1st U.S. Ballantine Books ed.Ballantine Books1991-01-01
- Het boek van het licht2e druk.BZZTôH1991-01-01
- I am the clay1st ed.Knopf1992-01-01
I am the clayHeinemann1992-01-01
- I am the clay1st ed.Distributed by Random House1992-01-01
The Gift of AsnerRandom House Value Publishing1992-08-16
- The tree of hereDistributed by Random House, Inc.1993-01-01
I Am the ClayDemco Media1993-09-30
- The sky of nowKnopf1994-01-01
- Le livre des lumieresBuchet Chastel1994-04-01
Sky of NowRandom House, Incorporated1995-01-01
- Hanukkah LightsA Collection of Stories and Narrative About HanukkahAudio Literature1995-10-01
- The gates of Novemberchronicles of the Slepak familyKnopf1996-01-01
Gates of NovemberFawcett1996-09-13
Hunakkah Lights (NPR Presentation)Audio Literature1997-09-01
- The Gates of NovemberBallantine Books1997-09-08
- Novembernächte. Die Geschichte der Familie Slepak.Zsolnay1998-03-01
- My First 79 YearsKnopf1999-10-05
- Zebra and other storiesThorndike Press2000-01-01
- Zebra and other stories1st Knopf pbk. ed.Knopf2000-01-01
- Zebra and Other StoriesTandem Library2000-09-01
- Conversations with Chaim PotokUniversity Press of Mississippi2001-01-01
- Old men at midnight1st ed.Knopf2001-01-01
- My First 79 YearsIsaac Stern1 Da Capo editionPublicAffairs2001-01-09
- La promesaEdiciones Encuentro, S.A.2001-06-28
- Spark Notes The ChosenSparkNotes2002-07-15
- Old Men at MidnightBallantine Books2002-07-30
- Zebra. Geschichten aus Amerika.Hanser2002-08-01
- Die Erwählten.Rotbuch Verlag2002-08-01
Chronique de la famille SlepakNouv. éd.Ramsay2004-01-01
ZebraDTV Deutscher Taschenbuch2004-05-31
Je m'appelle Asher Lev10-18. Domaine étranger2007-01-01
My Name Is Asher Lev (SparkNotes Literature Guide)Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.2007-01-01
- Mi nombre es Asher LevEdiciones Encuentro, S.A.2008-05-12
Chosen (SparkNotes Literature Guide)Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.2014-01-01
- El don de Asher LevEdiciones Encuentro, S.A.2014-07-01
- The Collected Plays of Chaim PotokAdam Kadmon Books2018-10-23
Au CommencementSociete d'edition Les Belles lettres2019-01-01
PromesseSociete d'edition Les Belles lettres2020-01-01
- El arpa de DavitaLos Libros del Zorzal2021-05-20