The Courage of Sarah Noble (Ready-For-Chapters)

The Courage of Sarah Noble (Ready-For-Chapters)

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Book Info


Dalgliesh, Alice

Word Count

16,750 words

based on page count


67 pages

Edition Publisher

Atheneum Books for Young Readers

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0689715404

ISBN-13: 9780689715402


In 1707, young Sarah Noble and her father traveled through the wilderness to build a new for their family. "Keep up your courage, sarah Noble," her mother had said, but Sarah found that it was not always easy to feel brave inside. The dark woods were full of animals and Indians, too, and Sarah was only eight!

The true story of Sarah's journey is inspiring. And as she cares for her father and befriends her Indian neighbors, she learns that to be afraid and to be brave is the greatest courage of all.

An eight-year-old girl finds courage to go alone with her father to build a new home in the Connecticut wilderness, and to stay with the Indians when her father goes back to bring the rest of the family.

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