An Apology For The Nonconformists Ministry
Containing I. The Reasons of their Preaching. II. An Answer to the Accusations urged as Reasons for the Silencing of about 2000, by Bishop Morley, Bishop Gunings Chaplain, Dr. Saywell, Mr. Durel, the nameless Ecclesiastical Politician and Debate-maker, the Counterminer, H. Fowlis, Dr. Good, and many others. III. Reasons proving it the duty and interest of the Bishops and Conformists to endeavour earnestly their Restoration. With a Postscript upon Oral Debates with Mr. H. Dodwell, against his Reasons for their Silence. And a Scheme of Interests. Written in 1668, and 1669, for the most of it, and now Published as an Addition to the Defence against Dr. Stillingfleet, and as an Account to the Silencers of the Reasons of our Practice
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- Barrow, Isaac, 1630-1677 - Contributor
- Foulis, Henry, approximately 1635-1669 - Contributor
- Good, Thomas, 1609-1678 - Contributor
- Dodwell, Henry, 1641-1711 - Contributor
- Durel, John, 1625-1683 - Contributor
and 6 more
- Gunning, Peter, 1614-1684 - Contributor
- Nalson, John, 1638?-1686 - Contributor
- Morley, George, 1597-1684 - Contributor
- Stillingfleet, Edward, 1635-1699 - Contributor
- Saywell, William, 1643-1701 - Contributor
- McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology (Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary) - Contributor
1681 - Printed for T. Parkhurst and D. Newman; at the Bible and three, London, England
Word Count
63000 words, Guess
Page Count
252 pages
- OCLC Control Number52728268
- Open LibraryOL44816447M