Poor People
Library Edition
Unabridged edition
We couldn't estimate the reading time for this book.
- Patrick Cullen (Narrator) - Contributor
2004-02-01 - Blackstone Audiobooks
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0 pages
Physical Format
Audio CD
- ISBN-10078618616X
- ISBN-139780786186167
- Goodreads183769
- LibraryThing97729
- OCLC Control Number54932425
and 1 more
- Open LibraryOL9500752M
FictionClassicsTranslations into EnglishAudio Adult: Books On TapeUnabridged Audio - Fiction/GeneralContinental european fiction (fictional works by one author)
Other Editions
- Biednye liudi - 1865 - Ḟ. Stellovskiĭ, No place, unknown, or undetermined
- Biednye li͡udi - 1922 - I.P. Ladyzhnikov, Berlin, Germany
- Бедные люди, Hardcover - 1955 - Gos. izd-vo detskoĭ lit-ry, Leningrad, Russia (Federation)
- Bednye lyudi - 1966 - Khudozhestvennaya Literatura, Moskva
- Bednye li͡u︡di - 1977 - Izd-vo "Karelii͡a︡", Petrozavodsk
- Poor folk - 1986 - Foreign Languages Publisher, Moscow, United Kingdom
- Arme Leute: 1. Auflage, Taschenbuch - 1989-11-01 - Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, München, Germany
- Poor Folk, Paperback - 2002-09-01 - IndyPublish.com
- Poor Folk, Hardcover - 2002-09-01 - IndyPublish.com
- Poor Folk, Hardcover - 2003-02-01 - Wildside Press
- Poor Folk, Paperback - 2003-09-01 - Wildside Press
- Poor Folk, Paperback - 2003-10-01 - IndyPublish.com
- Bednye lyudi, Hardcover - 2005 - AST
- Poor Folk, Paperback - 2005 - IndyPublish.com
- Poor Folk: Largeprint edition, Paperback - 2006-04-30 - Paperbackshop.Co.UK Ltd - Echo Library
- 39 other editions not shown