Riding Freedom

Riding Freedom

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Book Info


Munoz Ryan, Pam

Word Count

36,000 words

based on page count


144 pages

Edition Publisher

Scholastic Paperbacks

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0439087961

ISBN-13: 9780439087964


A reissue of Pam Munoz Ryan's bestselling backlist with a distinctive new author treatment.

In this fast-paced, courageous, and inspiring story, readers adventure with Charlotte Parkhurst as she first finds work as a stable hand, becomes a famous stage-coach driver (performing brave feats and outwitting bandits), finds love as a woman but later resumes her identity as a man after the loss of a baby and the tragic death of her husband, and ultimately settles out west on the farm she'd dreamed of having since childhood. It wasn't until after her death that anyone discovered she was a woman.

Riding Freedom is the recipient of Parenting Magazine's Reading Magic Award for 1998's Most Outstanding Children's Books and the San Francisco Chronicle's Best Books of 1998. It has been nominated for the 1999-2000 California Young Reader Medal and the 1999-2000 North Dakota Flicker Tale (also a young reader program where the children vote).

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