The Invaluable Price Of An Immortal Soul. Shewing the Vanity of most People, in taking care for the Body, but neglect their Duty as to the preservation of their never-dying Souls. VVith advice to secure Sinners, to examine themselves before it be too late, that when Death shall come to separate their Souls from their Bodies, they may be in a condition to Welcome Death for that happy Change which all prepared Christians will for ever rejoyce in. Very necessary for all People to Read and consider, who would Willingly be ac- counted true Christians. With large Admonition to Prayer, as a du- ty most incumbant upon all who desire to obtain e- verlasting life, through Christ Jesus
Our rough guess is there are 5000 words in this book.
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This book will take an estimated to read at a reading speed averaging words per minute. With 30 minutes per day, this will take to read.
- McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology (Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary) - Contributor
1681 - Printed for J. Clark, at the Bible and Harp at the Hospital-, Place of publication not identified, No place, unknown, or undetermined
Word Count
5000 words, Guess
Page Count
20 pages
- OCLC Control Number613891857
- Open LibraryOL44771145M