A call to the unconverted ; Converse with God in solitude, or The Christian ; The dying thoughts of the Reverend learned and holy Mr. Richard Baxter
New and genuine ed
Our rough guess is there are 96750 words in this book.
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This book will take an estimated to read at a reading speed averaging words per minute. With 30 minutes per day, this will take to read.
- Fawcett, Benjamin, 1715-1780 - Contributor
1806 - Printed by W.W. Woodward, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Word Count
96750 words, Guess
Page Count
387 pages
Physical Format
- Open LibraryOL15054692M
Alternate Titles
- Call to the unconverted ..
- Dying thoughts of ... Richard Baxter
- Converse with God in solitude
ConversionDevotional literature
Series Statement
- Early American imprints -- no. 9936