Chicken with Plums (Pantheon Graphic Library)

Chicken with Plums (Pantheon Graphic Library)

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Book Info


Satrapi, Marjane

Word Count

24,000 words

based on page count


96 pages

Edition Publisher


Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0375714758

ISBN-13: 9780375714757


“Chicken with Plums is a feast you’ll devour.”

Acclaimed graphic artist Marjane Satrapi brings what has become her signature humor and insight, her keen eye and ear, to the heartrending story of a celebrated Iranian musician who gives up his life for music and love.

When Nasser Ali Khan, the author’s great-uncle, discovers that his beloved instrument is irreparably damaged, he takes to his bed, renouncing the world and all its pleasures. Over the course of the week that follows, we are treated to vivid scenes of his encounters with family and friends, flashbacks to his childhood, and flash-forwards to his children’s future. And as the pieces of his story fall into place, we begin to understand the breadth of his decision to let go of life.

The poignant story of one man, it is also stunningly universal—a luminous tale of life and death, and the courage and passion both require of us.

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