The progress of ethnology
an account of recent archæological, philological and geographical researches in various parts of the globe, tending to elucidate the physical history of man
Our rough guess is there are 37750 words in this book.
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This book will take an estimated to read at a reading speed averaging words per minute. With 30 minutes per day, this will take to read.
1847 - Printed for the American Ethnological Society, New York, New York (State)
Word Count
37750 words, Guess
Page Count
151 pages
- Internet Archiveprogressofethnol00bartrich
- Internet Archiveprogressethnolo00bartgoog
- Library of Congress Control Number00007123
- OCLC Control Number2490216
- Open LibraryOL6775679M
- LCCGN17 .B29
HistoryEthnologyAnthropologyEthnology -- HistoryAnthropology -- History