The picture of Dorian Gray
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1900 - Modern Library, New York, New York (State)
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0 pages
- Open LibraryOL13446637M
- LCCPR5819 .A1 1900zx
**The Picture of Dorian Gray** is a philosophical novel by Irish writer Oscar Wilde. A shorter novella-length version was published in the July 1890 issue of the American periodical *Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine*. The novel-length version was published in April 1891. (Source: [Wikipedia](
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20th century
Other Editions
- The picture of Dorian Gray, Audiobook - 1959 - , United States
- The picture of Dorian Gray, Microform - 1996 - CIHM, Toronto, Ontario
- The picture of Dorian Gray, Paperback - 2015-11-01 - Editorial Maxtor
- Picture of Dorian Gray - 2016 - Hyde Park Editions Limited
- Picture of Dorian Gray - 2017 - CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- Picture of Dorian Gray - 2017 - CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- Picture of Dorian Gray - 2018 - CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- Picture of Dorian Gray - 2018 - CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
- Picture of Dorian Gray Large Print - 2019 - Independently Published
- Bildnis des Dorian Gray - 2020 - Independently Published
- Portrait de Dorian Gray - 2020 - Independently Published
- O Retrato de Dorian Gray (Coleção Duetos) - 2020 - Independently Published
- Picture of Dorian Gray : (Large Print Edition) - 2021 - Independently Published
- Picture of Dorian Gray - 2021 - HarperCollins Publishers Limited
- Ritratto Di Dorian Gray - 2021 - Independently Published
- 2115 other editions not shown