A Defence Of The Principles Of Love, Which are necessary to the Unity and Concord of Christians; and are delivered in a Book called The Cure of Church-Divisions. I. Inviting all sound and sober Christians, (by what name soever called) to receive each other to Com- munion in the same Churches. II. And where that (which is first desirable) cannot be attained, to bear with each other in their distinct Assemblies, and to manage them all in Christian Love. Written to detect and eradicate all Love-killing, dividing, and Church-destroying Principles, Passions and Practice, and to preserve the weak in this hour of manifold temptation
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- McAlpin Collection of British History and Theology (Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary) - Contributor
Printed for Nevil Simmons, at the Sign of the, London, England
Word Count
45750 words, Guess
Page Count
183 pages
- OCLC Control Number316811775
- Open LibraryOL44771109M