The poor man's family-book. I. Teaching him how to become a true Christian. II. How to live as a Christian towards God, himself, and others, in all his relations; especially in his family. III. How to die as a Christian in hope and comfort, and so to be glorified with Christ for ever. In plain familiar conference between a teacher and a learner. With a form of exhortation to the sick; two catechisms; a profession of Christianity; forms of prayer for various uses, and some psalms and hymns
Our rough guess is there are 26750 words in this book.
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This book will take an estimated to read at a reading speed averaging words per minute. With 30 minutes per day, this will take to read.
2004 - Alexander Street Press, Alexandria, VA, Virginia
Word Count
26750 words, Guess
Page Count
107 pages
Physical Format
Electronic resource
- Open LibraryOL50192718M
Series Statement
- Digital Library of Classic Protestant Texts