Story of Peter Rabbit
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- ISBN-139780794446826
- ISBN-100794446825
- Better World Books9780794446826
- Better World BooksP9-EIG-146
- Open LibraryOL34985576M
- LCCPZ7.P85 Tap
One of the best known and loved children's stories is the story of naughty Peter Rabbit and his misadventures as he is chased around a garden.
FarmersGardensConejosFictionAnimalsRabbitsReadersObedienceSpecimensBoard booksPop-up booksShort storiesPicture booksWelsh languageFicción juvenilPictorial worksFrench languageMiniature booksAnimals, fictionJuvenile fictionRabbits, fictionGardens, fictionFrançais (Langue)Children's fictionAccelerated readerChildren's storiesSound effects booksJuvenile literatureBrothers and sistersToy and movable booksFrench language materialsTranslations from EnglishItalian language materialsPicture books for childrenSpanish language materialsChildren's stories, EnglishJUVENILE FICTION / ClassicsChildren's stories, JapaneseSenses and sensation, fictionLiterature and fiction, juvenileAdventure and adventurers, fictionPeter Rabbit (Fictional character)JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / RabbitsBenjamin Bunny (Fictitious character)Peter rabbit (fictitious character), fictionRabbits -- Pictorial works -- Juvenile fictionChildren's stories, Japanese -- Translations from EnglishJUVENILE FICTION / Nature & the Natural World / EnvironmentPeter Rabbit (Fictitious character) -- Pictorial works -- Juvenile fictionBenjamin Bunny (Fictitious character) -- Pictorial works -- Juvenile fiction
Peter RabbitPeter Rabbit (Fictitious character)
Other Editions
- Tale of Peter Rabbit :JAPANESE, Paperback - 1920 - Kurtzman Sales Inc
- Tale of Peter Rabbit (Follow the Leader Series): Unabridged edition, Hardcover - 1983-02-01 - Listening Library
- Peter Rabbit (Bedtime Classics Library ; 3), Hardcover - 1988-03-01 - A.D. Bragdon
- Peter Rabbit, Hardcover - 1988-04-01 - Ladybird Books
- Peter Rabbit Little Pop-up: Pop Up edition, Hardcover - 1992-02-01 - Warne
- Peter Rabbit (First Board Book, Potter): Board edition, Board Book - 1996-10-01 - Warne
- The Tale of Peter Rabbit Story Board Book (World of Peter Rabbit): Brdbk edition, Board Book - 1999-03-01 - Warne
- The Tale of Peter Rabbit Millennium Edition: Millennium edition, Hardcover - 1999-09-01 - Warne
- Peter Rabbit Book and Toy Bag (Peter Rabbit), Hardcover - 1999-09-30 - Puffin Books
- Peter Rabbit's Board Book and Toy (Potter Original): Har/Toy edition, Hardcover - 1999-10-01 - Warne
- Peter Rabbit Giant Shaped Board Book: Brdbk edition, Board Book - 2001-02-01 - Warne
- Peter Rabbit's Rattle Book (Peter Rabbit Seedlings): Board edition, Board Book - 2002-01-28 - Warne
- La Mini-bibliothèque de Pierre Lapin, Paperback - 2002-03-31 - Gallimard Jeunesse
- Pierre Lapin - 2007 - Gallimard Jeunesse, S.I, No place, unknown, or undetermined
- Tale of Peter Rabbit - 2017 - Penguin Books, Limited
- 82 other editions not shown