Full and easy satisfaction which is the true and safe religion
in a conference between [brace] D. a doubter, P. a papist, and R. a reformed Catholic Christian. In four parts I. The true stating of our difference, and opening what each religion is. II. The true easy and full justification of the reformed or Protestant religion. III. The Protestants reasons and charges against popery enumerated. IV. The first charge, viz. against transubstantiation made good: in which popery is proved to be the shame of humane nature notoriously contrary to sense, reason, scripture and tradition, or the judgement of the ancient and the present church devised by satan to expose Christianity to the scorn of infidels
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Word Count
60500 words, Guess
Page Count
242 pages
- OCLC Control Number69648498
- Open LibraryOL43818381M
Series Statement
- Early English books online