A Grief Sanctified
Passing Through Grief to Peace and Joy
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52000 words, Guess
Page Count
208 pages
Physical Format
- ISBN-100892838418
- ISBN-139780892838417
- LibraryThing194091
- OCLC Control Number38218410
- Open LibraryOL8233479M
LoveDeathGriefEnglandHistoryGeneralPuritansReligionMarriageDoctrines1615-16911636-1681Biography17th centuryChristianityBaxter, RichardSpouses of clergyReligious aspectsReligious DissentersDissenters, ReligiousDeath, religious aspectsDeath, Grief, BereavementBaxter, Margaret CharltonReligious aspects of LoveReligious aspects of DeathReligious aspects of GriefDeath / Grief / ConsolationReligious aspects of MarriageBreviate of the life of MargarLiterature: Folklore/MythologyBereavement, religious aspectsInspirational - Protestant Self HelpLove, religious aspects, christianityMarriage, religious aspects, christianityBreviate of the life of Margaret, daughter of Francis Charlton ... and wife of Richard Baxter
Richard Baxter (1615-1691)Margaret Charlton Baxter (1636-1681)
17th century