Billy Budd, Sailor (Phoenix Books)

Billy Budd, Sailor (Phoenix Books)

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Book Info


Melville, Herman

Word Count

57,500 words

based on page count


230 pages

Edition Publisher

University of Chicago Press

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0226321320

ISBN-13: 9780226321325


Hayford and Sealts's text was the first accurate version of Melville's final novel. Based on a close analysis of the manuscript, thoroughly annotated, and packaged with a history of the text and perspectives for its criticism, this edition will remain the definitive version of a profoundly suggestive story.

"The texts are impeccably accurate. . . . The collection is accompanied by an unobtrusive but expert annotation. . . . Probably Melville's finest short work, the incomplete 'Billy Budd,' [is] a striking reworking of the crucifixion set in the English maritime service of the Revolutionary period."—John Sutherland, The Los Angeles Times

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