Kane and Abel

Kane and Abel

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Book Info


Archer, Jeffrey

Word Count

164,000 words

based on page count


656 pages

Edition Publisher

St. Martin's Paperbacks

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0312942729

ISBN-13: 9780312942724


On April 15, 1906, two baby boys entered the world. One was born to a life of prosperity and ease, the other to a world of hardship and struggle. On different sides of the globe, they grew up - one shaped by a luxurious upbringing, fine schools, and a history he read; the other well tempered by war, slavery and the history he was part of.

William Lowell Kane, scion of a Boston banking family, and Abel Rosnovski, penniless Polish immigrant - one is gold, the other steel. Rosnovski is Kane's ultimate adversary, while Kane embodies everything that Rosnovski stands against. In their relentless battle, both men know that there can be only one victor - and one vanquished.

Across three generations and around a rapidly changing world, their war rages unchecked, for the love of a dream, the loss of an empire, and the lure of a fortune.

Two men, born on the same day into different worlds, both rise to success and fame -- but neither will be happy until the other is destroyed

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