The Anti-Federalist Papers and the Constitutional Convention Debates (Signet Classics)

The Anti-Federalist Papers and the Constitutional Convention Debates (Signet Classics)

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Book Info


Ralph Ketcham

Word Count

120,000 words

based on page count


480 pages

Edition Publisher


Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0451528840

ISBN-13: 9780451528841


The complete texts of the documents that tell the story of the clashes and compromises that gave birth to the Unites States of America.

Should the members of the government be elected by direct vote of the people?
Should the government be headed by a single executive, and how powerful should that executive be? Should immigrants be allowed into the United States?
How should judges be appointed?
What human rights should be safe from government infringement?

In 1787, these important questions and others were raised by such statesmen as Patrick Henry and John DeWitt as the states debated the merits of the proposed Constitution. Along with The Federalist Papers, this invaluable book documents the political context in which the Constitution was born.

This volume includes the complete texts of the Anti-Federalist Papers and Constitutional Convention debates, commentaries, and an Index of Ideas. It also lists cross-references to its companion volume, The Federalist Papers, available in a Signet Classic edition.

Edited and with an Introduction by Ralph Ketchum

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