The Difference Between the Power Of Magistrates And Church-Pastors, And The Roman Kingdom & Magistracy Under the Name of a Church & Church-Government Usurped by the Pope, or liberally given him by Popish Princes
Opened by Richard Baxter. To the Learned and Sincere Ludovicus Molinaeus Dr of Physick, and Author of Jugulum Causae, Papa Ultrajectinus, and other Books on this subject. For the Vindication of the true Pastoral Discipline, exercised by the An- cient Churches, and claimed, but alas, too little exercised, by the Churches called Protestant and Reformed. And to acquaint Posterity what we hold in this, that false accusations misinform them not. ...
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- Du Moulin, Lewis, 1606-1680 - Contributor
- McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology (Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary) - Contributor
, London, England
Word Count
14750 words, Guess
Page Count
59 pages
- OCLC Control Number613957031
- Open LibraryOL44815337M