Gathering Blue (Giver Quartet)

Gathering Blue (Giver Quartet)

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Book Info


Lowry, Lois

Word Count

64,000 words

based on page count


256 pages

Edition Publisher

HMH Books for Young Readers

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0547904142

ISBN-13: 9780547904146


Lois Lowry won her first Newbery Medal in 1994 for The Giver. Six years later, she ushered readers back into its mysterious but plausible future world in Gathering Blue to tell the story of Kira, orphaned, physically flawed, and left with an uncertain future. This second book in the Giver Quartet has been stunningly redesigned in paperback.

As she did in The Giver and later Messenger, in Gathering Blue Lois Lowry challenges readers to imagine what our world could become, how people could evolve, and what could be considered valuable.

Lame and suddenly orphaned, Kira is mysteriously removed from her squalid village to live in the palatial Council Edifice, where she is expected to use her gifts as a weaver to do the bidding of the all-powerful Guardians.

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