What Were the Salem Witch Trials? (What Was?)

What Were the Salem Witch Trials? (What Was?)

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Book Info


Holub, Joan

Word Count

28,000 words

based on page count


112 pages

Edition Publisher

Penguin Workshop

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0448479052

ISBN-13: 9780448479057


"Something wicked was brewing in the small town of Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692. It started when two girls, Betty Parris and Abigail Williams, began having hysterical fits. Soon after, other local girls claimed they were being pricked with pins. With no scientific explanation available, the residents of Salem came to one conclusion: it was witchcraft. Over the next year and a half, nineteen people were convicted of witchcraft and hanged while more languished in prison as hysteria swept the colony. Author Joan Holub gives readers and inside look at this sinister chapter in history"--Provided by publisher.

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