Poetical fragments
heart-imployment with God and it self : the concordant discord of a broken-healed heart ...
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1681 - Printed b T. Snowden for B. Simmons ..., London, England
Word Count
33750 words, Guess
Page Count
135 pages
Physical Format
- Open LibraryOL15026949M
ConsolationEnglish poetryEarly works to 1800Consolation -- Early works to 1800
Early modern, 1500-1700
Other Editions
- Poetical fragments, Microform - 1681 - Printed b T. Snowden for B. Simmons ..., London, England
- Poetical fragments, Microform - 1681 - Printed b T. Snowden for B. Simmons ..., London, England
- Poetical fragments: The second edition, Microform - 1689 - Printed for J. Dunton ..., London, England
- Poetical fragments: The second edition., Microform - 1689 - Printed for J. Dunton ..., London, England
- Poetical fragments: The second edition, Microform - 1689 - Printed for J. Dunton ..., London, England
- Poetical fragments: The third edition., Microform - 1699 - Printed for Tho. Parkhurst ..., London, England
- Poetical fragments: The third edition, Microform - 1699 - Printed for Tho. Parkhurst ..., London, England
- Poetical fragments: The third edition, Microform - 1699 - Printed for Tho. Parkhurst ..., London, England
- The poetical fragments - 1821 - William Pickering, London, United Kingdom
- Poetical fragments.: [1st ed., reprinted] with a biographical note by V. de S. Pinto. - 1971 - Gregg, Farnborough, England