Making light of Christ and salvation too oft the issue of gospel invitations
The second edition
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1691 - Printed for Nevil Simmons and sold by most booksellers, London, England
Word Count
8000 words, Guess
Page Count
32 pages
Physical Format
- Open LibraryOL15021774M
SermonsSalvationChristian lifeEnglish SermonsSermons, English -- 17th century
Richard Baxter (1615-1691)
17th century
Series Statement
- Early English books, 1641-1700 -- 1030:13
Other Editions
- Making light of Christ and salvation, too oft the issue of Gospel invitations - 1846 - T. Nelson, London, England
- Making light of Christ and salvation too oft the issue of gospel-invitations, Microform - 1980 - Printed by R. White for Nevil Simmons ..., London, Michigan
- Making light of Christ and salvation too oft the issue of gospel-invitations, Microform - Printed by R. White for Nevil Simmons ..., London, England