Directions and perswasions to a sound conversion
For prevention of that deceit and damnation of souls, and of those scandals, heresies, and desperate apostasies, that are the consequents of a counterfeit, or superficial change
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Printed by A.M. for Nevil Simmons, bookseller in Kederminster, and are to be sold by Tho. Brewster ... and John Starkey ..., London, England
Word Count
133500 words, Guess
Page Count
534 pages
- OCLC Control Number80921775
- Open LibraryOL43818827M
Alternate Titles
- Directions to sinners that are purposed to turn, and are under the work of conversion; that it miscarry not
- Directions to prevent miscarrying in conversion
Series Statement
- Early English books online