The one thing necessary: or, Christ's justification of Mary's choice
and of his servants wrongfully accused. By Richard Baxter
Our rough guess is there are 36000 words in this book.
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1685 - printed for J. Salusbury, at the Atlas in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, London, England
Word Count
36000 words, Guess
Page Count
144 pages
Physical Format
- Open LibraryOL15432334M
Alternate Titles
- One thing necessary
- Christ's justification of Mary's choice
- One thing necessary, or, Mary's choice justified
BibleCommentariesChristian lifeBiblical teachingReward (Theology)Early works to 1800Merit (Christianity)Good works (Theology)Reward (Theology) -- Early works to 1800Merit (Christianity) -- Early works to 1800Good works (Theology) -- Early works to 1800Christian life -- Biblical teaching -- Early works to 1800Bible. -- N.T. -- Luke X, 40 -- Commentaries -- Early works to 1800
- Early works to 1800
Series Statement
- Early English books, 1641-1700 -- 2324:3