Baxter's Confession of his Faith, Especially concerning the Inte- rest of Repentance and sincere Obe- dience to Christ, in our Justification & Salvation. VVritten for the satisfaction of the mis- informed, the conviction of Calumniators, and the Explication and Vindication of some weighty Truths. ...
Our rough guess is there are 115500 words in this book.
At a pace averaging 250 words per minute, this book will take 7 hours and 42 minutes to read. With a half hour per day, this will take 16 days to read.
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This book will take an estimated to read at a reading speed averaging words per minute. With 30 minutes per day, this will take to read.
- McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology (Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary) - Contributor
, London, England
Word Count
115500 words, Guess
Page Count
462 pages
- OCLC Control Number613891937
- Open LibraryOL44771184M