A Christian directory
or, A summ of practical theologie, and cases of conscience. Directing Christians, how to use their knowledge and faith; how to improve all helps and means, and to perform all duties; how to overcome temptations, and to escape or mortifie every sin. In four parts. I. Christian ethicks (or private duties) II. Christian oeconomicks (or family duties) III. Christian ecclesiasticks (or church duties) IV. Christian politicks (or duties to our rulers and neighbours.).
The second edition: to which is annexed an alphabetical table.
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1678 - Printed, by Robert White, for Nevil Simmons, London, No place, unknown, or undetermined
Word Count
0 words, Guess
Page Count
0 pages
- OCLC Control Number2023995
- Open LibraryOL17111367M
Christian lifePractical Theology
Other Editions
- A Christian directory: The 2d ed., to which is annexed an alphabetical table. - 1678 - Printed by R. White, for N. Simmons, London, England
- A Christian directory: The second edition, to which is annexed an alphabetical table. -- - 1678 - Printed, by Robert White, for Nevil Simmons ..., London, England
- A summ of practical theologie - Printed by R. White, for N. Simmons, London, England