Ruby Holler

Ruby Holler

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Book Info


Creech, Sharon

Word Count

77,500 words

based on page count


310 pages

Edition Publisher


Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0060560150

ISBN-13: 9780060560157


"You are now entering Ruby Holler, the one and only Ruby Holler! Your lives are never going to be the same—"

"Trouble twins" Dallas and Florida are orphans who have given up believing there is such a thing as a loving home. Tiller and Sairy are an eccentric older couple who live in the beautiful, mysterious Ruby Holler, but they’re restless for one more big adventure. When they invite the twins to join them on their journeys, they first must all stay together in the Holler, and the magic of the place takes over. Two pairs of lives grow closer and are changed forever.

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