Wehkomaonganoo asquam peantogig kah asquam quinnuppegig, tokonogque mahche woskeche peantamwog.
Onk woh sampwutteahae peantamwog. Wutanakausuonk wunneetou noh nohtompeantog.
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- Eliot, John, 1604-1690, tr. - Contributor
1688 - Printed by SG [i.e., Samuel Green] for the Corporation in London for the Indians in New England, Cambridge [Mass., Massachusetts
Word Count
47000 words, Guess
Page Count
188 pages
Physical Format
- Open LibraryOL14611384M
SermonsPuritansSalvationConversionChristianityGaelic languageTexts and translations
Richard Baxter (1615-1691)
Early works to 1800
Series Statement
- Early American imprints -- no. 440.
Other Editions
- Gairm an De mhoir do'n t sluagh neimh-iompoichte, iompochadh agus bith beo - 1750 - le Roib. agus Aind. Foulis Cloifheara an Oill-Tigh, Clo-bhuailt' ann Glassacha, Scotland
- Gairm an de mhoir do 'n t sluagh neimh-iompoichte, iompochadh agus bith beo - 1750 - Roib, Glassacha, Scotland
- A call to the unconverted to turn and live, and accept of mercy while mercy may be had, as ever they would find mercy in the day of extremity, from the living God - 1795 - Printed by and for W. Phorson, Berwick [Scotland, Scotland
- A call to the unconverted, to turn and live, Microform - 1811 - Printed for C. Dodge, by E. & E. Hosford, Albany [N.Y., No place, unknown, or undetermined
- A call to the unconverted, to turn and live: 7th American ed, Microform - 1812 - Thomas & Whipple, Salem, Mass, Massachusetts
- A call to the unconverted, to turn and live, Microform - 1813 - Printed by William Fessenden, Brattleborough, Vt, Vermont
- A call to the unconverted. - 1825 - The American Tract Society, New-York, No place, unknown, or undetermined
- A call to the unconverted: 2d Princeton ed. - 1827 - Princeton Press, printed by D.A. Borrenstein, Princeton, N.J., New Jersey
- A call to the unconverted - 1830 - A. Works, Richmond, Virginia
- Baxter's call to the unconverted. - 1831 - Lincoln and Edmands, Boston, Massachusetts
- A call to the unconverted ...: From the last London ed. - 1840 - Robert Carter, New York, New York (State)
- A call to the unconverted ... - 1842 - Robert Carter, New York, New York (State)
- Baxter's call. - 1848 - Waite, Peirce, Boston, Massachusetts
- A call to the unconverted to turn and live and accept of mercy while mercy may be had: The ninth edition, Microform - Printed by R.W. for N. Simmons ... and are to be sold by John Daniel ..., London, England
- Wehkomaonganoo asquam peantogig, kah asquam Quinnuppegig, tokonogque mahche woskeche peantamwog., Microform - Printeuoop nashpe Samuel Green kah Marmaduke Johnson., Cambridge [Mass., Massachusetts
- 60 other editions not shown