Account of the Abipones, an Equestrian People of Paraguay; V. 2
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2023 - Creative Media Partners, LLC
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- ISBN-139781020480119
- ISBN-101020480114
- Better World Books9781020480119
- Open LibraryOL50740615M
- LCCF2679 .D63
IndiosTravelGrammarHistoriaAbiponesDescripciónAbipon IndiansAbipon languageNatural historyGuarani languageAbipon (Indiens)Indian linguisticsEarly works to 1800South American IndiansDescription and travelDescriptions et voyagesSocial life and customsIndians of South AmericaGlossaries, vocabularies
ParaguaySouth America
Other Editions
- Geschichte der Abiponer, eine berittenen und kriegerischen Nation in Paraquay - 1783 - Bei Joseph Edlen von Kurzbek, k. k. Hofbuchdrucker, Gross- und Buchhändler, Wien, Austria
- Historia de Abiponibus equestri bellicosaque Paraguariae natione - 1784 - Typis Josephi Nob. de Kurzbek ..., Viennae, Austria
- An account of the Abipones - 1822 - John Murray, London, England
- An account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of Paraguay - 1822 - J. Murray, London, England
- An account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of Paraguay - 1822 - J. Murray, London, England
- An account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of Paraguay - 1822 - J. Murray, London, England
- An account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of Paraguay - 1822 - John Murray, London, England
- An account of the Abipones. - 1822 - J. Murray, London, No place, unknown, or undetermined
- An account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of Paraguay. - 1970 - Johnson Reprint Corp., New York, New York (State)
- An account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of Paraguay, Microform - 1970 - J. Murray, London, Connecticut
- Historia de los abipones. - 1971 - Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Facultad de Humanidades, Departamento de Historia, Resistencia [Argentina, Argentina
- Geschichte der Abiponer, Einer Berittenen und Kriegerischen Nation in Paraquay - 2018 - Creative Media Partners, LLC
- Historia de Abiponibus Equestri, Bellicosaque Paraquariæ Natione - 2022 - Creative Media Partners, LLC
- Account of the Abipones, an Equestrian People of Paraguay Volume; Volume 3 - 2022 - Creative Media Partners, LLC
- Historia de Abiponibus Equestri, Bellicosaque Paraquariæ Natione - 2022 - Creative Media Partners, LLC
- 12 other editions not shown