The Brockport Physical Fitness Test Manual

The Brockport Physical Fitness Test Manual

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Book Info


Short, Francis

Word Count

39,250 words

based on page count


157 pages

Edition Publisher

Human Kinetics

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0736000216

ISBN-13: 9780736000215


Teachers no longer have to adapt standard physical fitness tests to accommodate students with special needs. The all-new Brockport Physical Fitness Test is specifically designed to test the fitness of youths from ages 10 through 17 that have various disabilities. This manual and related materials provide teachers with everything they need to know to easily administer the test.

Years in preparation, the Brockport Test was developed through Project Target, a research study funded by the U.S. Department of Education and designed to develop a health-related, criterion-referenced physical fitness test. The manual presents all test items that comprise the Brockport Test, including

-a written description of the test items,

-how they are to be administered,

-what equipment is needed,

-ways of scoring the test,

-number of trials required,

-test modifications, and

-recommendations for easy test administration.

The manual's unique personalized approach allows the tester to

-identify health-related concerns,

-establish the components of physical fitness to be measured,

-identify test items,

-create unique physical fitness profiles, and

-apply standards associated with desired levels of health-related physical fitness.

The manual includes a special chapter that presents health-related, criterion-referenced test selection guides and standards for assessing physical fitness. Standards are presented in tabular form.

In all, The Brockport Physical Fitness Test Manual is an easy-to-follow, thorough guide that makes it easier for teachers to assess the fitness levels of students with special needs.

The Brockport Physical Fitness Test Manual is also available as part of a kit of coordinated resources that includes software, a training guide, measurement tools, and much more.

The book contains black-and-white illustrations.

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