A Plea For Congregationall Government
Or, A Defence Of The Assemblies Petition, Against Mr. John Saltmarsh. Wherein is Plainly discovered, that in his Reasons against the Divine Right of Presbytery, under pretence of opposing the Assemblies Petition, he doth as much oppose the Congregationall Way, and goes about utterly to overthrow all Church-Government, Ministery, Baptisme, and all Church-Ordinances whatsoever; and wholly to subvert the Authority of the Civill Magistrate in all matters of Religion. And, The Assemblies Petition vindicated from his Exceptions, by principles common both to the Presby- terian and the Congregational Way; there being nothing in that Petition but what is agreeable to the Principles of both wayes. ... . Published according to Order
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- Saltmarsh, John, -1647 - Contributor
- McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology (Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary) - Contributor
, London, England
Word Count
7500 words, Guess
Page Count
30 pages
- OCLC Control Number613959862
- Open LibraryOL44816006M