Of Mice and Men
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- Michael Ian Kaye - Cover Design
- Ross MacDonald - Cover Art and Illustrations
1993 - Penguin Books, New York, USA
Reading Length is an affiliate of the shops listed below, earning a percentage of your purchase as commission.Word Count
26750 words, Guess
Page Count
107 pages
Physical Format
- Internet Archiveofmicemenpenguin00john
- ISBN-139780140177398
- ISBN-100140177396
- Goodreads40698
- LibraryThing3657
and 3 more
- OCLC Control Number1003109997
- Better World Books9780140177398
- Open LibraryOL9304093M
- LCCPS3537.T3234
The second book in John Steinbeck’s labor trilogy, Of Mice and Men is a touching tale of two migrant laborers in search of work and eventual liberation from their social circumstances. Fiercely devoted to one another, George and Lennie plan to save up to finance their dream of someday owning a small piece of land. The pair seems unstoppable until tragedy strikes and their hopes come crashing down, forcing George to make a difficult decision regarding the welfare of his best friend. The novel is set on a ranch in Soledad, CA. Author Frank Bergon recalls reading Of Mice and Men for the first time as a teenager living in the San Joaquin Valley and remembers how he saw “as if in a jolt of light the ordinary surroundings of [his] life become worthy of literature.” Steinbeck works to propagate the notion that meaningful stories emerge from the marginalized; that even those on the fringes of society can make deserving contributions to the literary canon. Source: http://www.steinbeck.org/about-john/his-works/ ---------- Also contained in: - [Cannery Row / Of Mice and Men](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL23172W/Cannery_Row_Of_Mice_and_Men) - [Grapes of Wrath / The Moon is Down / Cannery Row / East of Eden / Of Mice and Men][1] - [Novels and Stories 1932-1937](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL23167W) - [Short Novels of John Steinbeck](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL23185W/The_Short_Novels_of_John_Steinbeck) - [Steinbeck](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL23183W/Steinbeck) - [Steinbeck Pocket Book](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL16051131W/The_Steinbeck_Pocket_Book) [1]: https://openlibrary.org/works/OL23165W/The_Grapes_of_Wrath_The_Moon_is_Down_Cannery_Row_East_of_Eden_Of_Mice_and_Men
They are an unlikely pair: George is “small and quick and dark of face”; Lennie, a man of tremendous size, has the mind of a young child. Yet they have formed a “family,” clinging together in the face of loneliness and alienation. Laborers in California’s dusty vegetable fields, they hustle work when they can, living a hand-to-mouth existence. For George and Lennie have a plan: to own an acre of land and a shack they can call their own. When they land jobs on a ranch in the Salinas Valley, the fulfillment of their dream seems to be within their grasp. But even George cannot guard Lennie from the provocations of a flirtatious woman, nor predict the consequences of Lennie’s unswerving obedience to the things George taught him. --back cover
First Sentence
A few miles south of Soledad, the Salinas River drops in close to the hillside bank and runs deep and green.
Other Editions
- Of Mice and Men, Hardcover - 1937 - P. F. Collier & Son Corporation, New York
- Of Mice and Men - 1937 - Penguin Books
- Of Mice and Men, Paperback - 1937 - Penguin
- Of Mice and Men: Heinemann Guided Readers - 1975-06-23 - Macmillan Education
- Of Mice & Men - 1979-06-12 - Modern Library
- Of Mice and Men: 1974 edition, 20th printing, Mass Market Paperback - 1982 - Pan Books, London
- Of Mice and Men: Film Tie-in edition (UK), Paperback - 1992 - Mandarin, London, England, No place, unknown, or undetermined
- Of Mice and Men, Paperback - 1993-09-01 - Penguin USA (Paper)
- Of Mice and Men, Paperback - 2001 - Klett
- Of Mice and Men: John Steinbeck Centennial Edition (25), Library Binding - 2002 - Paw Prints (Penguin Books), New York
- Of Mice and Men, eBook - 2009 - Penguin Group UK, London, England, New York (State)
- Von Mäusen und Menschen, Paperback - 2012-12-01 - dtv, Munich, Germany
- Ratos e Homens, eBook - 2013 - L&PM Pocket, Porto Alegre, Brazil
- Şoareci şi oameni: TOP 10+, eBook - 2017 - Editura POLIROM, Bucharest, Romania
- Of Mice and Men - 2018 - Independently Published
- 171 other editions not shown