Dictionary of Americanisms.
A glossary of words and phrases, usually regarded as peculiar to the United States.
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1848 - Bartlett and Welford, New York, No place, unknown, or undetermined
Word Count
0 words, Guess
Page Count
0 pages
- Internet Archivedictionaryofamer00bart
- Open LibraryOL13449511M
- DDC427.9
- LCCPE2835 .B3 1989
DutchIdiotismesAmericanismsDictionariesBook reviewsAméricanismesEnglish languageAnglais (langue)Terms and phrasesRecensions de livres
États-UnisUnited States
Other Editions
- Dictionary of Americanisms. A glossary of words and phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the United States - 1860 - Little, Brown and Company
- Americanisms, Microform - 1861 - s.n., S.l, No place, unknown, or undetermined
- Dictionary of Americanisms: 4th ed., greatly improved and enlarged. - 1884 - Little, Brown, and Co., Boston, Massachusetts
- Dictionary of Americanisms, Microform - 1970 - Bartlett and Welford, New York, Illinois
- Americanisms, Microform - 1984 - s.n., [S.l, No place, unknown, or undetermined
- The Dictionary of Americanisms - 1989 - Crescent Books, New York, USA, New York (State)
- Dictionary of Americanisms - 2002-12-20 - Wiley
- Dictionary of Americanisms, 2Nd Ed. Enlarged, Hardcover - 2015-09-30 - Arkose Press
- Dictionary of Americanisms - 2018 - Creative Media Partners, LLC
- Dictionary of Americanisms, Hardcover - 2018-10-20 - Franklin Classics Trade Press
- Dictionary of Americanisms, Paperback - 2018-10-20 - Franklin Classics Trade Press
- Dictionary of Americanisms - 2020 - HardPress
- Bartlett's Dictionary of Americanisms - 2020 - HardPress
- Americanisms [microform] - 2021 - Creative Media Partners, LLC
- Dictionary of Americanisms - 2022 - Creative Media Partners, LLC
- 19 other editions not shown