Walk Two Moons
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2019-01-10 - Thorndike Press Large Print
Reading Length is an affiliate of the shops listed below, earning a percentage of your purchase as commission.Word Count
72250 words, Guess
Page Count
289 pages
Physical Format
Library Binding
- ISBN-101432860372
- ISBN-139781432860370
- Better World Books9781432860370
- Open LibraryOL27339348M
After her mother leaves home suddenly, thirteen-year-old Sal and her grandparents take a car trip retracing her mother's route. Along the way, Sal recounts the story of her friend Phoebe, whose mother also left.
TodMortDeathReiseDeuilAmitiéFamilyMuerteMutterFamilleEnkelinVoyagesMishnahAmistadAbuelosFictionTochterFamillesFamiliesAbenteuerage:max:13age:min:10GroßelternFriendshiplexile:770Erste Liebegrade:max:7grade:min:3AdolescenceFamily lifeAdolescentesGrandparentsTrauerarbeitBanned booksVida familiarNewbery MedalDeath, fictionGrands-parentsIdaho, fictionTwins, fictionWohnungswechselFicción juvenilFamily, fictionMères et fillesIreland, fictionLarge type booksJuvenile fictionRomans, nouvellesChildren's fictionTravelers, fictionInteressenkonfliktJuvenile LiteratureVoyages and travelsFriendship, fictionaward:Newbery_awardlexile_range:701-800Family life, fictionGrandparents, fictionNew York Times reviewedDeath -- Juvenile fictionSpanish language materialsChildren's stories, AmericanAlienation (Social psychology)JUVENILE FICTION / Family / ParentsFemmes abandonnant le domicile conjugalRomans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesseJUVENILE FICTION / Family / MultigenerationalJUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Death & DyingJUVENILE FICTION / People & Places / United States / Native American
Other Editions
- Walk Two Moons - 1994 - Bound to Stay Bound Books
- Caminar DOS Lunas, Paperback - 1997-11-01 - Sudamericana
- Salamancas Reise., Paperback - 2000-02-01 - Fischer (Tb.), Frankfurt
- Entre DOS Lunas/Walk Two Moons, Paperback - 2001-09-01 - Lectorum Publications
- Due Lune, Paperback - 2003 - Mondadori (Italy)
- Le Voyage à rebours, Mass Market Paperback - 2003-01-27 - Gallimard Jeunesse
- Thorndike School Softcovers - Large Print - Walk Two Moons (Thorndike School Softcovers - Large Print): 1 edition, Board Book - 2003-11-02 - Thorndike Press
- Walk Two Moons - 2003-12-23 - HarperTeen
- Walk Two Moons: 1 edition, Paperback - 2003-12-23 - HarperTeen
- Walk Two Moons, Library Binding - 2004-01-30 - Tandem Library
- Walk Two Moons (Summer Reading Edition), Paperback - 2005-05-24 - HarperTrophy
- Walk Two Moons CD - 2006-03-14 - HarperChildrensAudio
- Walk Two Moons CD: Unabridged edition, Audio CD - 2006-03-14 - HarperChildrensAudio
- Entre Dos Lunas (Walk Two Moons) - 2011 - Noguer y Caralt Editores, S. A.
- Entre DOS Lunas - 2021 - Lectorum Publications, Incorporated
- 23 other editions not shown