The reformed pastor
a discourse on the pastoral office. Designed principally to explain and recommend the duty of personal instruction and catechising. To which is added an appendix, containing ... advice to students for the ministry, and to tutors. Written by the Reverend ... Mr. Richard Baxter. Abridged and reduced to a new method by Samuel Palmer.
Our rough guess is there are 63750 words in this book.
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1766 - printed for J. Buckland, London, England
Word Count
63750 words, Guess
Page Count
255 pages
Physical Format
- Open LibraryOL16824652M
Series Statement
- Eighteenth century -- reel 7429, no. 08.
Other Editions
- The reformed pastor: 2nd edition, corrected. - 1808 - William Baynes, London, England
- The reformed pastor, Microform - 1810 - Printed at the office of the Western telegraphe, Washington, Pa, Pennsylvania
- The reformed pastor, Microform - 1811 - Printed by J.W. Browne & Co. at the office of Liberty Hall, Cincinnati [Ohio, Ohio
- The reformed pastor: rev. and abridged from the third Glasgow edition. - 1829 - American Tract Society, New York, New York (State)
- The reformed pastor, or, The duty of personal labors for the souls of men: rev. from the 3rd Glasgow ed. - 1829 - American Tract Society, New York, United States
- Gildas Salvianus.: 4th ed., rev. and abridged / by William Brown ; with an introductory essay by Daniel Wilson. - 1835 - Collins, Glasgow, Scotland
- The reformed pastor: 4th ed. - 1835 - Printed for William Collins, Glasgow, Scotland
- The reformed pastor. - 1860 - R. Carter, New York, New York (State)
- Reformed pastor. - 1860 - Robert Carter, New York, New York (State)
- Gildas Salvianus: the reformed pastor: [2d ed., rev.] - 1950 - Epworth Press, London, England
- The reformed pastor - 1956 - SCM Press, London, England
- Reformed pastor.: Rev. ed., Microform - 1986 - American Tract Society, New York, Illinois
- The reformed pastor - 2016 - Publisher not identified, United States, United States
- Gildas Salvianus; The Reformed Pastor. Shewing the nature of the Pastoral work; Especially in Private Instruction and Catechizing. With an open Confession of our too open Sins. Prepared for a day of Humiliation kept at Worcester, Decemb. 4 1655. by the Ministers of that County, who subscribed the Agree- ment for Catechizing and Personal Instru- ction, at their entrance upon that work: The second Edition, with an Appendix, in. - Printed by Robert White, for Nevil Simmons, London, England
- Gildas Salvianus; The first Part - Printed by Robert White, for Nevil Simmons, London, England
- 28 other editions not shown