A Second Admonition To Mr. Edward Bagshaw; Written to call him to Repentance for many false Doctrines, Crimes, and spe- cially fourscore palpable untruths in matter of fact, deliberately published by him in two small Libels; In which he exemplieth the Love-killing and depraving Principles of Church- dividers : and telleth the World to what men are hasting, when they sinfully avoid Com- munion with true Churches and Chri- stians, for tolerable faults. With a Confutation of his Reasons for Separation
Written to preserve the weak, to resist the Dividing Temp- tations of the Imperious unskilful Clergy, to revive our dying hopes of Concord, and to vindicate the Non- conformable Ministers from the unjust imputati- on of Schismatical Principles
Our rough guess is there are 47500 words in this book.
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This book will take an estimated to read at a reading speed averaging words per minute. With 30 minutes per day, this will take to read.
- Bagshaw, Edward, 1629-1671 - Contributor
- McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology (Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary) - Contributor
, London, England
Word Count
47500 words, Guess
Page Count
190 pages
- OCLC Control Number613951506
- Open LibraryOL44814060M